I think it's hot

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(Y/N)'s pov:

I swerved through the traffic to Heathers. I slowly pulled into Heathers driveway and turned off the bike. I walked up and picked the key up from under the mat and went in.

 "Babe?" I called out. I heard music coming from upstairs and sighed. I went upstairs and went into her bedroom. Heather was laying on her bed, scrolling through her phone a music blasted through a speaker.

 "Hey." I said softly. "What's wrong?" I asked as I laid down next to her. "Nothing." She said. "Tell me." I said. "Im pissed." She said. "Who do I have to kill." I said. Heather smiled and rolled over to look at me. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Miss Flemming would be nice." She said. "Maybe for Christmas." I said. "Wait seriously?" She asked. I laughed and shook my head. "No baby." I said. "And if I wanted you too?" she asked. "Heather...Are you.. know what just think about it and ask me later if you still want me too." I said. "Ugh fine." She said. "Calm down." I said. 

"I feel like killing someone." She said. "Trust me you don't want to." I said. "What's it like?" She asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Killing someone?" I asked. "No learning ballet." She said sarcastically. "Well I've heard you fall a lot." I said smiling brightly. Heather smiled and shook her head as she laid on her side, facing me. "I meant killing someone." She said. "Don't worry about it okay?" I said as I kissed her and played with her hair. It's a rush. It feels good but bad. I'm not saying I like killing people but it's definitely fun to let everything out. It's exciting. "Tell me." She said. "Fine fine. You win." I said.

 "I always win." Heather said as she kissed me and laid her head on my chest. I smiled and played with her hair. "It's exciting. It's not how people show it on tv, close but not really. Killing someone isn't so easy. It takes planning and skill, you can't just go around killing at random, even Jason had a plan for the people he killed. It's meticulous and you have to turn off all emotions before and after. You can't just kill someone and leave evidence and dna everywhere. It's like a sport or i guess in your case consider it like putting on makeup and getting ready for school. You don't just throw on whatever and shake out your hair and your ready for school. You take the time to make sure everything is perfect, outfit, hair, makeup, no flaws by the time you get to school. That's how it is for you. Same for me, just different stuff. I have to make sure there's nothing left, not even a drop of blood." I said.

"I...Can I tell you something weird?" She asked. "Like you asking how it feels to kill someone wasn't weird enough?" I asked. Heather smiled and kissed my neck. "Thats a totally normal question." She said, "No I'm pretty sure it's not." I said. "Shut up dummy. Anyways." She muttered. "Alright fine what were you saying?" I asked. "I think it's hot." She whispered as her lips pressed against my neck, softly biting down on my skin. I bit my lip and looked down at her. "What?" I said. 

"I said.. Well to be to the point I kinda have hybristophilia." She said. "That's a big word baby. You sure you know what that is?" I teased. "At least I'm passing all my classes. Unlike someone." She said. I laughed and smiled. "Ouch." I said. "And just to prove I'm not dumb." She whispered before looking up at me. I smiled and touched my forehead against hers. "I'm attracted to people who have committed large crimes. You know robbery, assault, armed robbery.." She trailed off. Heather kissed up my neck and bit my ear. 

"Murder." She whispered. I smiled and bit her shoulder as she grinded on me. "Mm yeah I know what that means baby but how do you know what a big work like hybristophilia means?" I asked. "I looked it up." She said. "Did you ask Prue and Piper." I said smiling at her. "Maybe. But at least I remembered what I meant." Heather said. I laughed and smiled. "It's really not that hard baby." I said. 

"As if. I'm the stereotypical dumb rich hot white girl." She said. "You aren't dumb. Just a little slow." I said. "Wow you couldn't turn that into a compliment?" She said playfully. "I could've but I didn't think lying to you was the best idea." I said. "You're so mean." She said. 

"Says the girl who shoved some nerd into a locker and threw him into the janitors closet." I said. "I've done that with tons of people." She said. "Yeah. Mac. Duke. Ronnie. Me. Half the cheerleading team." I said as I kissed her. "Yeah but I didn't lock them in there." She said. "True. But you locked us in there for the entirety of lunch and half of 6th period." I said. "It's not my fault you turn me on so often." Heather said. I smiled as she kissed back and grabbed my hips. "Have you chilled out enough to go out?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "Yes. Maybe. If there's no one stupid." She said. I smiled and nodded. "No one but us." I said. "What's the occasion?" She asked. "Nothing just cause." I said. 

"I love you." Heather said as she kissed me and smiled. "I love you too." I said as I kissed back and bit her lip. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Nowhere you need to dress up." I said as I leaned down and kissed her neck. "Come on let's go." I said. "I'm only in shorts and a tank top at least let me get dressed." She said. "You don't need to get dressed. You could go naked for all I care." I said. "Actually no take that back it's fucking cold outside." I said as she started to pull her shirt off. "Can't you keep me warm?" She asked. "I can't drive around with you on my lap and a blanket around us. So no." I said. "You could. Please?" She asked. 

"You're insane....but sure if that's what you want." I said as I kissed her head and sat up. "Really?" She asked sitting up. I smiled and nodded. "Just don't make me crash." I said as I took off my jacket. Heather grabbed my jacket and put it besides her. I got up and stretched. Heather threw off her shirt and put on my jacket. I smiled and grabbed my converse. "Baby where are we going?" She asked as she grabbed her heels and put them on quickly. "Just for a drive." I said. "Come on let's go." I said as I went downstairs.

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