Shut up Bitch

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I woke up at 3 am. Ready for this to all be over. I know it's morbid. And I know it's wrong but there's no way for this to end that doesn't end in death. This isn't going to hurt us. Jason won't be a problem. Things will go back to normal and better. There's nothing for me to worry about, nothing for me to think about. It's simple and easy. I promise. 

Jason will be gone and Heather and I can go back. Of course I feel bed for leaving her there in bed without a note or anything to tell her where I'm at or what's about to happen. But that doesn't matter know, she'll text me when she wakes up. Sometimes she would try to text me when I was busy working out my plan, sometimes I responded, sometimes I didn't. This won't be like that. I'll text back in an instant nothing will distract me from her or this plan. 

 As I drive back to Heathers house I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders. It feels so much better. After getting everything I need and getting ready it was 11am. I felt my phone buzz. I smiled and pulled it out. Heather and Veronica text.

Heather: baby where are you?

I'm fixing my problems, don't worry I'm fine : (Y/N)

Heather: Babe when I asked you how to fix this I didn't mean killing him

I know..but it's the only way. If there was something else I could do. Then I'd do it. But this only ends in someone dying, and it's not going to be me or you: (Y/N)

Heather: please be careful...I don't want you to get hurt.

I promise I won't get hurt. I love you, I'll be back before midnight and everything will be okay: (Y/N)

Heather: I love you too. Can we go to the dance?

Uh...I don't think that's a good idea baby....: (Y/N)

Heather: Please? Just for a few minutes?

...hhh. Fine. Get dressed and Piper or Prue can drop you off.: (Y/N)

Heather: Why don't you want us to go?

Because I...well I was gonna kill Jason during the dance when no one was paying attention. : (Y/N)

Heather: What if someone notices?

Trust me they won't. I have everything taken care of, spare clothes in my locker, bleach, gloves. It'll be fine. :(Y/N)

Heather: But you'll come to the dance after

Yeah sure I'll be there: (Y/N)

Heather: okay see you there

Yea bye. Love you.: (Y/N)

Heather: Love you too.

I smiled and felt my head spin as I read her last text. I can't wait for this to be over.

Veronica: We need to talk

About what?: (Y/N)

Veronica: Jason just came by. He said he's going to bomb the school, I pretended to be dead.

When?: (Y/N)

Veronica: Tonight at the dance.

Alright.. You distract everyone and keep them away and I'll get Jason and the bomb to the field. : (Y/N)

Veronica: I'll try, what for?

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