One annoying ball of sunshine

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What the fuck has my life come too? I am stuck here, watching some crappy cliche movie with Mac on a Saturday night. I could be at a party. I could be getting wasted. But no, I'm here. Sitting on this tiny couch with an annoying ball of sunshine. This is the worst Saturday of my life. First Veronica and J.D. sneak off and make out in 7/11 while I'm stuck in the car waiting for corn nuts. Then of course Mac just has to ruin my plans to go to the party. If Mac never knew Ronnie and Jason were "dating" then I wouldn't be here. 

Honestly, I know Veronica is smart, but I'm just saying. She's not smart. Veronica is totally in love with Mac but they're both too blind to see it. God I hate feelings and all that crap. I mean yeah sure I'm head over heels for (Y/N) but at least I don't stutter like a lovesick fool everytime she walks by. Mac is losing it. She's a hopeless lesbian. I tried slapping some sense into Mac but apparently yelling and threatening to slap her in front of everyone isn't helping her "deal with all this emotional stress." Heather is such a baby. You don't see me crying every time (Y/N/N) walks by with some slut next to her. Literally no one cares Mac. Just move on. Yes I know this sounds harsh but remember who's talking. It's me, I'm a bitch, how else is Heather ever going to learn the world is not some sweet, kind, forgiving fairytale. God Mac is such a crybaby. She's been crying for an hour and I've tried everything. I'm not really good at comforting or feelings. Maybe I should call someone...but then again no. Like. Who the fuck would I call? Ronnie is the reason she's crying, Duke is a bitch, and I can't call Mac and make her help herself.

 There's only really two options. Either call a dumb jock to take her mind off Ronnie, or call (Y/N). God I can't call her. I mean do I even still have her number? And if I did, what would I tell her? Hey. It's Heather, sorry I kept your number but Mackie is crying and I don't know how to help. Like that'd go well. I mean....what if I just say I got it from Mac's phone. I know they text so I mean. Maybe. Maybe I could call her....No just text.  With Mac in the background sobbing and me stuttering like a fool it'd be a miracle if she actually understood anything I say. Fuck it. I picked up my phone and dialed her number. After a few seconds of ringing she picked up. "Hello?" She answered. "H-Hey..It's Heather." I said. "Oh. Hey what's up?" She asked. "Well see.....Mac is crying and I have no idea what to tell her." I said. Mac sobbed loudly. (Y/N) sighed and shifted around. "Mkay..well...I guess I can come over and help with her." She said. She sounded kinda disappointed. "W-well...I mean if you're busy that's fine I can just try a movie or something." God I sound pathetic. "Uh no it's fine I'll be over." She said. I smiled and bit my lip blushing like a child. "Okay, thanks." As soon as I hung up I felt anxious. 

God this looks bad. I mean I can't even help Mac. She probably thinks I'm heartless or something. As soon as she got here Mac seemed to calm down. Mac fell asleep pretty quickly after (Y/N) calmed her down. "What was she crying about?" She asked while gently stroking Mac's hair. I wish she would touch me like that. Even for a second. "Veronica. Mac is still totally in love of her but Ronnie is being dumb and sticking with Jason." I said. She nodded and sighed. "Ronnie loves Mac back but she's too chicken to say it." She said. "They're so stupid. I mean how could they not see how they look at each other. They're totally in love but so fucking blind." I said. Heather. What the fuck are you saying. You're being so obvious. (Y/N) isn't blind or deaf like Mac or Veronica. She's smart enough to figure it out. Good job Chandler you've officially screwed yourself. "Can you blame them? I mean. Jason's really pushing Ronnie to date him. And Mackie is corned with whatshisface." She said. "Still. I wish they would just kiss already and save everyone the trouble." I said. She sighed and looked away. "Maybe they're just scared to admit it." She said. She looked back to me and smiled. "I mean...if I loved someone but didn't think they loved me back I wouldn't tell them either." She said looking at me.

 I smiled and nodded. I felt myself lean forward a little. "Do you love someone?" I asked quietly. She stared at me and blushed slightly. "I do. Do you?" She asked, leaning towards me a little more. "Yeah..I do." I whispered. "Who?" She asked. I smiled and leaned closer to her. Our faces just inches apart. "Let's just say I've known her for a long time." She smiled and nodded. She looked away and sighed. I smirked and gently grabbed her chin. Don't screw this up Heather. One chance. One kiss.  I tilted her head back to me. "One last hint. She's here, and it's not Mac." I said. "Well we already knew you loved yourself Heather." She said. I chuckled and smiled fondly, stroking her cheek. "I didn't mean myself, idiot." I said, smiling. She blushed and smiled. "Just making sure we're on the same page." She said. She slowly leaned forward and kissed me. My eyes widened as she pressed her lips against mine. I felt a shiver run down my spine as she moved closer to me. I grabbed her chin and kissed back. She smiled and slowly pulled away, panting. I smiled and felt my cheeks burn up. She smiled and ran her hand through my hair.         "(Y/N)? " Mac asked, pulling her attention away from me. She sighed and moved away , going to Mac. I looked down and sighed. Mac and her talked quietly for a few minutes. 

(Y/N) smiled as Mac said goodnight and went upstairs to my guest room. She smiled and got up coming back, looking down at me. We leaned closer and kissed again. I pulled her closer and dipped my head down, licking her lip softly. She opened her mouth slowly and shivered as I slid my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed me onto the couch. She straddled me and put her arms around my neck pulling her up to me. She moaned softly as I bit her lip. I flipped us over and slowly pulled away. I smiled as I moved back and let her sit up. "Are you two done sucking face? Or should I pretend I didn't see that?" Mac asked. She smiled and laughed softly. "Shut up Heather." I said as I rolled my eyes and hit Mac's shoulder. "You should be thanking me." Mac said. "Fine. Thank you Heather." (Y/N) said. "Sooo. Are you guys finally dating?" Mac asked. (Y/N) smiled and blushed slightly. "Shut it or I'm calling Ronnie." She said. "You wouldn't dare. I'd tell Jason you kissed Heather." Mac said as she crossed her arms. "Are you trying to get me killed?" She said. "Why? What's he gonna do, shoot you?" Mac asked. "Probably." (Y/N) muttered quietly. "What?" Mac asked. "Huh? but he's just overprotective and shit. You know him. Anyways...I should probably go." She said. "You can't just leave me here with the demon queen." Mac said pouting. (Y/N) smiled weakly and shook her head. "She won't bite Mackie." She said. Mac sighed. "You'll be fine just don't mock her or provoke her." (Y/N) said. "Does that count teasing?" Mac asked. (Y/N) smiled and laughed softly. "No it doesn't. Have a field day teasing her Mackie." She said. I rolled my eyes as Mac smiled and waved. (Y/N) waved to Mac and turned to leave. I got up and walked with her to the front door. 

 I gently grabbed her arm as she stepped out to my porch. She turned around and smiled. "Yes?" She asked, smirking. "Wipe that smirk off your face and kiss me stupid." I said. She laughed and smiled. "Yes Ma'am." She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into her. She moved up and kissed me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist, kissing back. She but my lip pulled me closer. She ran her fingers through my hair and pulled away. She smiled and slowly moved back. "You're just gonna leave me with that annoying ray of sunshine?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "You'll be fine. Just text me." She said. "Great more things for Mac to tease me about." I said. She smiled and hugged me resting her head on my shoulder. I smiled and hugged back. "A little teasing never killed anyone." She said, as I rubbed her back soothingly. She smiled and nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck. "Fine. But you have to save me from another sitting of The Princess Bride. I can't take it anymore. Ronnie is trying to make me memorize every line." I said. She smiled and shook her head. "I'll see what I can do. Goodnight Heather." She said as she kissed my cheek and walked down the driveway. I felt myself smile dumbly and watch as she walked away. 

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