Go shove a bomb up your ass

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Warning: Smut 

*Three hours later*

I knocked softly on Heather's door and let out a shaky breath. It was now or never, I needed to tell Heather. Everything, even if she didn't believe me or called me crazy she needs to know. Heather opened the door and smiled. "Hey baby." She said. "Hey...uh babe can I talk to you?" I asked. "Uh...Yeah of course baby. Duke's here though." She said as she let me in. I sighed and walked in. "Hey Dukie." I said.

 "Hey loser. Where've you been?" She asked. "Around town." I said. I grabbed Heather's hand and pulled her upstairs. "Babe what's up?" She asked. "I...Uh...Well you know how I've been... it's like..um..fuck.." I said as I looked away. "Baby calm down. Take a breath." She said. "I am calm it's just.. it sounds so crazy." I said. "I won't call you crazy." She said. Heather hugged me tightly and smiled. "You can tell me anything." She said. "Even if I see Jason's ghost and now I'm planning to kill my dad." I whispered. "Even that. Now what's up?" She asked. 

"That." I muttered. "What?" She asked. "I wasn't joking when I said I see Jason's ghost. Or that we're planning to kill my dad." I said. "I believe you." Heather said. "Why?" I asked, nuzzling my face into her shoulder. "Turn around." She said. Heather grabbed my hand as I turned around. Jason leaned against the wall and waved. 

"You couldn't leave well enough alone could you?" He asked. "Jason fuck off." I said. "What are you doing? What if she tells someone? What if she doesn't want you to go through with it? Then what. We both know you'd pick her over me anyday." Jason said. "Can we talk about it later asshole. You weren't supposed to be here." I said. "I am literally attached to your soul." He said. "Can't you go sit downstairs or something?" I asked. "And be alone with Duke? I don't think so." He said. "She won't even know you're there." I said. "Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." He said as he disappeared. 

"Come here." Heather said as she laid down on the bed. I laid down with her and put my head on her shoulder. Heather wrapped her arms around me and smiled. "I won't stop you if that's what you want to do." She mumbled. "If you kill him. It won't change anything between us, you know that. You know I love you more than anything else." She said. "I love you too...but I just... I don't know how to pull it off. Jason has it planned out. Any minute my dad will call me and demand I do a song for the talent show. The song will be one Jason wrote before he died, but dad will say it was Jason's dying wish to perform it. He'll convince the principal to allow it. It's just...killing dad and making him disappear is the hard part." I said. "You'll figure it out babe, you always do. But for now just let me hold you." Heather said. I sighed and nodded, melting into her chest as she wrapped her arms around me tightly. 

"Are you okay now?" She asked softly. "Yes." I muttered as she dragged her nails up and down my back. I closed my eyes and felt everything melt away besides Heather. The feeling of her arms around me, her nails slowly going up and down my back lulling me to sleep. Heather kissed my head and picked up her phone texting Duke.

Demon Queen: Hey (N/N) fell asleep on top of me so im stuck upstairs

Puke: That's cool, I need to go help mac finish her book report... what's wrong with her?

Demon Queen: Her dad's forcing her to sing some weird song Jason wrote for the talent show.

Puke: What song?

Demon Queen: I don't know she didn't say

Puke: Mkay, well I'll let myself out and lock the door. Bye

Demon Queen: Okay bye

I shifted in my sleep and hugged Heather tightly. Jason floated back into the room and shook his head. "Such a fuck up." He muttered. "I know what you are Jason. Now be quiet she's sleeping." Heather whispered. "Oh please. She blocks me out. I've yelled in her ear and she's stayed asleep." He said. "Can't you just go somewhere else and leave us alone." She mumbled. I groaned softly and sighed.

 "Heather stop arguing with Jason." I muttered. "Baby go back to sleep." She said. "Easier said than done." I said. "Deal with it loser. Anyways you need to get up, you have a song to finish." Jason said. "Fuck man really?" I asked as I hid my face in Heather's chest. "Yes. Now get up." He said as he hit my head. Heather glared at him and flipped us over, putting me underneath her. I sighed and looked up at her. She smiled softly and kissed me. I smiled and kissed back. "Gross. Can we go now?" Jason said. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Or we could work here." I said. "Jesus fucking christ! Maybe I need to remind you what we're doing. This song could literally be the end for you, whatever friendship you have with Ronnie and whatsherface will be long dead by the time you finish on stage." Jason said. "Wait what?" Heather asked confused. 

"Hard to explain....Think of it like when you made Ronnie cut ties with Martha. Only it's me and I may or may not be friends with either of them when I finish." I said. "You know that if you-" "She knows!" Jason yelled glaring at Heather. "Knock it off Jason, go shove a bomb up your ass." I said. "Don't be a pussy." Jason said, moving closer to me. "Don't yell at my girlfriend and dont act like you can do whatever you want just because you're dead." I said glaring at him. "Psh someone's mad. A little yelling never hurt anyone." He said. I sighed and shook my head. "I wish you would've offed yourself years ago. Or better yet just say dead instead of coming back to piss me off." I said glaring at him. "Someone's in a mood." He said as he faded away. "God he gives me such a migraine." I muttered as I laid down on her bed and rubbed my forehead. "Relax baby." Heather mumbled as she kissed my forehead and wrapped her arms around me. I smiled and nuzzled my head into her shoulder. 

"Stay here tonight." She whispered as she dragged her nails up and down my back. I sighed and melted into her. "I shouldn't." I said quietly. "Yes you should baby." She said back. I smiled and kissed her neck. "I need to figure out what to do babe." I said as I tried to get up. "Think about it later." She whispered as she ran her hands up and down my back. I felt her gently squeeze my ass and laughed softly. "Babe no. I have to-" Heather grabbed my face and kissed me roughly. "Relax." She whispered as she licked my lip and pulled my hips closer to hers. "Babe I have to go." I whined as she hugged me. I sighed and kissed her. Heather smiled and kissed back as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I felt her tongue slide over my bottom lip asking for entrance and blushed. I slowly opened my mouth as she flipped us over and slid her tongue in. I moaned softly as her tongue danced with mine and her nails dug into my wrists as she pinned me to the bed. I shivered as she pulled away smiling. 

"You sure you want to go?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "I literally hate you." I said. "Aww don't be like that baby. You know you love me." Heather whispered as she started to kiss my neck. "H-Heather don't." I muttered. "I don't think you want me to stop...Do you?" She whispered in my ear as she dragged her nails down my body and stopped just above my hips. "Answer me baby. Do you want me to stop?" She whispered as she slowly moved her hand into my (jeans or skirt). I but my lip and whined softly. "It doesn't...feel like you do." She muttered as she ran 2 fingers over my clit. I gasped softly and moaned. "I-I...Ugh shut up and fuck me." I whispered as I slowly grinded on her fingers. "Stay still then baby." Heather said as she moved back down to my neck and roughly pushed my chin back and bit down on my pulse spot. I felt a surge of pleasure run through my core as her teeth sunk into my sink. I moaned and grabbed her hair. "Mm you like it when I'm rough with you baby?" Heather said as she thrust 2 fingers deep into me roughly. I bit my lip and moaned quietly. Heather smirked and used her knee to spread my legs. "Let me hear you babygirl." Heather said as she pulled off my shirt and kissed my neck. I moaned softly and pulled off her blazer and shirt. 

Heather kissed me and pulled down my (jeans/skirt). I spread my legs and kissed back. She smiled and slowly pushed my panties aside as she pinched my clit. My eyes rolled back into my head as I moaned loudly. Heather bit my lip and started thrusting hard into me. I moaned into her mouth and grinded down on her. Heather smirked and thrust faster. I moaned loudly and threw my head back panting loudly.

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