Today is a perfect day for murder

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October 18th, 2019

Dear Heather,

Today is it. I'm leaving early to set up everything. I have a plan. Two bullets to the head and this will be over. It sounds morbid, fucked up even. And it is. But if you have a better idea...sorry but it's a little late. I've got everything worked out. 

Tonight is the dance. Mac text and told me she was planning to ask Ronnie out. Ronnie says she's breaking up with Jason and wants to ask Mac out. Finally they're getting around. All it took was me telling Mac that Ronnie was breaking up with Jason soon and Mac was single again since Kurt and Ram got together in the hospital. Things were getting better. 

I was eating and talking again. I felt good. Today is perfect. Nothing can ruin my mood. Not even Jason. Soon Jason won't even be a problem. I know I won't get caught. I know you'll start to freak when you wake up and realize I'm not there. But I'll come back. I could never just leave you without planning to come back. Even when I moved I planned on coming back. I can't leave now. 

I'm so close to everything I've ever wanted. Then again I already have everything I've ever asked for. I have you. I love you. I know I haven't said it as much as I used to when we first got here. But you'll hear it everyday. You'll know how much I love you once Jason is finally gone. I love you more than you could ever know. More than you will ever know. But you should know I love you. You should know I can't live without you.

Always Yours- (Y/N)

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