Too many questions

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Heather's POV:

I have so many questions. One is obviously where or how she got those bruises....Who hurt her? I wish I knew. I felt like killing whoever hurt her. She made it seem like no big deal. Like it's just happened before and she wasn't worried. It's starting to worry me. 

At school unless she's around her friends she's emotionless, but then as soon as Mac and Veronica start talking it's like someone gave her espresso, she gets really hyper and blushes. Maybe she has a crush on Mac? Or Veronica? But then again no because Jason obviously likes Veronica and she'd never do that to him. I notice whenever I walk by or stop to chat Mac has this irritating smirk on her face. Like she knows something I don't and I'll kill her if she keeps doing it. Duke is worse though, she seems to enjoy watching people suffering, I mean yes I make then suffer and I still laugh but only because it's my job, if I wasn't the one pushing people down and showing them how the world works, no one would ever get anywhere. You think Ram and Kurt were always this popular? You think Mac would be where she is if I hadn't come along. I made them. Everything they are is thanks to me. Their reputations are my reputation. 

Duke is lucky enough to make the cut of people I help. She's got money, I'll give her that, and the not so discernible personality helps her. But she's pushing it. I can't believe her, people say I'm arrogant, but have they seen her? Like really have they? She's worse. And yet somehow she's friends with Mac, who is basically the sweetest person you'll ever meet, Mac is friends with the nerd I'm using, Veronica, Veronica is friends with the love of my life. That's how The Heathers work. The only real members are Mac and myself. Although I'd never tell Veronica or (Y/N) that. How could I explain that? That I'm using Veronica to get to (Y/N), that Veronica isn't going to last long in my group. That's not going to work well, or do anything in my favor, so they'll never know. I'm starting to think asking (Y/N) to stay was a mistake, she's been on the phone for a while. Jason was always the type to be suspicious or jealous of people especially when it came to her. 

For some reason he always needs to know what she's doing, who she's with. It's weird but she just makes it look normal. (Y/N) walked in, smiling, or at least it looked like she was smiling. It's hard to tell, around people she doesn't like it's hard to tell whether or not she's being fake. I don't even know if she wants to be friends or talk. Maybe she's just being nice, or she wants something. For the first time in years I feel nervous. My head tells me to go slow, to just be friends and slowly get her there. But my heart tells me to just pin her against the closest thing and kiss her until she passes out. I want so many things, most are innocent enough... you know waking up next to her, holding her hand, showing her off, if she doesn't want to do anything besides lay down next to me and watch the stars for forever I'd be okay with that. If all she wanted to ever do with me was talk for hours and hours on end I'd listen to every word. I'd do anything for her.

Reader's Pov:
Jason's gonna kill me, literally kill me. If I wasn't in love with Heather I'd have already jumped out the window and ran home. Considering this house is 2 stories and Heather's room is on the 2nd floor. I'd survive the fall, barely a scratch on me. But then I'd have to explain why I jumped over the fence to her backyard, then jumped out her window and into her backyard. Not exactly how I'd like to start off with her. "'ve you been?" I asked awkwardly. Heather looked at me and smiled. "I've been better, it's not exactly easy being me." She said. I shrugged and nodded. "I would trade with you but that'd be considered a cruel and unusual punishment." I said. Heather chuckled lightly, shaking her head. "You haven't lost your sense of humor." She said. I smiled, trying not to drool over her. "What makes your life worse than mine?" She asked. Well fuck. Lie. Just lie. "Grades and...stuff." I said. "Stuff?" Heather asked curiously. Could this get any worse? Then again Veronica could come in any second and demand to know what's on my arm and how I got it. Or if I'm really low on luck Jason will show up and drag me out. Hell with my luck Jason's just gonna show up and beat me to a pulp in front of Heather. Literally anything could happen to me. For once I have something other than myself to worry about. Jason would kill me and Heather if she hurts me again. He's almost killed me a few times. I'd be lucky to ma-

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