This is a 7/11, not a fight club

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It's been 3 days since I went over to her house. I don't know what moment I'm just trying to make Mac stop crying and then next I'm kissing Heather goodbye at her front door. We've texted a bit. Not about us just drama. Who's killing who, how Ronnie and Mac are doing. Stuff like that. We're not officially dating but then we kind of are. It's kind of confusing actually. I mean the amount of times I've been shoved into a janitor's closet this week is insane. Jason almost caught us making out. And Duke and Ronnie insist on pointing out the hickies and laughing. Which only ends in us trying to shut them up and turning bright red. Every time Mac sees us she screams like a child and pushes us closer together. Jason is getting suspicious, he's already following me around to make sure I don't screw anything up. He knows Veronica doesn't want to be with him but he won't let anything get in between them. He's insane.

 Right now I'm stuck in 7/11 waiting for Jason to just fucking choose a slushie. We've been here forever. "Can't you just pick cherry so we can go? This is hell." I said as I picked up my slushie and took a sip. "I want cherry but I want raspberry too." Jason said as he looked between the two options. "Just mix and have both." I said impatiently. I heard the door open and looked up. Chandler, Duke and Ronnie walked in. Talking about some party. "Would you shut up, I'm trying to decide!" Jason screamed as he turned around and glared at me. The store went silent, all eyes on us. "Jesus Veronica. You're boyfriends throwing a temper tantrum." Duke said. Veronica stared at us and shook her head. I could tell Jason was close to snapping. "Shut up Heather. This doesn't concern you." Jason said. Jason grabbed me by my arm and pulled me closer. I gulped and shifted trying to wiggle free. "Jason stop it!" Ronnie said coming over to pull me away. Heather and Duke walked over and shoved him back. "What the hell is wrong with you Jason." Ronnie said. "Nothing." He said. 

He shook himself off and turned around grabbing my slushie and throwing it away. "Hey! That was mine!" I said. I pushed him and glared at him. The store manager walked over and glanced between us. "I don't know if you realize this. But this is a gas station not a fight club. And we don't appreciate this kind of behavior here." He said glaring at us. I nodded and forced a smile. "Of course Sir. You'll have to excuse us. Siblings and all." Jason said. The manager nodded and walked away. "What the fuck did you do that for!" I said, trying not to yell. "Maybe you shouldn't piss me off then." He said. "Just because you-" "Guys! Enough." Veronica said moving between us. I stepped back and leaned against the counter. "Veronica move I'm not done yelling at my sister." Jason said. Luckily Duke seemed to be in a good mood. "Yes you are. She's coming with us." Duke said. "I am?" I asked. "You are." Chan said. Veronica nodded. "But my slushie." I said. "Ronnie get her a new slushie." Chandler ordered. "You got it." Ronnie said. She moved around Jason and looked back at me. "Cherry." I said. I looked down and picked at my sleeve as Jason glared at me. I felt someone put their arm around me. I looked up and smiled as Chandler looked at me. Heather smiled as Veronica came back with my slushie. "Fine. But you." Jason said grabbing my sleeve before I could walk away. "You are so dead when you get home." Jason whispered. I gulped and nodded nervously. "Leave her alone." Heather said, moving between us and gently grabbing my hand. She quickly pulled me away and dragged me outside.

 "What was all that about?" She asked. "I didn't pay for-" "Don't worry about that. I asked you a question. Now answer me." She said. I looked away and sighed. "Get in the car." She said. Duke and Ronnie walked out holding a bag of candy and corn nuts. "Heather it's fine." I said. "Give us a minute." Heather said. Duke and Veronica nodded and went back to the front of the store. "(Y/N) talk to me." She said softly. "There's nothing to talk about. It's fine." I said. "No it's not. Now tell me why you were arguing." She said. She moved closer and gently cupped my face. I pulled back and shook my head. "Not here." I said. Hurt flashed across her face for a second before she looked away. "Fine..If you won't tell me why you were arguing at least just come hang out for the day with us." She said. I nodded. I quickly looked around and made sure Jason wasn't around. I leaned forward and kissed Heather quickly. She smiled and blushed slightly. "Let's go then." I said. She smiled and waved to Ronnie and Duke. Duke walked over and smirked. "Hey lovergirl. Your ears are red." Duke said as she patted my shoulder and got in Heather's Porsche. I rolled my eyes and got in next to her. "Can you maybe not tease me." I said. "Now where's the fun in that." Ronnie said. "Ugh you guys suck." I said.

 Heather laughed and started the car and drove to her house. I sighed and stayed silent, leaning my head against the window, watching as everything quickly passed by. "You might want to hold on." Duke said. "Why?" I asked. "Heather's about to make a turn." Ronnie said, tightening her seatbelt. "What's she gonna do, flip the car?" I asked. "I might." Heather said as she sped up. "I'll risk it. The hospital sounds better than my house." I said. I laid my head on the window and sighed as the car's wheels screeched and we turned onto the road leading to Heather's house. "Jesus Christ Heather what are you trying to do?" Duke said as she picked up some candy that had flown out during the turn. "I'm driving stupid." Heather said as she pulled into her driveway and turned off the car. "We know. But let me outta here. Someone else needs to drive me home later." Veronica said. "I'll drive. But only if I can stay over." I said as I got out. "Deal. But why?" Veronica asked as Duke and Chandler went ahead and went inside. "Because I don't feel like going home." I said. "Because Jason's mad at you?" Veronica asked. "Yeah sure." I said. I sighed and walked inside.

 I put my slushie down on the table and walked into the restroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I leaned against the sink and sighed. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted my dad telling him I was going to stay at a friends house, he said it was fine but I felt anxious. As soon as Jason found out I wasn't coming home he'd come and get me. To at least beat me up. Maybe if I was lucky I'd be able to stay but I doubt it. Most people would just disable their phones but I actually need mine on. My phone sends a notification everytime Jason's phone is within 50 feet. "(Y/N)! Hurry up!" Duke said through the door. "Can't you hold your puke for a few more seconds?" I asked. I quickly rolled down my sleeves and made sure to cover all the bruises before washing my hands. "No I can't now get out!" She said. I opened the door and quickly stepped aside as she ran in and threw up in the toilet. "Gross Heather." I said as I grabbed her scrunchie and tied her hair back. I pat her back and got up grabbing a washcloth. Once Duke finished throwing up I handed her the towel and left. I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone scrolling through my Instagram feed. I felt someone sit next to me but didn't look up. "Why are you and Jason fighting?" Veronica ased. I sighed and shook my head. "Because we can." I said. "That's not a reason. Tell me." Veronica said. "Ronnie quit it. We were just arguing it's fine." I said. "No it's not. I've never even seen you raise your voice but as soon as Jason pissed you...." Veronica said. "Ronnie just drop it!" I shouted. Veronica jumped back, shocked that I had yelled. I wasn't really the type to yell or cause fights. Or at least, I wasn't before 8th grade. 8th grade was probably the worst time to be me. Jason beating me constantly, teachers flunking me and detentions that seemed to never end. It was hell. Eventually I snapped and fought back. I broke Jason's arm and knocked him out. Ever since then I try not to get too pissed off. "(Y/N) what's with you? You're acting so..." Veronica trailed off, failing to find the right words. 

Was all the drama getting to me? Yes. Was everything going on with Heather getting to me? Yes. Was Jason yelling at me the last straw? Probably. "I'm fine." I said. Heather and Heather had sat across from us, obviously listening in on the conversation. "No you're not. You've never yelled like that." Duke said. "Fuck it. I'm done." I said. I grabbed my slushie and opened the window. I climbed out and jumped to the ground. I walked down the driveway and slowly walked around. I eventually walked into a park and sat under a tree. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged myself. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and this time I couldn't stop the tears that followed. I put my head down and cried silently. My head swan. Breaking down in the middle of a park probably wasn't the best idea.

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