Chapter 2- The Awakening

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It's been a week since Aang has been shot by lighting, and he's still in coma. I'm worried about him. Katara wanted me to use my spiritual water on him but I refused. He's already alive, he's just in coma.

I didn't feel like getting up out of bed. I've been laying here all day. I just don't have the motivation to even get up. I'm not depressed i'm just...sad. I don't know what to do, or think. I'm worried about everything.

"Are you okay? You've been laying here for a while." A familiar voice said. I moved the cover off of my face and saw Sokka standing over me. My lips curled into a smile.

"Somebody is happy." Sokka laughed. He sat on the bed.

"Did Aang w-wake up?" I sat up.

"No. Nice hair." He laughed. I looked at him confused. He pulled a mirror out from the drawer and pointed it to me. My hair was a mess and it looked like a lion mane.

I felt the boat stop, I was starting to get motion sickness from the boat constantly moving, and now I feel a tad better since it stopped. Sokka sat back down on the bed but closer than before. I tried to fix my hair with my hands.

"Recently you've been laying in bed all day. Are you sure you're okay?"

"A lot has been on my mind." I'm surprised I didn't stutter.

"Wanna talk about it? I'm a great listener!"

"I'm good." I got up and fixed up my wrinkled clothes."L-Lets go"

We walked back up and was surprised to see 2 more people on the ship. It was a big, taller guy and a small one next to him.

"W-Who's this?" I pointed.

"Y/n this is Duke and Pipsqueak." Katara said.

"Hello." I said.

"Sup." The bigger one said, which is surprisingly Pipsqueak.

2 weeks went by. I was back in that room where I found that note. I tried looking for other clues where my mother may have went but I didn't see anything else. My voice has gotten a lot better, it's not raspy, it's a little more deep and sometimes it would crack, and I still have that god awful stutter.

"Handsy, you would have not believe this!" Sokka shouted.

"H-How did you know I was down here?

"Because you're always down here. Anyway Aang is awake!" He grabbed my hand and we ran to the dock where Aang was at. He was standing beside of Katara, hugging her.

"Aang!" I said, hugging him and then letting go.

"What's going on? Why are we on a fire nation ship?" Aang said, rubbing his hair. Over the course of 3 weeks his hair grown out, so has Sokka's. Sokka's hair is more longer which is mmm perfect.

Sokka told Aang everything, from him getting knocked out, to Katara saving him, stealing this ship, and even telling him that the world thinks he's dead. So now nobody is after us.

"Oh yeah we're also traveling in the Serpents Pass." Sokka said.

"The world thinks I'm dead?" He frowned at that. I spotted an actual fire nation ship. I gasped and got their attention.

"W-We have to hide!"

Appa hid under this huge tarp. The rest of us hid behind it. Hakoda and Bato started talking to the other Fire Nation Guards. I hugged my knees, hoping that we wouldn't have to fight again. I saw Toph perked up. "They're gonna sink us." She said. We all got out of hiding. Toph metalbended their ship, making some of the people fall into the water. Katara water bended the boats, making us separate from the other boat.

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