Chapter 16- The Invasion pt. 2

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I was still on Appa, I felt too awkward to be down there with their dad and the others. Toph found her way back to us, she was with the other earth benders before hand. Something caught my eye in the sky.

"Aang!" I shouted. He landed next to Sokka and Katara.

"I thought you were defeating the Fire Lord?" Katara said.

"He's not here." Aang looked disappointed.

"He must've known about the plan some how. He's probably hiding underneath a secret bunker." Sokka said.

"Are we gonna continue the invasion?" I asked.

The four exchange glances and looked back up at me.

"We'll continue. Sokka, Toph, you and I will search for him underground. Katara do you mind staying here with everybody else?" Aang told me, then gave his attention to Katara.

"I'll stay up here. You guys go."

We went underground and follow Toph. She could sense where the bunker would be at.

"It's near a volcano." She said.

Sokka was right behind me. I felt a touch on my shoulder, I whipped my head around to see him.

"If something happens, you can blood bend. I won't mind."

I smiled at him softly, "Thank you."

The tunnel that we were walking through was dark and a bit warm since it was next to a volcano. I couldn't really see that well. I laughed to myself, Toph can't see at all. Okay I should stop.

"We're here." Toph said. She bended the metal doors that was in front of us.

A Fire Nation Noble was standing behind the now opened doors. Aang cornered the guy.

"Where's the Fire Lord." He said through gritted teeth.

"It's on the left! You can't miss it." The nobleman shakingly said.

"It's the Solar Eclipse." Sokka said quietly.

We ran to the door. Aang blasted the door opening, getting ready to fight the Fire Lord.

But it was Azula.

"Azula?" Aang said.

"I've known about the invasion for months." She smirked. "I'm not even surprised that you're alive."

"Where's the Fire Lord! And don't lie because I can sense if you're lying." Toph pointed at her.

"Oh really? I'm a pretty good liar. I'm a 7ft tall purple platterduck with 2 horns."

"....Fine you're good."

Azula's body language didn't even change the slightest bit.

We heard a thud behind us. 3 Dia Li Agents dropped from the ceiling and started fighting us. Aang, Toph and Sokka were fighting the Di Li while I was fighting Azula. Even when she's powerless she's still a good fighter.

I used water bending to freeze her legs but she keeps getting away from me. I even tried using vines to trap her to the rock wall. After a third try I got her with the vines. They wrapped around her body, getting tighter.

"Oh Y/n, I remember your parents. Your father was a fan of mine. Zhao was jealous that I was more powerful than you. And your poor mother, shame that she ran away."

"Azula stop."

She was only distracting me, I made the vines go tighter around her body.

"I know where she ran off to. She's close."

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