Chapter 13- Powerful

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Everybody looked at me. "I don't know." I lied. Maybe...just maybe she blood bended. But I can't say for sure.

"Well it's late and we should get to bed soon. Oh yes I forgot, Katara and Y/n I want to tutor you guys."

"I would love to!" Katara said.

"Actually I don't really want to. I think I'm already good enough." I nervously laughed. I really wish I was mute now.

"Oh come on don't be selfish. I think it will be fun just the 3 water benders." Katara smiled at Hama.

No you don't understand I really shouldn't be around her, if she can blood bend what will happen with me? She knows I can do that, just by reading her body.

"I'm good, really."

"Alright, doesn't matter." Hama said.

The 5 of us went back to the room we were staying in and got ready for bed. Katara sat beside of me, taking her hair down from the basic style.

"Y/n whats wrong? I'm worried about you."

"I just don't want to be around her. I can literally feel her blood. Katara....I think she's a blood bender."

"What? Why?"

"Well since I thought I 'created' blood bending I've been thinking of what will happen if I ran into one. I'm pretty sure once you blood bend your body changes, literally. And other people who have blood bended in the past can sense the other blood benders. I can sense Hama's blood, and I'm sure she can sense mine." I whispered since everybody else was trying to sleep.

"I doubt Hama learned that. You're already powerful enough, you blood bended a spirit for the first time. Besides I'm sure Hama would've told you that she is."

"I guess so..."

"I'm still going to go with her tomorrow, but don't worry I can take care of myself." She gave me a reassuring smile.

I laid down, soon drifting to sleep.


"Wake up, do you wanna go on an adventure?" Toph said.

"Ever since like December we've been going on adventures." I laughed.

"Fine stay here." She crossed her arms.

"Toph, Aang and I going to figure out about who this supposedly angry moon spirit is." Sokka said.

I gave in and went with them to town. We briefly walked through the area, which by the way this area is beautiful. Cherry Blossom trees are everywhere, and even (favorite flower) are spread out.

"You like the view?" Sokka said. I picked up the flower and put it in my hair.

"I love it."

"Wow you look great with that flower in your hair." His eyes widen.

"This town is surrounded by natural beauty. The townsfolks didn't mess with it, so why is the spirit mad?" Aang said. "Excuse me sir." Aang said to the old man. "Do you know anything about the angry spirit?"

"I saw the spirit. Well I never saw it but I felt possessed. The spirit made me walk towards the mountains, I couldn't control my body at all. It was horrible. But to my luck the sun rose and I could control my movements again."

Wait, couldn't control his movements? I was about to say something but Aang whispered in my ear.

"Uh Y/n, I don't think you're the only blood bender." I started to reply but Toph interrupted me.

"I heard screaming from down under the cave!"

They were going to go to the cave where Toph heard screaming. But since the full moon was out I was going to try to talk to Yue. Recently I couldn't stop thinking about my own mother, my birth mother. If I could talk to Yue maybe she could tell me. I always wondered if my mother could blood bend as well, and if that's why I could do it so easily.

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