Chapter 18- The Firebending Masters

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Zuko and Aang went training this morning, far away from everybody else. The Duke, Haru and Teo decided to go back to their homes, so they also left this morning.

Meanwhile, Katara, Toph, Sokka and I were being bored out of our minds. Sokka and I tried to not look like a couple, we sat maybe a foot away from each other. Dating is awkward.

"What's up with you two?" Katara raised her eyebrow.

"Nothing! We're just sitting." I laughed nervously.

"Yep! Just 2 good friends, sitting beside of each other." Sokka stuttered.

"I can sense that something is up." Toph smirked.

"Well I'm bored who wants to go swimming?" I stood up.

"I would like to go swimming." Katara said.

And with that we climbed down the cliff, with Appa's help of course, and splashed around in the water.

"Wanna fight?" I said to Sokka.

"You're on. But no using bending, just wrestle. We have to push one another into the water." He smirked.

He didn't wear a shirt, just his normal undergarments with his hair down. I had to change mine, the top was strapless and my bottoms were super short, showing my whole leg.

"Wow Y/n you must look great today." Toph bended a small rock to make it float around her.


"Well because Sokka's heart rate got faster."

I choked on my own spit and looked at Sokka. He looked away, blushing at her comment.

We shook it off and started to wrestle each other. I twisted his arm so he would fall to the ground with my command. Once he was on the ground I straddle his hips and pinned his arms above his head so it would be easier to roll him into the water.

"You think that'll stop me?" He said. He rolled over and got on top of me, with my arms pinned above my head and him sitting on my waist. I could tell we were both uncomfortable because of this situation right now.

He pushed me and I rolled down the small hill, but I quickly caught myself. I ran towards him and pulled him down with me, so we were both rolling down the small hill. I caught myself again, letting him fall into the water.

"Haha! I won!"

He grabbed my ankle, making me fall into the water with him.

"I like that game." He said, the water we were in was pretty shallow, it only went to our stomachs when we sit down.

"Are you two done flirting again?" Katara jokingly said.

We pushed each other away. "What? No only couples do that and we are in fact not a couple." Sokka said.

We rode on Appa back up to the Western Air Temple. I got dried off and put back on my invasion clothes since they weren't completely ruined.

That night while fixing up a camp fire and food, Zuko and Aang came back.

"I lost all of my stuff." Zuko said.

"Don't look at me! I didn't touch your stuff." Toph replied.

"No I meant I lost my fire bending."

Katara laughed. "It would be convenient if you lost it months before." She said out of spite.

"You must not have your anger anymore to charge your fire bending." Aang said.

"I know! Then let's make him angry!" Sokka got up and started poking him. I kept my laughter to myself.

Zuko pushed him off. "I don't want to rely on anger for my bending."

"How about learn from the original source?" Toph said.

"Oh yeah! Just learn from volcanos." Sokka smiles proudly. I can't believe I'm dating him.

"Anyway...I learned from the badger moles. When I was younger, I ran away and hid in a cave, meeting them. They were blind, like me, and they understood each other. They taught me earthbending, not just as a martial art, but as an extension of my senses as badgermoles did not use to fight, but to interact with the world." She said proudly.

"The Air Nomads taught me that flying bison were the original airbenders." Aang pointed to Appa, and which Appa let out a growl.

"The dragons were the original firebenders, but they have been extinct for some time."  Zuko replied.

"Really? When I was younger they were every where." Aang said, flabbergasted at Zuko.

"For the water benders it was the moon, the moon pulls and pushed the tides. And the Koi fish as well. But I learned from watching other people's body movements. I can even blood bend without the moon because I study body movement and language." I smiled.

"Woo! Go Handsy!" Sokka yelled.

Zuko looked at me confused, "Wait, that was the thing you did to me when Azula almost killed Aang?"

"Oops, yeah, sorry about that."

Zuko rubbed the back of his neck. "There's an  ancient civilization that died out thousands of years earlier called the Sun Warriors. I'm hoping the remain ruins can help us."

"Well let's go tomorrow morning." Aang said. "I need to learn it fast."

The next morning the 2 boys left. Katara, Toph and I were practicing our bending since we're bored.

"Okay hear me out, technically I can do that seismic sense with water." I said.

"Y/n that's not how it works." Toph laughed.

"Aight bet."

"What does that mean?" Katara said, laughing through her sentence.

"I don't know actually, I heard Sokka saying it before."

I created a big splash and froze it, making it an ice statue. I shaped it into a crescent moon.

"It's Yue." I smiled. "Looks just like her." I laughed. Katara and Toph didn't know if they can laugh or not.

"It's okay, I'm sure Yue would like the joke." I reassured them. I saw Sokka walking out from one of the rooms in the temple.

"Whoa who made that?" He pointed to the ice moon.

"I did." I smiled, he was getting ready to kiss me but hugged me awkwardly instead.

"I couldn't even see and I could tell that was awkward."

"Shut up Toph"


Zuko and Aang arrived hours later. I tore down the ice sculpture since it was melting a bit.

"So...can you bend fire now?" I asked.

Zuko and Aang exchanged looked and showed us some fire bending dance, and they both each let out a pretty big flame.

Sokka pokes fun at them. "Yeah just tap dance their way to victory over the Fire Lord."

"This a serious and ancient technique!" Zuko explained.

"Okay dancing queen." I laughed.

"I liked you better when you were mute."

I glared at Zuko and splashed water from the water fountain onto him.

"Hey!" He laughed. The 6 of us fought each other playfully, since that's what we always do anyway.

I ran into Sokka's arms by accident, I got out and he winked at me. I playfully hit his shoulder. Sokka chewed on his bottom lip and pulled my hair out of its style. He put the band around his wrist and started to wrestle Zuko, he was laughing and having a good time with everybody.

I love him.

woo 2 chapters! I won't update tomorrow at all, but thank you so much for your support!

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