Chapter 23- Katara's Revenge and Toph's senses

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I yawned and sat up, sorta scared myself by seeing my naked body next to Sokka's naked body.

I put back on my clothes, as I pulled my hair up. I saw Sokka yawning and getting up. He didn't say much, he just pulled his clothes back on and hugged me.

"How was last night."

"Perfect." I pulled out of his hug. "Was I....okay?" I chewed on my lip.

"You were amazing, let's get some fresh air and some water." He let me walked out of the tent first, right when I stepped out I immediately saw Toph with eyebags under her eyes and a rock coming my way. I ducked and glared at her.

"Toph! Why did you do that!"

"Because you two kept me up all night!"

Zuko, Katara, and Aang looked at us confused, while Suki tried to contain her laughter.

Right, Toph can feel vibrations and that means-

Oh no.

"Toph I-"

"I could feel everything! Every thrust-" Sokka put his hand over her mouth. He whispered something in her ear, after that she stomped her foot and the ground beneath me shook a bit. Toph crossed her arms and walked off.

Everybody else looked at Sokka and I with wide eyes.

"We were just wresting!" Sokka nervously laughed.

"Right! We were uh...having a competition." I replied.

Zuko smacked his face, Aang and Katara were still trying to figure out what happened. And Suki...well she's laughing hysterically.

"Aang we need to borrow Appa." Katara said.

"Is it your turn to go on a life changing field trip with Zuko?" Aang snickered.

"Actually yes. I want to go and find the man who killed my mother."

Aang's face dropped. "Katara revenge is never the answer. You're acting like Jet."

"Jet attacked innocent people!"

I leaned in to Sokka, "What did Jet do anyway?" I whispered.

"Tried to kill a village." He whispered back.

"Yeah like that totally tells me everything." I playfully rolled my eyes.

Sokka looked a bit sad. "Katara, Aang's right."

"You just don't understand." She snapped back at Sokka.

"Katara she was my mother too!" His voice cracked.

"Well you didn't love her the same way I did."

"Katara." He frowned. I balled my fist but didn't say anything, it's none of my business anyway.

"There was this one metaphor that the Monks told me, revenge is a two headed snake, it's harder to choose forgiveness than vengeance, but it's important to forgive." Aang tried to convince her.

"Not only it's harder to forgive the man who killed my mother, but it's impossible." She said as she walked away.

There wasn't a peep from us, we were either sad or disappointed at her. I walked away from the group to try and find Toph. I found her sitting on top of a hill.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Just disgusted."

"Right...sorry about that."

I sat beside of her and she scooted away from me. She didn't look mad, more like jealous and a little bit sad.

"Toph something is wrong, you can tell me. Is it about last night and how you know...feel it."

"Not only that, I'm just a little upset that you didn't tell me that you were dating Sokka. I knew you two do stuff but didn't know you two are together. To be honest I thought it was going to be me." She laughed but soon stopped.

"I wanted to keep it a secret. So far everybody knows except Katara and Aang."

"I'm pretty sure they think something is up, you two aren't good at hiding it."


Later that night I overheard Aang's, Katara's, Zuko's and Sokka's conversation. I was with Suki and Toph, braiding their hair, well I forced Toph to let me braid it.

I couldn't exactly tell what they were saying, I only knew that they were still bickering about forgiveness and blah blah blah.

" was it?" Suki said while playing with my hair.

"Suki, Toph is literally 12." I laughed, putting a band around Toph's braid.

"Don't bother, I already felt everything." She lightly shook her head.

"It was great." I smiled, but Suki couldn't see my face since she was behind me. "He was really nice too, asking me if he could do something. I really felt like I was cared for."

"That's amazing." Suki said.

"There's one thing, he's packing." Toph snickered.

"Toph! You're 12!" I gasped.

"What? It's not my fault. How do you think I can tell who's a boy and a girl?"

Suki and I chocked on our spit.

"Oh for some reason that reminds me." Suki started off, "What exactly happened to your parents? I heard your dad was general Zhao and how he burned your neck and vocal chords. I know Aang sent him to the spirit world. But what happened to your mother?"

I stopped breathing for a minute.

"She ran away before I got burned. He either hit her or burned her I forgot, but she ran off. I was angry at her for not taking me with her at first but later on I found a note of hers saying that she wants to take me with her but I never received it until a couple of months ago. Anyway, after she ran away I was going to get revenge on my dad by telling somebody he tried to do an illegal mutation. But he burned me after that. I ran away that day. So I never knew where she went. Azula said she knows where, and I asked Zuko but he didn't say anything, so that makes me wonder if she's here close by."

"Y/n, all Suki asked was where your mom was, not your whole life story." Toph said.

I ignored her, I think it's my turn to have my life changing field trip with Zuko.

are y'all fr when you said you wanna threesome?? how would the chapter even start??

sokka: i'm bi
zuko: you're hot but i respect your relationship
y/n: lmao let's have a threeway
sokka and zuko: aight

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