Chapter 7- Meteorites and Shopping

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My eyes gazed at the sky. The meteorites was flying through, making these beautiful colors in the night sky. The moon was also full and shining, that makes me more comfortable since I know that Yue is here with us.

Sokka sat very close to me, with our bodies touching each other. I can't stop thinking about that kiss. Oh the things he could do to me, for example, choking.

"Is it done yet? I can't really see." Toph interrupted my thoughts.

"Not yet, Toph." I said back to her.

This one meteorite came closer to us, landing into the woods. We turned our attention to the fallen rock, it had created a huge fire in the forrest. We all immediately took action.

Katara and I rode on Appa, bending water onto the fire as we sore through the air. Toph and Aang were using their earth bending to create a trench so it would be easier for the fire to go out. Meanwhile Sokka was with Momo.

"Has the fire died down yet?" I yelled through the wind.

"Almost." Katara replied, bending a huge wave onto the fire, making it die out. "Now it is."

We flew back to where Sokka, Toph and Aang was. Katara helped me down off of Appa, Momo happily landed on my shoulder. I love that little guy.

"That was an interesting meteor shower." Aang laughed.

Everybody went to sleep minutes later. Sokka wasn't inside the tent that he usually sleeps in. Instead he's outside, looking at the same map. I got out of my sleeping bag and walked over to where he is, laying down beside of him.

"Whats with the map?"

"Just looking at it since it's the only thing I'm good at." He sighed.

I frowned at him. "Don't say that. You're good at many things! Like boomerang, fighting, cooking, being funny, being a back bender."

"What's that?" He looked at me. His hair was down again.

"Uh nothing. Anyway why do you feel like this?"

"Because everybody in this group has bending. Toph can earth bend, Katara water bends, you can bend plants and people's bodies, Aang is the avatar. And I'm...nothing." He let go of the map, letting it fall on his face.

I picked up the map and sat it down inside of his bag. "But you're still good at things. So what you're not a bender."

"Let's just forget about it." He turned the other way.

I chewed my lip and got up, walking back to my little sleeping bag. I got inside, and it wasn't long until I fell asleep.

The next morning I got woken up by Momo licking my face. "Hey baby." I mumbled, petting the top of his head.

"I wish you called me that."

I turned my head sharply, seeing Sokka next to my body.

"Ahh! What are you doing?" I sat up, but a smile crept onto my face.

"I got cold. That's all." He crossed his arms.

"It's like June."

"So!....Fine, I just like sleeping next to you."

I punched his arm playfully.

We got up and packed up our tents and sleeping bags. Sokka was still sad from yesterday.

"What's wrong, Sokka?" Katara asked.

"Nothing, just that I'm the only non bender." He crossed his arms and sulked.

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