Chapter 21- Boiling Rock pt 3

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The new prisoners and some of the guards lined up. Sokka and I waited impatiently to talk to his dad again.

The Warden explained the history behind Boiling Rock, and how nobody ever escapes. He looked at Hakoda and glared at him.

"When I'm speaking you look at me in the eye."

But Hakoda didn't budge.

"Or would you like looking  at my shoes!" He shoved his foot in Hakoda's face, making him fall to the ground. Sokka started to walk towards them but I grabbed his hand.

The Warden got up, but tripped over Hakoda's shoes. Sokka and I snickered, he squeezed my hand and then let go.

The prisoners went to their cell, Sokka and I immediately followed Hakoda and walked in his cell.

"What are you two doing here? Did I do something wrong?" He rolled his eyes and then got in a fighting stance, getting ready to punch us.

We both took off our helmets, Hakoda started to tear up.

"Sokka! Y/n! Oh how i'm so glad to see you guys."

He hugged Sokka tightly, and then me. I was never hugged by my dad, so this feels really heart warming. Hakoda let go and turned back to his son.

"Where's Bato and everybody else?" Sokka asked.

The three of us sat down and laid our backs against the wall.

"They're at a different prison, when we were captured my team rattled me out saying I was their leader. We met some Oshi Fighters? I think that's their name."

"The Kyoshi Warriors, Suki is also in here and remember Zuko?" Sokka said.

"I heard of him, isn't he the Fire Lord's son?"

"Yes but he changed! He's here with us as well. Y/n is doing a great job. She figured out how to make ice without bending water first! How cool is that?" He said excitedly.

"That's amazing, I'm proud of you Y/n. Now what's the plan?"

The three of us hatched a plan. Sokka and I went to Zuko's cell to tell him the plan. We stood at his cell door and knocked on it.

"Zuko, are you here?" Sokka whispered.

"I'm here." Zuko replied.

2 guards interrupted us.

"We need this prisoner." The woman said.

"Can I at least ruffled him up a bit?" Sokka said.

"Me too! I'm going to teach him a lesson." I balled my fist up like I was going to fight.

"Sure go right ahead." The woman replied.

The two of us got in his cell and pretended to punch him.

Sokka spoke up, "We can't talk that long, but we're going to meet in the court yard after-"

The guards walked in on us. Sokka held Zuko while I was lightly punching his chest.

"Alright that's enough." The man guard said. They took Zuko from out of his cell. Sokka and I exchanged glances.

"I guess we'll tell Suki the plan now." I said to him.

"Are you okay? Because ever since we saw Suki you've been acting weird. Like I know we had our small fall out yesterday but I don't know I just don't want you to feel insecure or jealous or anything like that."

"Sokka I'm fine, I may have some trust issues but I'm working on them." I gave him a reassuring smile. He took my hand again and we walked to Suki's cell, which wasn't far from Zuko's.

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