Chapter 31- Im Fine

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We arrived at where Aang was at. We could see him standing up, looking at another figure that's laying down.

The airship flew and landed right beside of him. I slowly got up and helped Sokka up, leaning on me as a support.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, looking down at my pants.

"Yeah don't worry about it." I lied.

The four of us walked up to Aang. Right beside of him laying on the ground was Fire Lord Ozai.

"Wow Aang you did it!" Suki said, turning her attention to Ozai. "Did you...."

"I'm still alive." Ozai snarled.

"I took away his firebending with an ability that I learned from a lion turtle. I couldn't kill him." Aang said.

"I guess we should call him the Loser Lord!" Sokka laughed.

"I'm the Phoenix King!" Ozai yelled back, but fell due to exhaustion.

"More like Phoenix-King-of-Getting-His-Butt Whooped!" Toph slapped her knee laughing.

"Yeah! Haha more like King-of-the-Guys-Who-Don't Win?" Suki doubted herself.

"Leave the name calling to us." Toph said.

"Do you got any nicknames Handsy?" Sokka kisses my cheek.

"No, I don't think so."

Aang looked over at me. "Whoa what happened?"

"Nothing I'm fine." I chewed on my lip.

"So what are we going to do now?" Suki said.

"I guess find a place to stay for tonight. Does anybody know where Zuko and Katara are at?" Aang asked.

"They're fighting Azula to prevent her from being fire lord." Sokka replied.

"Then i'll go find them and we'll meet up at the old beach house. Thank you guys for being there for me." Aang hugged us.

"Anytime." I said. He smiled at me and then took off on his glider.

The four of us got back inside the air ship and took off. Sokka rested his back against the metal wall, I laid my head down on his legs.

"Can you play with my hair?" I yawned mid sentence.

"Of course. Does your stomach hurt? Or your knee?" He tried to untangle my hair but gave up, instead he massage my scalp.

"My knee feels a little bit better, and my stomach hurts a lot." I frowned. I feel so guilty because I could've prevented it. But I know that everything happens for a reason.

"I'm sorry for what happened." Suki said, breaking the silence.

I closed my eyes, trying to get some sleep since today was rough from start to finish. I guess Sokka thought I was asleep because he stopped playing with my hair.

"I can't wait to marry her." He whispered.


"Handsy wake up, we're here." I heard a familiar voice. I jerked and I slowly sat up.

"Mm what?"

"We're at the beach house." Sokka said. It was pitched black in the air ship.

I got up and Suki and I helped Sokka get up. The four of us walked off of the air ship and were immediately greeted by Katara, Zuko and Aang.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay!" Katara ran up and hugged all of us.

I was the last person to hug, she pulled away and then looked at Sokka's stomach.

"Wait why do you have a huge blood stain on you? And...why is Y/n's pants covered in blood?"

"He got stabbed and he bled on me. That's all. Oh yeah and I saved him but that's it, just his blood on my pants." I nervously laughed.

"Oh my gosh." Katara said.

Sokka looked at me with a sad expression, and then quickly changed it.

"Well we should go to bed and get cleaned up." Sokka said.

Zuko walked up to Sokka and hugged him. "I'm glad you're okay." He whispered.

They pulled apart and Sokka smiled. "Me too." He grabbed my hand and I helped him to our room. At this point I'm pretty sure everybody knew we were dating.

He planted onto the bed and took off his shirt and armor. The only light that we had was the moon shining through the window.

"I can get the blood out of our clothes." I hovered my hands over his clothes and pulled the blood out. I started to take off my pants but tensed up, I was too afraid to look at it.

"What's wrong?" Sokka said in a tired voice.

"Nothing, i'm fine."

"You've been saying that all day, I know that you're not. And why did you tell Katara that it was my blood?"

"It's just awkward talking about it, and I didn't want to tell your sister that."

"I understand."

I slowly took off my pants and laid them on the floor, bending the blood out and making it disappear. I took off my bottom undergarment and did the same. I couldn't see well, but I knew it was a lot.

I put them back on and laid back down with Sokka.

"How do you feel about the whole thing?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I don't know what to feel."

"And that's fine too. I don't know how to feel about it either. Let's just get some rest. I heard tomorrow is Zuko's fire lord achievement thing, so we definitely wouldn't want to miss that." He lightly laughed.

I turned over to where my back was facing him, he wrapped his arms around my body and held me tightly.

"I'm proud of you for what you done today, so don't beat yourself up for this one little mistake." Sokka whispered.

i hated this chapter, and i couldn't do a big time skip because in the actual episode it goes from aang taking ozai's bending away to zuko's fire lord thingy. so i had to come up with some extra stuff
also school was surprisingly good today, i'm hoping it'll be good tomorrow lol

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