Chapter 5- The Village and Yue

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We haven't eaten in a day or 2. The water we were fishing out of is extremely nasty and brown looking. We couldn't catch any fish.

"How about that village over there?" Katara beamed.

"I'm desperate for anything." Sokka groaned.

After Sokka and I have that meaningful conversation I felt like I got closer to him. We were still best friends, but I got closer to him mentally. He was also very fond of my natural voice.

We arrived at the village that was maybe a mile away. The people there looked extremely sick and depressed. The kids was crying for their moms, some were sneezing and coughing because of a sickness. They looked truly miserable.

"Hi there! I'm Dock." Said the man standing before us.

"I'm Aang, that's Katara, Sokka, Toph and Y/n."

That's the first time he didn't say "She's mute." Feels pretty nice.

"What happened to this place?" Aang asked.

"Since the Fire Nation Factory was placed next to the village it has made our water nasty and toxic. It's hard to fish and live in these conditions." The man said.

Katara put her hand over her mouth. "That's awful!"

"Sure is. Oh my brother is calling out to me. Gotta go!"

"Did you hear anything?" Sokka asked me. I shook my head.

"I want to help these people." Katara sighed.

"You can't. We won't have time to help these people." Sokka said.

We found a food stand, the guy who was in charge of it looked a lot like Dock.

"Hi everybody! I'm Xu."

"Didn't we just see you?" Sokka asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh nope. Anyway want some fish?"

Katara paid for the fish and we started walking back to our camp site. A little boy asked her for one.

"Of course. Take it."

I whispered to Katara's ear. "You can't help these people. It'll be too much."

"I know but I feel guilty."

"Don't be. I'm sure somebody will help them."

"Hey I realized your voice is a lot better. How did you fully heal it?"

"I forgave and trusted somebody. And lots of speech therapy." I laughed.

"Oh yeah that book that you stole." She laughed with me.

"At least we can have a full conversation." Toph added.


We sat up a campfire and sat around it, each of us eating some nasty fish.

"I have to do some rearranging since we're hours late." Sokka said.

"Sokka it's just one night." Katara groaned.

"How do you read those things?" I asked, getting closer to him.

"It's sorta hard to explain, so each of these lines represents hours to the invasion. So these 2 lines right here means 4 hours until the invasion. Get it?"

To be honest I didn't get it. But I agreed just to make him feel better. Besides, I love seeing him smile.

"Yeah." I lied.

"She's lying." Toph said.

"What? No i'm not! Man I should've signed it."

We all got into a laughing fit and finally calmed down. I feel so alive right now, I don't feel trapped anymore, it's like a new person.

Soon we all got tired and drifted asleep. Sokka's arm was around my body, being the big spoon. He was fast asleep, for me I couldn't get much sleep. I was tired, but I couldn't fall into a deep sleep.

The next morning I got woken up by some loud talking. Sokka wasn't next to me asleep, he and everybody else was standing next to Appa.

"What's going on?" I yawned while walking to them.

"Appa isn't feeling too well." Katara said. "We should go back and get some medicine."

Appa's tongue was blue and he was laying down. I pat his head and yawned once more.

"Tired?" Sokka said.

"Didn't get much sleep."

"Also Katara," Sokka started, "We shouldn't because we'll be even more behind!"

"Come on Sokka, Appa needs to rest." Katara said.

"She's right." Aang added.

We walked back to the village and it looked different. The people there were more happier and felt alive.

We were greeted by Xu again.

"What happened?" Aang asked.

"The Painted Lady came last night and helped the people!"

"Really!" Aang happily said.

"Well these people aren't going to get any better with that Factory. She needs to burn it down." Sokka laughed.

We got some herbs for Appa and fed it to him. We ate some more of that nasty fish and went to bed. All of us were too tired to do anything. Sokka was still putting his arm around me, our bodies touching each other. I can tell he was asleep because of his soft snores. I felt my mind shutting down and finally drifting to sleep.

"Where am I?" I asked. It was night time, at the exact same spot but nobody was here. A bright light came, I shielded my eyes. Once I opened them my mouth opened wide. "Yue!"

I walked closer to her. She was here, standing in front of me. I hugged her, she wasn't transparent or anything like that, she felt like an actual human.

"What are you doing here? And where am I?"

"I'm in your dream. I've been trying to contact you but I couldn't until now."

"How come you couldn't contact me?"

"Something was blocking me to greet you again. But you healed and broke away that barrier. I came here to say some things."

"What is it?" I began to worry.

"For one, I'm proud of you. You grown to be an amazing person, learning different styles of your water bending. Even if it is blood bending. You have a gift. You'll figure out a way to blood bend 2 or more people, I know because I can see it. Second, you will save somebody's life using blood bending, so don't think of it as something deadly, that's what's keeping you from blood bending 2 people. And lastly, don't give up."

"Don't give up on what?"

"It's not a what, it's a who."

I gasped for air. I sat up and frantically looked around, Sokka was still beside of me but he had woken up. "Mm what's wrong?" He mumbled, his eyes was still closed.

"I think I know how to blood bend 2 people, plus I saw Yue."

"Don't worry it's because the planets are gatorade remember?" He mumbled again. I think he's half asleep.

"Never mind I'll tell you in the morning." I laid back down and closed my eyes, hoping to see Yue again.

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