Chapter 24- Mom

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A couple of days has passed, Katara already went to face the guy, but she didn't hurt him.

I haven't told anybody about wanting to find my mother. Not even Sokka, I'm just so afraid of what he'll say.

Everybody sat in a circle around the camp fire, eating some food that we bought in town. Katara and Suki went to bed early, following by Aang and then Toph.

"Can I ask you guys something?" I said to Sokka and Zuko.

"Sure what is it?" Sokka said.

"I want to find my mother, I know she's close, Azula said she was." I messed with the hem of my shirt.

"Azula?" Zuko spoke up, "I remember you telling me this but Azula didn't say anything to me about your mom."

"All she said was that my mom was here, i'm wondering if she saw my mother somewhere."

Sokka pulled me closer to him.

"I think I know what Azula is talking about. A couple of weeks ago we went to Ember Island Beach. If she saw your mom there then we could go find her. We're already at Ember Island." Zuko said.

"Wait, we're going on another field trip?" Sokka questioned.

"It's my turn to have a life changing field trip." I laughed.

"Well, tomorrow morning we'll go to Ember Island Beach and search for your mom." Sokka said, before kissing my lips.


Next morning we put on our fire nation clothes to blend in and packed for our trip.

"Wait, so you guys are going on another trip together?" Katara said.

"It's my turn, and besides...I want to see mom again." I replied back.

The three of us got on Appa and flew off. I was nervous seeing mom again for the first time in 3 years.

"How far away are we from the beach?" Sokka asked.

"Maybe 30 minutes." Zuko replied back, guiding Appa. "How are you feeling Y/n?"


"It'll be okay, your mom would be so happy to see you." Sokka smiled. I pulled him into a hug and then let go, looking back at Zuko.

"It's good that you two have a good relationship, you hardly fight, you actually care and love each other."

We never said I love you to each other, so do we really love each other? Well of course I do, Im just afraid of telling him that I do. It's stupid I know.

"Can I ask you guys something?" Sokka said, his tone of voice changed. Almost like he's nervous.

"Sure what is it?" I gripped his hand.

"Girls...right? You also like girls."

I was not expecting that at all. "Yeah duh. Why?"

"Wait you like girls and boys? I thought that wasn't possible, that can happen?" Zuko said surprised.

"Shh it's my turn to talk," Sokka said, "What I'm trying to say is when did you realized you liked the same gender?"

I thought about it, "I was maybe 12, I realized that when I look at really attractive girls it gives me the same feeling when I look at attractive boys."

"I think I like boys too." He said quietly.

"Wait what?" Zuko and I said. I heard him but I'm just shook.

"Yeah, I think I like boys. Because when I talk to a certain guy I feel the same feeling. But dont worry Y/n I won't ever leave you."

"Good to know, and I'm proud! But who is it?"

"We're here!" Zuko quickly said. Appa landed near a cave and we got off of him. I hid the spiritual water necklace so people won't think it's suspicious.

"How do we find her?" I asked.

"I guess we just walk around the neighborhood." Zuko said.

We started walking towards the row of houses. I started getting anxious of meeting my mom again, I was still nervous but started to think of the good times we used to have together. The times where I wouldn't have to worry about being perfect or where I didn't have to fear my dad.

We arrived at the front door of somebody house and knocked on the door. A teen girl came and opened the door, her hair was in a big black bun with bangs.

"Who are you?" She said in a confused, but angry way.

"Do you know anybody named Esca? She has (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and she's kinda (short/tall)." I said.

"No." The girl shut the door. I sighed and started walking again with Zuko and Sokka following me.

We knocked on 10 doors, with everybody saying no. We got to the last door of that street, I'm hoping it's mom. I hesitated, then knocked on the door.

A man came out, who looked around in his early 40's.

"Can I help you?"

"Is there a woman around in this neighborhood named Esca? She looks like me but older."

"She still looks like Zhao in the face." Zuko whispered to Sokka.

The mans eyes widen. "I know her!"

"Really! How? Where is she!" I excitedly said.

"We used to date but she broke up with me, saying she just wants to be alone. I know she's a water bender, and she also told me she has a daughter but never told me the name."

I was going to say I was her daughter but didn't want to give my identity away.

"Where does she live?"

"0214 Ember street. It's a 5 minute walk." The man said.

"Thank you so much." With that I grabbed Sokka and Zuko and started walking as fast as I could.

"Is she here?" Sokka gripped my hand.

"Yes! I'm so happy but so nervous."

"Why?" Zuko replied.

"What if she's mad at me for leaving? Or mad that Aang sent Zhao to the spirit world?"

"She's going to be proud of you. You're a good person and a very skilled waterbender! Plus she still loves you." Sokka said.

We soon arrived at the address. I took a deep breath and knocked. Nobody answered, I knocked again and the door opened swung open.


It was my mom. She didn't change that much. Her hair was more gray, but it was in a long braid that suit her perfectly. She was also wearing fire nation clothes. I saw a burned scar on her cheek, in shape of a handprint. Like the same one on my neck, I never saw that before on her face, which means Zhao must've gotten to her after I left.

"It's me...I missed you so much mom." I hugged her, at first she didn't hug back, but I felt her arms around me.

"Y/n! How did you find me? Where did you go?" She pulled away and smiled with tears in her eyes. But her expression dropped into a confused one. "And why are you with prince Zuko? And who's this kid?"

I wiped away my tears and laughed.

"I guess we have some catching up to do."

i'm gonna say this, there's not going to be a poly relationship and a threesome, they will talk about it but it won't actually happen. So both sides of the opinion will get what they want if that makes since, just stay tune for the next chapter!

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