Chapter 15- The Invasion

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"Today is a new day! I am well rested and ready to defeat the Fire Lord!" Aang said enthusiastically.

"Are you going to use the avatar state on him?" Toph asked while fixing her hair into a messy bun.

"I can't, my seventh chakra is locked because Azula shot me down with her lighting." He looked down.

A fleet of Southern Water Tribe ships appears on the horizon. Toph and Aang created a makeshift dock in the cove. Hakoda stepped out of the ship, Sokka and Katara ran to him and pulled him in a giant hug.

"I miss you so much dad." Sokka said.

"I miss you too."

"Did you get the people I requested for you to bring?" Sokka added.

"I did, but some of them are...unusual."

As on cue the Swamp Tribe Waterbenders got off of the boat.

"Please put some pants on!" Bato groaned.

"Pants are an illusion, as in death." Huu crossed his arms.He looked at me. "Hey you're the crispy mute girl!"

"I swear if you say that one more time I will drop kick you."

Sokka and Toph laughed in the distance. Huu's jaw dropped.

Another ship arrived, some guy with long hair and a mustache got off the ship.

"Haru!" Katara yelled, she ran into his arms. I guess they met before.

"They're here." Toph said through gritted teeth.

"Is who here?" I moved my head so I could see who she's talking about. It was no other than the Boulder and the Hippo.

"What do you want." She lifted a rock up with her hands.

"Please we don't want to fight you, we're done with the earth bending tournament and we want to help you." The Boulder said.

A huge explosion was heard in the distance. We took off running to see what happened. An older man was there with a younger boy who was in a wheel chair. The Duke and Pipsqueak was also with them.

"Sorry about that!" The man said, "We're working on a bomb made with peanut sauce."

"Oh and Aang here's a present." The kid in the wheel chair said. He gave Aang a brand new staff. "It has a peanut department unless you get hungry!"

"Thanks Teo." Aang smiled gratefully.

"I don't think we met before." Teo said to me.

"I'm Y/n, step sister to Princess Yue from the Northern Water Tribe." I held out my hand and he shook it.


Everybody gathered for the invasion plan. It's been some hours since everybody got here from the boats. During those hours we all got some new fighting clothes since our old ones has been torn up. Sokka put on a traditional Southern Water Tribe armor. He looked so attractive in it.

Katara's outfit was similar to her old one, except it wasn't as long as her old outfit. Toph looked the same but her arm and ankles bands are more longer and more protective. Aang's shirt was only around one shoulder and it draped. He also shaved his head before the meeting.

My outfit was different as well, and basically, we all looked hot as hell.

Sokka stood up with a map of the invasion plan. He was trembling a bit. Come on can do it. He was trying to think of what to say. But his dad stepped in, without any of them saying anything Sokka sat down beside of me with his head in his hands. I put my hand on his thigh, still looking up at his dad.

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