Chapter 12- Hama

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"Alright, alright, I have a horror story to tell." Sokka said.

We sat around the lit camp fire in the middle of the woods. It was Sokka's idea after all to be in the middle of the woods.

"Once there was this haunted sword that killed people out of nowhere! One minute you're laughing with your friends, and then BOOM! You're dead."

"Ahh so scary." I rolled my eyes.

"My story was pretty good! Fine then you tell yours." He crossed his arms.

"Alright I will. This happened a couple of months after I ran away from home. I was trying to go to sleep but I couldn't, so I walked around the house. It was around 3 AM and I saw a shadow of some sort. At first I thought it was Yue, since I couldn't talk I couldn't call the thing out. I got closer to it and right when I touched it, it disappeared. Until this day I have no idea on what that was."

Everybody's faces got pale.

"That reminds me actually." Katara said. "This was our mothers friend named Nini. A terrible snow storm happened and Nini got lost and she vanished. The chimney still had smoke in it. And sometimes when you look at it, you could still see her."

Now everybody, including me looked uneasy. Toph scooted closer to me, and I scooted closer to Sokka.

"Wait, I can hear people screaming underground." Toph said.

We heard rustling in the leaves, we all got together and held each other, waiting for whoever to get us.

"Ahhh!" We all screamed bloody murder. We soon stopped once we saw who it was. It was an older lady with a lamp.

"Hello, what are you kids doing out here?" She asked us.

"Nothing." Aang said.

"Well you guys should probably come back with me. It's dangerous to be out here at night. I'm Hama by the way." She said.

We all redundantly agreed and went with her back to her inn. Sokka didn't like this, I didn't really like it either. Something about her makes me uneasy, it's like my senses is heightened when I'm around her. And not to mention...I can feel her blood a lot more clearly, which usually I have to focus on somebody to feel it. So that means this woman is secretly powerful, which that's what I'm guessing because I never felt this before.

"You okay?" Sokka whispered.

"Yeah." I whispered back.

We gathered around Hama's dining room table. She handed us some delicious tea, it was the best I ever had.

"People has been disappearing lately in the woods during a full moon. It's dangerous for you to be out there by yourselves." She said.

"Well it's late and we don't want to keep you up. Is there any extra bedrooms for us to sleep in?" Katara said.

"I don't mind, and yes! Upstairs, I'll go show you."

She lead us to the farthest room on the left. We all unpacked and got ready for bed. I could still feel Hama's blood whenever I'm around her. And I'm sure she can feel mine. She keeps staring at me, I really wanna get out of here.


"Wanna go shopping?" Sokka asked us.

"Sure why not." I said.

The next morning we went to town to look around since we never been here before.

The 5 of us saw some people talking, since we're so nosey we listened to their conversation.

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