Chapter 29- The Air Ships

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"I can't help but think that the sky is so beautiful, even though it's almost the end of the world." Suki said.

We were still traveling on these animals on land. My stomach was still hurting but tried to ignore it.

"How are you feeling?" Sokka said.

"Sick. I think somethings wrong."

"Like what?"

Should I tell him?

"Well that night, I think i'm preg-"

"You're not. I was careful." Was all he said.

My grip around him loosened.

"Yeah you're probably right." The eel hounds reached water. We were close to where the air ships would be at.

"Besides, I would do anything to not have kids. I don't really like them." Sokka snickered.

That surprised me.


"I just don't see myself being a parent. Plus babies are gross. I never want kids."

"Yeah...I guess so." Why was I disappointed? It's not like I want to have kids now. That's just being irrational. But then again, I never had a perfect family. I never experienced one. So I kinda want to have kids at an early age just so I can be apart of a new family.

"I think we're too late!" Suki said as we arrived on the land. The ships begin to depart for the Earth Kingdom.

"Where's the nearest air ship?" Toph said.

"Well there's one right above-"

Before Sokka could finish his sentence Toph earth bended us right into the sky and landed onto one of the ships. The impact made me threw up violently.

I wiped my mouth and looked at the three of them. "What?"

"Are you okay? Like are you dying?" Suki joked.

The four of us found a way inside. Toph used metal bending to create armor for her. She made her way inside of the control panel and threw some guys over board. We walked into the control room when it was cleared.

"Great job! I take control while you steer the air ship." Sokka said.

"That's a great idea! Let the blind girl steer the giant air ship." She rolled her eyes.

"I was talking to Suki."

"That would make a lot more sense."

Suki steered while Sokka went straight for the microphone.

"Alright crew members this is your captain speaking. I order you to go to the bomb bay to celebrate a crew member's birthday!" He waited a couple of minutes so everybody could get a chance to go where they need to.

Sokka releases the platform underneath the bomb bay and all of the ship's crew fall into the ocean. I felt the ships speed increasing to catch up to Ozai.

"I think we're too late." Sokka's eyebrows furrowed.

We saw some giant flames underneath us. It was so close we could feel the heat of it.

"That's a lot of fire isn't in?" Toph said. I took ahold of her hand.

" is."

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