Chapter 6- The Painted Lady

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My stomach woke me up. I got up, realizing that Aang and Katara isn't here.

Sokka was still sleeping beside of me. "Sokka, wake up." I shook him.

"What?" He sat up, his hair wasn't in his basic style, it was down, shaping his jaw line.

"Katara and Aang are gone."

Toph was alseep in her little rock tent that she makes. I walked over to her, peaking my head into the tent.

"Have you seen Katara and Aang?"

"No, don't care."

Well there's that. I sat around the fire that was already put out. Bringing my knees to my chest. Sokka sat beside of me, putting his hair back up. "I had a weird dream that the planets are gatorade." He laughed.

"What's gatorade?"

"I have no idea. But it was weird."

"I had a dream about-" But I was interrupted by seeing Aang and Katara.

Sokka stood up,  putting his hands on his hips. "Where have you two been!" The yelling made Toph wake up.

"Well....Aang and I have been helping the village. I'm the Painted Lady." Katara said.

"Appa isn't sick either." Toph added, yawning mid sentence.

"Katara!" Sokka stomped his foot.

Katara was about to argue back but some screams and yells had been heard.

"We should probably go." Aang said.

We all walked up to where the village is. Fire Nation Troops had taken over the village, blaming the (now i'm just founding out) villagers for ruining the Factory.

"We have to help them!" Katara said.

"I agree. How did you ruin the factory?" I asked her.

"Long story, I'll tell you later. So what's our plan?" She added.

Aang leaned in. "You go and dress up as The Painted Lady, we help you fight them off."

"I'll be as quick as I can with the makeup. Y/n you're helping me." She grabbed my hand and we walked back to the camp sight.

She put on the clothes and I quickly did the makeup. I can't believe we're actually doing this. Well it's not the most craziest thing we've done.

After I helped her, Sokka, Toph, Appa and I will make spooky noises and fog, while Aang and Katara helps defeat the Troops.

Aang created the mist, the troops were confused at the sight. Katara then shows up, while that's happening we helped Appa create spooky noises to scare the Fire Benders. They started to bend fire at Katara, Aang uses his air bending to block the fire. I couldn't see him, but I'm sure he's underneath a dock right under Katara.

"I hope they can do it." Sokka said to me. I didn't say anything.

Katara spoke up. "Don't bother these villagers anymore. Get out and never come back."

Appa created a noise one last time, scaring off the Fire Nation. We walked to Katara and Aang, pretending that she's the actual Painted Lady.

"Wait a minute." Dock said. "You're not the Painted Lady!" He pointed to the smudge paint.

"You're right." Katara pulled down the hat. "I'm a Water bender. I'm not her."

"You're a water bender!" The villagers didn't say thank you, instead they're mad at her for trying to help.

"You guys should be thanking her!" Sokka started. "She saved your lives. So what she's not the painted lady, she gave you food, medicine and saved you from the Fire Nation Troops."

"I'm sorry for pretending to be her. But you guys need to stop relying on somebody to help you. You need to learn to help yourselves." Katara said.

"Well for starters, how about cleaning that lake?" Toph added.

Dock then switches his hat. "That's a great idea! I'm Bushi by the way, Dock's and Xu's brother."

"You're the same person!" Aang shouted, making me laugh.

Katara and I water bended the water from out of the river, while Toph and Aang earth bend the rocks and dirt from out of the water. Slowly but surely the water has gotten cleaner and cleaner. I water bended the last bit, Toph got rid of the mud and dirt, and then I laid the water back down. Wiping my hands off, I ran into Sokka by accident.


"Did you just signed sorry? Did you forget you could talk?" He laughed.

"It's a habit." I snickered.

Toph, Sokka, and I returned to our camp site. Katara and Aang were still at the village.

"I'm going to sleep. Don't bother me." Toph said before making the rock tent.

I helped created the fire and sat down beside of Sokka. Laying my head on his shoulder. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

I moved my head off of his shoulder and looked directly at him. "It's about a dream I had. Well maybe more of a vision. It was Yue."

Sokka immediately turned his head towards me. "What did she say?"

"She said she's proud of me. She also told me how to blood bend 2 people, and how I'm going to save somebody's life by using it." I softly smiled at him. His expression got softer.

"I'm happy for you."

"No no you don't get it. Somebody is dying, right in front of my eyes. I'm so scared."

"Don't worry too much about it. You're going to save somebody's life."

"What if you die during the invasion?" My voice cracked.

Sokka pulled off the hair tie from my hair, letting my hair fall down. "Then you'll save me." He said in a low, soft voice.

"What if-"

He planted his lips onto mine. I was shocked at first but gave in. His hand was in my hair, deepening the kiss. Our lips moved in sync, his tongue grazed against mine. It was the same feeling I've been feeling for a while now, feeling free. We pulled apart, looking at each other in the eyes.

"You talk too much." He said. "But your voice is so pretty."

I'm even more ready for the invasion.


4 year later edit: hey y'all still thanks for reading

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