Chapter 8- Sword and Singing

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I strummed the notes on this guitar. Toph is sitting next to me, listening to the vibrations. Toph and I had become very close to each other ever since I could actually speak.

Since Yue was like an older sister to me, I'll be an older sister to Toph.

"How about this one." I said to her. I fingered the notes, creating a melancholy sound.

"Sounds great." She said, and then she gasped. "Sokka's coming!" She stood on her feet. And soon enough Sokka was here.

"Can you guys help me haul that meteorite?" 

"Why?" Katara said.

"I get to create my own sword, and I'm choosing that space rock." He smiled.

We all gathered around the rock. Toph and Aang were earth bending some parts of it to create a sword. We gave Sokka the rock, the guy who was teaching him stood in front of us.

"Oh yeah, these are my friends from the Fire Nation Colonies." He nervously smiled. Piandao raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, he knows we're lying.

They went back inside, leaving us again.

"So..." Aang said. "What do you want to do?"

"I guess just head back to our spot." Katara replied. We walked back to our camp site and laid down on the grass.

"I'm so bored!" Toph exclaimed.

"I know! It's so hot that...Momo is shedding like Appa!" Katara said, but she laughed nervously, trying to make us laugh.

"I guess the funny gene doesn't run in the family." Aang replied. I snorted a bit.

"Seriously? You laughed at Aang?" Katara said.

I ignored her and closed my eyes. I wanted to channel Yue so I can talk to her again. But there's no way of doing that, unless...?

"Hey Aang?"

"What's up?"

I sat up and looked at him. "You can talk to spirits right?"

He sat up as well, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah...why?"

"Can you talk to Yue?"

His eyes widen. "I mean I guess I can."

"No you two are not going to talk to spirits." Katara butted in.

"How come?" I asked her.

"It's dangerous to go to the spirit world. Besides I don't want to lose both of you."

"Katara's right. I'm sorry Y/n. But if I do see her I'll let you know." He sheepishly smiled.

"It's alright. I'm hoping I'll see her in my dreams."

"Okay I've been hearing Yue this and Yue that, who is Yue?" Toph beamed.

Katara and Aang looked at me.

"She's my step sister that turned into the moon."


"It's okay, I've been in worse. I think we should check on Sokka." I said before getting up.

We gathered around the bush, we could see Sokka and Piandao talking to each other.

"I haven't been completely honest with you. I'm not from the Fire Nation Colonies, I'm from the water tribe." Sokka said.

Oh no.

"Then we will fight."

We all exchanged looks and hopped out of the bushes. "We'll help you fight Sokka!" Katara yelled.

"I don't need help, I got this." Sokka took his sword and they both started to swing it at each other.

I was about to move but Toph held me back. "He's got this, don't worry."

I chewed on my nails, watching the fight. But Toph was right, Sokka looked like he knows what he's doing. In fact, he's actually a much better fighter than before.

But Piandao was better, he knocked Sokka's sword out of his hand and kicked his legs, making Sokka fall on the ground.

"I'm proud." Piandao said. Sokka stood up, dusting himself off.


Piandao gave Sokka back his sword.

"I knew you were Water Tribe all along. Your name gave it away. If you want to go under cover as a person from the fire nation, try the name Lee. Besides, I already know who the Avatar is. And Y/n is a spitting resemblance of Zhao."

I frowned a bit. The 4 of us walked up to where they were at.

"How's your dad doing anyway?" He asked me.

"He's dead."

"Oh my."

"He's not dead, just in the spirit world." Aang replied.

"Kinda wishing he was dead." I laughed.

"Well anyway," Sokka said. "Thank you for teaching me. I value your work." Sokka bowed.

"The best fighter is the one who learns from all styles of fighting. It was an honor teaching you."

That night everybody was sitting around the camp fire, meanwhile Sokka was messing with his new sword. He sat beside of me, still touching his sword.

"Handsy, I just thought of something."

"What is it?"

"I think Yue sent me this. She's the moon spirt, and I'm sure she sent us this meteorite so I could use it or something."

"I'm sure she did too."

"Is that the word of the day? Yue?" Toph said, making us all laugh.

Sokka looked at the guitar. "Can you play something?"

"My singing voice isn't that great."

"Please? I always wanted to hear you sing."

"Yeah come on! Sing us something!" Aang said.

I gave in and picked up the guitar, strumming the chords. I took a deep breath, and started to sing the song that I wrote whenever I ran away.

"I say sweet things to myself but it doesn't really work, live laugh love puke man but that shit really doesn't work, so I get rude but that only makes it worse, I make it worse."

My voice was low and a bit raspy, but it fit the tone of the song. Sokka was smiling at me, getting closer to me. Toph was also next to me, listing to the song and vibrations.

"Cause I'll keep breaking I'll keep breaking my heart, until it opens again, yeah I'll keep falling i'll keep falling apart, until i'm whole again."

I strummed the last notes and stopped, looking at everybody's reactions.

"That was amazing!" Katara said, Aang clapped his hands.

Sokka looked at me with his eyes wide open. "I love your singing. Did you write that? That's amazing!"

"Sokka, you're a simp." Toph smirked.

"Hey! No i'm not!"

"Yes, I did write it. 3 years ago after I ran away."

"Well i'm going to go to sleep. Goodnight guys." Katara said, getting inside her tent. Aang slept on Appa, Momo was with Toph.

Sokka and I were still sitting next to each other by the fire.

"Can you write a song about me?" Sokka said.

"I can try." I laughed.

"I love your voice." He held my hand.

I wish he would say that he loves me.

The song is called "Keep" by Mother Mother!


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