Chapter 9- Fighting and Metal Man

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The warm water felt so nice on my skin. Katara and Aang were practicing their water bending in the Hot Springs. But for me, I decided to relax a bit.

I needed the relaxation. Recently I've been getting these nightmares or visions of people dying. I can't figure out who though. All I remember in the dreams is not being able to move and throwing somebody using blood bending, and then I remember holding a different person in my arms. But the faces are so blurred I can't figure out who they are. And those visions or dreams is scaring me.

I felt a splash of warm water on my hair and face. I gasped and looked up. Sokka was standing above me, the angle was.....not a pleasant sight to see. Since after all he was in his underwear.

"I got you! Sneak attack am I right?" He laughed.

I stood up and used my water bending to splash him. "Did you forget I was a water bender?" I giggled.

He kicked the backside of my legs, making me fall right into the water.


"I learned that trick from you. Are you proud?" He smirked, putting his hand out for me to hold on.

"It's just kicking, it's not that exciting." I took his hand, but I pulled him into the water.

Unlucky for me, he fell right on top of me. His bare chest touching my covered up one.

"Sorry!" He quickly got up. I nervously laughed, standing up as well.

"It's alright."

Toph came walking towards us. "I'm bored. Does anybody wanna fight?"

"Toph, why would you want to fight us?" I asked her.

"Are you deaf? I said I was bored." She replied.

"I wouldn't mind fighting the both of you." Sokka said proudly.

"Alright let's make a game. Sokka and Y/n will fight each other, and then I will fight whoever wins." Toph smirked.

"Is that a good idea?" I said.

"I'm down for it." Sokka pulled his hair up.

"Wait before we fight, can we at least put some clothes on?" I picked up my fire nation clothes and started to put them on. Sokka left to put his clothes on as well.

We met again some minutes later. The game was to try to push the other person in the water. First it was Sokka to fight.

We stood equal distance from each other. I gazed at the stuff I could use to push him. I caught my eyes on some vines, since I wasn't allowed to use Blood Bending since that's cheating. And I promised them I will use it unless somebody is dying.

Sokka came charging at me, I bended the vines around his ankles and pulling him so he would fall on the ground.

Lucky for him he cut them as quickly as he could, and then grabbed my arm and push me to the ground. He was straddling my back, my mouth had some grass in it.

My left arm was untouched, so I used it to bend water to slap him in the face. He fell off of me, I bended the same vines around his body. I pulled them so they could pull him into the water, which my plan worked.

"Hey! That's unfair!" He shouted from the water. He got out of the vines and squeezed out his damp clothes.

"How? I beat you fair and square." I laughed.

"Fine Fine."

"I guess it's your turn." I turned towards Toph.

We stood equal distance from each other. I never fought Toph, and I know that she's going to beat me. I focused harder on her body movements. She was listening and feeling the vibrations of me. She raised her leg and I quickly bended a vine around her leg, pulling it to make her fall.

But once that happened the ground below me raised, knocking me off balance and letting go of the vine. She quickly stood up and pushed a rock towards me, the rock almost made me fall into the water that was next to us. I climbed on top of the rock, hoping that she couldn't sense me up here.

I don't think she can. The vine was laying next to her, I made it wrap around her ankles and started pulling her into the water, but she cut it using a rock.

Now that I think about it, she can sense me. She bended the rock I was on into the water, I held on the rock for dear life but she broke it, making me fall into the water.

"Good game. I was struggling a bit." She said.

I got out and punched her shoulder lightly. "I'm never fighting you again." I laughed.

"I was rooting for you Toph, ya know since Y/n beat me." Sokka crossed his arms.

"I thought my name was Handsy?"

"It was but now i'm mad." He faked pout, but soon smiled.

"I'm pretty tired, and it's getting dark." I said.

We set up camp, cooking some food that Katara bought earlier today.

The 5 of us happily ate this mystery meat, well expect for Aang, he was eating something else.

"What did you guys do today?" Katara questioned.

"Toph made us fight each other." Sokka said.

"And he also lost, and I beat Y/n." Toph said proudly, sticking her tongue out at Sokka and I.

"I wish I could fight you guys." Aang groaned.

"I thought we had a good day together." Katara frowned.

"No no we did! I liked it." He smiled at her.

"I'm going to bed, that fight with Toph was brutal." I stood up and got inside my sleeping bag. Soon the others did the same. I'm hoping this time I won't get the same nightmare.


"Somebody is here!" Toph yelled, waking us up.

"What is it?" Katara said groggily.

"It's...a man made of metal. But also not metal." Toph was confused.

And then out of nowhere a blast was spotted. We hurriedly and packed up our stuff.

"What's going on?" Sokka shouted.

"You guys ride on Appa, I'll handle this." Aang said. Katara protested but gave in.

Katara guided Appa, the rest of us looked on what was happening. That was weird, out of nowhere a guy with 3 eyes was attacking us.

Aang flew by on his glider, landing back on Appa. "I have no idea on who that guy was." He said.

"I don't think that was a random guy, I think that's our new enemy." Katara said.

I looked up at the sky, the moon was shining again. Oh Yue, what does those dreams mean? Are they the future?

"What's wrong Y/n?" Sokka said quietly. He doesn't call me by my name at all, but when he does he makes me feel tingly. I love the cute nickname that he gave me but hearing him saying my name makes me all giddily.

"It's too hard to explain." I lied.

"You can tell me. I'm always here for you."

"It's just a nightmare that I'm always having. I think it's trying to tell me something."

He took my hand and squeezed it.

"It'll be okay, don't focus on the future, think about the present." He gave me a reassuring smile.



"I love.....I had fun today."

"Me too."

I laid my head on his lap, feeling his hands in my hair. I want to tell him I love him but...I can't. I have a voice now and I can't even say it.

How ironic.


Also i applied for Michaels and i'm hoping they'll call me for an interview because I need money. And i'll get 30% off of painting supplies so that's good

4 year edit: i've been working there for almost 3 years now 💀

and!! how do you like this chapter?? i love hearing y'all

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