Chapter 19- Boiling Rock

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"There was this joke that my uncle once taught me, I don't know how it goes but it ends with 'Ligma balls'" Zuko said while pouring our tea in the little cups. Nobody laughed at his joke. "Well it's funnier when my uncle says it."

"I barely remember your uncle. My dad hung out with him a lot. I maybe said 4 words to him, ya know, before he ruined my chords." I laughed, nobody else did. Dark humor isn't for them I supposed.

"Uh Zuko, can I talk to you? Alone?" Sokka said.

Is he okay? I wonder why he didn't come to me. I brushed it off, boys need their boy time. The two left and walked behind one of the fallen structures.

" is everybody?" I asked, trying to sooth this awkward silence.

"What was it like growing up in the fire nation?" Katara asked me.

"Well...I wasn't allowed to talk to anybody, you guys already know why. I couldn't get close to Zuko and all of his family and friends, I guess that was a good thing. It's also weird because half my blood is fire nation."


Sokka slept beside of me. But I knew he wasn't asleep, he's not snoring and his breathing isn't slow. I felt him get up and walk away. With me being nosey I followed my boyfriend.

"Is everything okay?"

"I thought you were asleep!" Sokka whispered yelled.

"I wasn't, but how come you were sneaking off." I frowned. Sokka walked towards me and pulled me into a reassuring hug.

"I wasn't going to tell anybody but I think you deserve to know." He pulled away. "I was going to Boiling Rock to find my dad."

"Boiling Rock? Sokka that's dangerous!"

"I know, I asked Zuko earlier about it and to where to find dad."

He started walking away towards Appa. I followed him up and we were both shocked to find Zuko laying on Appa.

"Going somewhere?" Zuko rolled his eyes. "You can't sneak in with Appa."

"My  invasion plan was my idea, and it failed, causing my father and many others to be captured and jailed by the Fire Nation. I should go and break my dad out." Sokka sat down on Appa's saddle. I climbed over and sat next to him. "Y/n I don't want you to go. I don't want to risk you getting hurt."

"Sokka I can literally blood bend without a full moon, trust me I got this. And what if my mom is there? Azula said she was in the fire nation."

"Wait Azula said that to you?" Zuko questioned. "How would she know?"

"She knows everything. And besides shouldn't you know about Zhao's life? Weren't you two on the same ship searching for the Avatar?" I said back.

"He hardly mentioned you and your mother. Just said you two were a disappointment and that you were a coward for leaving him."

"Back to what I was saying," Sokka interrupted, "Y/n you can't blood bend more than 2 people, and you can't make them pass out. I'm sorry but-"

"Sokka, I can handle myself. I know I can't do those things but I need to practice more without feeling guilty."

"You're right, I'm sorry. So when is the three of us going to leave?" Sokka said.

"Tomorrow morning." Zuko replied.

Next morning came. Zuko decided it'll be the best for us to fly in a war ballon. He left a note for Aang, saying that the three of us had gone fishing and for Aang to practice his fire bending.

We sat in awkward silence. Sokka and I can't act like a couple, so that's hard enough.

"The clouds are...fluffy." Sokka said.

"They're pretty." I smiled.

"Not as pretty as you....your necklace! Yeah you're water healing thingy necklace." Sokka let out a nervous laugh.

"Are you two a thing?" Zuko questioned.

"What! No! girls." I mentally slapped myself.

"Me too I guess." Zuko said. "I miss my ex girlfriend, Mai. I left her back at the fire nation."

"My first girlfriend turned into the moon." Sokka said, resting his head on his hands.

"...Thats rough buddy."

"She was also my step-sister." I added. 

Zuko looked at me wide eye, more in a confused way.

"Wait! I see it!" Sokka said, pointing at the prison. We lowered the balloon, closer to the prison. Due to the steam of the hot water, it made our balloon crash on the beach next to the prison.

"I don't think you have a plan, we could be in serious trouble right now." Zuko said to Sokka.

"I actually do have an idea."

We infiltrated the prison and got extra prison guard uniforms and helmets. We walked around, pretending to be these stupid guards. I feel stupid.

"What's our plan?" I whispered to Sokka.

Yelling was overheard in the distance. We followed the yells and saw the guard and the prisoner screaming at each other.

"Bowing down to guards is not a real rule." The prisoner said, before walking away. As he did so the guard bended fire at him, making the prisoner protect himself by using his fire bending.

"Fire Bending is prohibited! Go to the cooler!" Yelled the guard. "You, come with me." The guard pointed to Sokka. We exchanged looks and Sokka went with the man. Leaving me with Zuko.

"I saw the day that your father burned you. I'm sorry that happened to you." I said. I never told Zuko that, once my father did the same to me I realized what it felt to be in Zuko's place.

"I always hated Zhao, we did an Agni Kai to one and other."

"Did you win?"

"Sorta I guess. Hey you sir," Zuko said to the other guard. "Is there any water tribe in this prison?"

"No, they're not here." Said the guard.

Zuko and I made eye contact, we couldn't tell Sokka this but we know we have to. Once Sokka came back we broke the news to him.

"I'm sorry Sokka," I said to him, "It's not your fault."

"I failed again. Did you at least find your mom?"

"You didn't fail, and didn't look for her, I doubt she's here."

"I could give you advice from my uncle. The clouds has 2 sides, one dark and one light, if you see the dark, know that there's light."

Sokka's eyes lit up and his mouth widen.

"Wow did my advice work?" Zuko questioned.

"Oh no that didn't make any sense, but look! Suki is here!"

Oh no.

Suki was sitting down, she didn't look too well. I felt bad for her for a slight second, until I looked back at Sokka who was smiling at her.

I felt sick on my stomach, I felt disgusted in him. I turned away and started walking off, I didn't know to where, but I didn't want to be around him if he was going to act like he likes her again.

He didn't even call my name back.

sike i updated because Amazon screwed me in the ass with a pogo stick and didn't give me my wigs. So i couldn't get into cosplay

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