Chapter 17- Free

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"Appa is getting tired from flying, we'll have to walk." Aang said. By the tone of his voice he's upset, but he's trying to not show it.

We walked for the rest of the day. Sokka and I were still in the back of the line, but didn't say anything.
We reached to the end of this cliff, Toph's eyes widen.

"This place is huge!" She said.

"Uh Toph I think you need to get your feet checked. There's nothing here." Katara said.

"No Toph is right, the Air Temple is underneath the cliff." Aang beamed.

We got right back on Appa as he flew inside of the temple. Toph was right, this place is huge.

Teo, the Duke and Haru went exploring. Meanwhile the rest of us were deciding on what to do. I wasn't really paying attention. I looked at the water that was beneath us, watching it flow was mesmerizing.

"Look how the water flows, it's delicate. Follow its energy." My mom said.

I was maybe 4 when she was talking to me about water bending.

"Y/n? Are you getting this?" Aang said.

I turned right back around. "Sorry I was just thinking."

"We were saying that I need to learn fire bending and defeat the Fire Lord that way, but there's nobody that's willing to teach me." Aang flew off on his glider after he said that.

"What's up with him running away?"

"Handsy you ran away before." Sokka laughed.


"I guess let's follow him." Katara said.

We flew on Appa to find Aang once again. We spotted him and landed.

But not only did we find Aang, we found Zuko as well.

"Hello, Zuko here."

We got ready to attack him, but before one of us attacked Appa licked Zuko's face.

"I try to change for the better. I want to teach the avatar fire bending."

"You attacked our village." Sokka pointed out.

"And you stole my necklace!" She spat.

"Yue literally died in my arms." I said.

"I didn't even kill her!"

"You were still apart of it." I replied, crossing my arms.

"Look I know I've done some mess up things, I even freed your bison!" Zuko pointed at Appa.

"Appa does seem to like you." Aang said.

"I'm sorry for everything I caused, and for your pain. I'm sorry for sending Combustion Man to kill you."

"You sent Sparky Sparky Boom Boom man!" Sokka yelled.

"What? His name is Combustion Man!" Zuko replied.

"You're definitely not going to join us." Katara said.

"Well if you're not going to accept me, then accept me as a prisoner." He got on his knees. Katara bended water at him. "Fine, I'll leave." He got up and left the temple. I kinda felt bad for him.

We got back to the site. There was a fire pit that Aang helped lit up. The Duke, Haru and Teo sat with us as well.

"I can't believe you guys! Zuko was our only chance to teach Aang fire bending." Toph yelled.

"But Toph he cant be trusted." Katara balled her fists.

"I haven't told you guys this, but whenever I got captured the first time, Zuko was the blue spirit who saved me." Aang replied.

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