Chapter 26- Ember Island Players

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Once the three of us got back to the camp, none of us talked about what was about to happen last night. Actually I had a weird...wet dream about the three of us actually doing it.

We landed, and we were greeted by Aang, Katara, Toph and Suki.

"So how did it go?" Katara said.

"Not too good." I bit my thumb nail.

"I think we should leave this area and go to my beach house in ember island. It'll be safer for us." Zuko said.

"I'm fine with that." Aang beamed.


The Gaang arrived at Zuko's beach house, which was surprisingly nice and comforting.

"Do you want to go out in town?" Sokka asked me.

It's been kinda awkward since our last conversation. He keeps saying he's fine that nothing happen but I'm still worried deep down that he's a little disappointed.

"Yeah sure."

When we came back from town we saw Zuko and Aang fighting shirtless. I looked at Sokka, and to my surprise he's not looking at Zuko, I think he stopped having feelings for him.

"Guess what we found." Sokka pulled out a sheet of a paper with a play information on it. He found it while we went to town. "It's a play about us! It's called The Boy in the Ice berg performed by the Ember Island Players." Sokka said, holding the flyer up.

"Sokka I don't think it's a good idea to see a play about us." Katara said.

"Ugh and the Ember Island Players suck. My mom took me when I was younger and they butcher Love Amongst the Dragon every year." Zuko said in despite.

"Please? It's the one time where we can actually relax." Sokka desperately said.

"Fine." We all agreed.

We arrived to the theatre with our Fire Nation clothes. We got the seats that was in the air, to which Toph complained. Beside of Toph was Katara, Zuko, a jealous Aang, and Suki. Sokka and I sat in the row above them.

The lights dim and I immediately got excited.

"It doesn't take much for you to get excited." Sokka snickered.

"I can also see what happened before you met me!" I whispered to him.

For a second I saw him winced, is there something he didn't want to tell me? I knew he tried to rail my step sister but is there anything else? I ignored it once I saw actor Katara and Sokka on a canoe.

The actress playing Katara gives a long-winded speech about hope. I laughed to myself, actor Sokka grabbed his stomach.

"Have we caught any food yet? I'm starving!"

I laughed even harder. I looked over at the real Sokka and he frowned at me. I squeezed his hand, and then turn my attention back to the stage.

Actor Katara and Sokka came across an iceberg with a puppet of Aang inside. "Look brother! There's somebody in there! Water bending powers go!" Actor Katara said.

Actor Aang popped out and we all gasped, it was a girl! Oh boy I love this play.

"Am I a girl?" Real Aang said.

"Are you the avatar!" Actor Katara said.

"Yep! And this is my sky bison!" Actor Aang said. I think Actor Aang is one of Ty Lee's sisters.

"Appa" came out of the fake iceberg. Which it didn't look like Appa at all but it's still pretty cool.

The next scene showed Zuko and Iroh, oh this is going to be fun.

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