Chapter 10- Gambling Sisters

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Aang woke us up. Momo, who was sleeping on me, got startled and ran off. I pulled my hair up into its original style.

"What is it, Aang?" Katara yawned.

"I had a vision, Roku was talking to me about Sozins Commit."

"Roku? What did he say?" She got up and started packing away the sleeping bags. I packed mine up as well. Sokka was still sleeping, so I decided to play a trick on him.

"Sokka, there's meat!"

"Where!" He quickly got out of his sleeping bag. I laughed at him and packed up his bag. "Hey that's mean."

Aang spoke up again. "Roku showed me the life he had with Sozin. Basically Sozin wanted to rule the world. Once Roku died, Sozin killed off all of the air benders since he knew that was next in the avatar cycle."

Our faces dropped.

"He also told me that everybody deserves a redemption." Aang finished, hugging his knees. Katara got down on his level and hugged him.

Toph had a sad look on her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Can friendships last a long time?"

Katara and Aang held her hands.

"Of course it can, friendships can last a life time." Katara said.

"You know Toph," I got closer to her, Aang let go of her hand so I could hold it. "Ever since I met you, even though we couldn't communicate, I always wanted to treat you like a sister. Since Yue was an older sister to me, I'll  be an older sister to you. Simply because I care about you."

She let go of my hand and she hugged me tightly. I held on to her, I could hear some quite sobs. She stopped hugging me and looked out to the sky, even if she can't see it.

Toph held Katara's and my hand, Aang was holding onto Katara's hand. The only person who wasn't here was Sokka.

"Friendships can't be proven that they'll last a life time." Sokka said. "So I highly doubt that."

That kinda hurt me. I thought Sokka and I would last a lifetime together. Maybe he didn't mean it? Well it's Sokka, of course he did.

"Shut up and hold Y/n's hand." Toph said. I laughed to myself.

Sokka gripped my hand and we all looked out at the sky.

"Guys?" My voice cracked. "I'm scared of the invasion."

It was silent for a bit.

"Me too." Sokka said, soon followed by Aang.

"I hope I can defeat the Fire Lord." Aang replied.

We all hope he can defeat him.


Later on that day Katara and Toph were helping Aang using seismic sense. Meaning by that, he was blindfolded and had to fight the 2 girls using Toph's bending style.

Meanwhile I was thinking about that dream, the one where I threw somebody by using blood bending. So, I'm going to practice doing that...on Sokka.

"Handsy you're a great friend...but I'm not comfortable you throwing me around." He nervously laughed.

"Please? I need to learn, I think Yue has something to do with this."

"Y/n..." Now he's being serious. "I don't think that was her. You obviously miss her and I do too, but maybe that dream was just you stressing out."

"Sokka, please let me do this. I'm so afraid I might lose somebody or worse...Just please let me try to do this. I need to test my abilities."

He finally gave in and relaxed his body. I can feel his blood moving around in his body. I can feel it a lot better because I'm becoming stronger with this.

I moved my hand up, making him jump an inch off of the ground, but he quickly came down.

"I did it! Okay now I just need to go a little higher. Don't worry it won't be too high for you."

I raised his body higher, maybe 8 inches higher. He fell to the ground again but caught himself.

"There..I'm done." I walked towards him.

"I'm proud, really I am but I still don't know how I feel about this. At first it was cool but I didn't know exactly what was going on."

I looked down. "Yeah I understand. I'm sorry."

"No don't be sorry, you're just teaching yourself a new sub element. And you can save people by using it. But I still can't help to feel weird about it." He squeezed my hand but let go.

We heard some fighting over where Aang was at. We ran to him, finding Katara and Toph fighting in the mud.

"Uh what's going on?" I asked Aang.

"I have no idea. They always fight." He groaned.

Toph got out of the mud and cleaned herself off using her bending. "Do you guys wanna go into town?"

"Why?" I asked.

"To get away from mother over here." She glared at Katara.

I helped Katara out of the mud. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She said sternly.

The 4 of us went to town, Katara wanted to stay at camp with Appa and Momo.

"We only have 1 coin." Toph said. "How about we gamble?"

"You know how to gamble?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I've been gambling since I was 6."

There was this one guy that was gambling. He would put a coin in there and he would move the cups around, making a person guess on where the coin is at.

"He's cheating." Toph whispered in my ear.

But the girl gambled anyway. I think I know what she's doing. I could see that shes feeling the metal coin, so she found a way to cheat this cheating guy.

"It's right there." She pointed to the one in the middle.

"What? Oh yeah. You're right." He grumbled.

She's been doing this for 30 minutes, and that little cheater got 40 coins. I'm not mad or anything, in fact i'm impressed.

We went back to the camp. Katara already made the camp fire and some left over food.

"Where have you guys been?"

"Gambling. We made 40 silver coins." Toph said.

"Toph! Gambling is wrong!"

"But Katara! We have money now!" Sokka said.

"I'm not surprised that the 2 of you are gambling. But Aang and Y/n? Seriously? I thought you two know better than that!"

"I was just watching." Aang smiled.

"I was also watching." I smirked at him.

"Well I still think you two should've stopped it. As for the others you guys should stop. It can get you into serious trouble."

"I promise that was the last time." I said. Toph knew I was lying.

Katara didn't say anything. She just went to bed next to Appa.

Meanwhile the 4 of us were planning on doing it again the next day. This time I will be the one scamming people.

wacky chapter because the episode before "The Run away" only had a 5 min scene with the gaang, so i had to add half of the next episode for it to be a full chapter

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