Chapter 4- The Dance

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"So....W-where are we going?" I asked Sokka.

"I was thinking we could look at some stores and buy something." He replied, giving me a smile.

"Is that w-what couples normally do?"

"Well sure." He took ahold of my hand, interlocking our fingers. "But we're not dating, only doing couple stuff." He quickly added.

I know what we both said, it's better to wait when we're ready. But it hurts to keep doing this, I don't want to wait anymore if he's going to keep acting like this.

We walked into the place that has a bunch of stores and stands. Some people were selling food, clothes, jewelry, weapons, etc.

"Where do you wanna go first, Handsy?" He squeezed my hand. I felt that feeling, the feeling of being free again.

"You pick." I didn't stutter this time.

He didn't say anything, just smiled bigger. He walked me to this stand full of jewelry. There was some earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, even chokers.

This one caught my eye, it was a (favorite color) round jem on a black ribbon. It was the most beautiful choker I ever saw. Sokka saw my eyes lit up.

"That'll look beautiful on you." He said. I laughed a little bit. "How much for that one?" Sokka asked to the sales person.

"3 coins. The gem is fake so that's why it's cheap." He said.

Sokka gave the guy 3 coins in exchange to this choker.

"Turn around, let me put it on you." He said.

I turned around and moved my hair out of the way. He reached around and clipped the back of it. When I turned back around I saw his eyes widen.

"You look...beautiful." He said softly.

"T-Thank you."

I pulled him into a hug and saw something in the corner of my eye. I let go of him and looked closer, it was Katara walking towards us.

"Aang got in trouble at school, will you two pretend to be his parents?" Katara asked us.

"Wait what?" Sokka said.

"Just go and dress up as parents, I would go but that's a little weird. Oh I love your choker." She said to me.

"S-Sokka bought it f-for me." I smiled.

"You look amazing. Any way hurry up." She stood us.

"You two must be Kuzon's parents." The principal said.

"Yes. I'm Wang Fire." Sokka said in a deep, but funny voice.

"And I'm S-Sapphire F-Fire." Man my stupid stutter.

Sokka and I look ridiculous. He just wore a fake beard and I put some clothes under my shirt to look pregnant. Aang sat in the middle of us.

"I see...anyway your son has been disturbing some classes recently. Such as talking, dancing, not paying attention and being disrespectful."

"Yes we would work with him and he will be in major trouble." Sokka said with that funny accent again. "You're grounded!" He said to Aang. I couldn't keep in my laughter.

The principal looked at me and glared. "You look familiar. You look like some general I used to know."

I looked at Sokka and then back at the principal, forcing a smile. "I don't know w-who you're talking about."

" on your son. If he disturbs classes again he will be kicked out."

The whole walk back to the cave was silent and awkward. None of us said anything.

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