Chapter 20- Boiling Rock pt 2

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I didn't know where I was going. I just couldn't watch Sokka be all happy seeing Suki. Maybe I am overreacting, but still it hurts. I walked down the stairs and saw some prisoners going into their cell. I couldn't find Suki. To be honest I couldn't find Sokka and Zuko either, I didn't even go that far.

I sighed loudly and started walking but felt somebody touch my shoulder, hoping it was Sokka. But it wasn't, it was Zuko.

"Why did you run off?" He dropped his arm.

"Where's Sokka?"

"With Suki, he's telling her the plan."

"With Suki! That son of a bi-"

"Calm down, here I'll take you to them. I know where her cell is."

I chewed on my lip. I can't believe we've only been dating for like 2 days and I'm already mad at him. Zuko and I was standing in front of Suki's cell door. I tried to listen to their convo but couldn't hear anything, which worries me.

"Guys, hurry up." Zuko said while a guard was getting ready to pass by us.

"Let me open this door." Said the guard.

"I can't, I'm getting ready to beat up this prisoner." Zuko said.

I scooted away from them as slowly as possible.

"Let me in." The guard yelled.

Zuko pushed him away from the door. Which resulted in Zuko getting round house kicked to the ground. Sokka secretly walked out of the cell and closed the door, looking at me in a confused look as if what was going on. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked back at Zuko.

"You two, arrest this imposter." The guard pointed to the both of us.

We grabbed Zuko's arms and walked him to the empty cell number.

"We'll figure something out, just stay put." Sokka whispered in Zuko's ear.

The warden took Zuko from us, leaving us alone.

"What did you and Suki talk about." I spat out.

"I was just telling her about the plan and dad. That's all." He said in defense.

"You didn't even check on me when I walked off." I crossed my arms.

"You always run off! You've been running off since you were little. And plus I needed to see if Suki was okay."

"How dare you, of course she's okay! You saw her sitting down. Every time you talk about her or see her your eyes lit up and deep down I know you still like her. So go ahead, leave me like how my family did!" I stomped my foot, but felt something coming out. I looked down and saw maybe a foot length and width of ice on the ground. "Did....I just create ice without using water?"

"I never saw something like this, and we-"

He got interrupted by the speaker. "All prisoners report to chores. Class 1-A guards you're on duty."

"Are we class 1-A?" Sokka asked me.

"Let's just pretend so we can see Zuko, and your other girlfriend." I rolled my eyes.

"Y/n come here," He grabbed my wrist, "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have acted like that. I don't like her, I never have. I only like you, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Also we need to figure out how you created ice without any water to be available, because that's really cool." He kissed me and grabbed my hand, leading me to where the prisoners would do their work.

We watched as Zuko and Suki mop the floor.

"Nice to see you again." She said to Zuko.

"Have we met before?"

"Well you sorta burned down my village."

"Oh right, sorry about that. Nice to see you."

"I have an escape plan, come here." Sokka said to the three of us.

"Escape? Can I come with you?" A prisoner said. "The names Chit Sang."

"Uhhhh, sure?" Sokka said, not knowing what to do. But the guy listened to our plan. "Anyway, the plan is to use a cooler to ride our way out like a boat. First, someone will need to unscrew a cooler cell free."

"I'll do it." Zuko volunteered himself.

"I didn't even get to finish." Sokka said astound.

Later that day, Zuko and Chit Sang pretended to start a fight, in which Zuko fire bended at him. Sokka and I threw him in the cooler and waited for about 30 minutes.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, I'm sorry for being jealous." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Don't be jealous, there's one thing you never have to worry, me leaving you." He smiled at me.

Should I tell him that I love him? Or is it too early? I'm afraid to even tell him that I love him. I'll just wait for him to say it. I trust him when he says he'll never leave me but what if he does? I don't know what to feel or think.

Sokka opened up the cooler and we saw Zuko squatting, breathing out fire and smirking at us. I swore I saw Sokka blush. Did this dude seriously have his bi awakening because of Zuko?

"Did you screw the bolts?" Sokka whispered.

"I did." He lifted his shirt, showing the loose bolts. We got him out and started walking him back to his cell, but we overheard some other guards talking.

"The other war prisoners are arriving tomorrow." Said the women, who I would let her top me any day.

"War prisoners?" Sokka whispered to us. "What if my dad is there?"

We walked over to Suki's cell and got her out. While night time came around, Sokka and Zuko left to steal the cooler. Leaving us two alone outside.

"I heard you can talk now!" She said excitedly.

"Yeah, it's good because I can actually talk to people." I smiled to myself, it's awkward looking at her.

"Sokka told me you two were dating, but he also said to keep it a secret because you two want to be secret."

"Yeah, we are."

"He really cares about you. When he was in my cell he told me that he wants to protect you because he doesn't want to lose you."

"That's....really sweet." I looked up at her, she was smiling at me.

Sokka and Zuko came back, but Sokka looked uneasy.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I don't want to escape just yet, my father might actually be here tomorrow."

"That's fine, we'll stay here with you. We won't leave you." I hugged him.

"Wow what happened with you and Suki? You're usually not this....sweet? Kind?"

I let go of him and stuck my tongue out playfully. Zuko and Suki went back to their cells, the guards had their own beds and room. We spent the night there, and secretly shared a room.

We didn't really say anything, we don't need to. I took off the guard clothes and put mine back on, but of course Sokka slept shirtless. The two of us crawled into bed, he pulled me into his chest, I could feel him slowly breathing, and then soon falling asleep.

The next morning we quickly got back in cover as the guards and left. We saw Zuko and Suki waiting for us outside.

"What took you guys so long? Did you make love in the rooms?" Suki joked.

"Suki!" Sokka yelled.

"Make love? Are you guys dating?" Zuko raised his 1 eyebrow.

"Yeah, we are. Sorry that we didn't tell you, I wanted to keep it a secret." I told him.

The new prisoners started walking in. None of us saw Sokka's dad. Sokka looked down at the ground and frowned, but I squeezed his hand to make him look back up.

His dad came walking out.

my cat ran away for 4 days and i'm sure he's dead

4 year update: yeah he's been dead

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