Chapter 28- Old Masters

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We followed the June girl to the outer wall of Ba Sing Se. I don't know if it was the ride to the wall or what but I'm feeling really sick. It's probably nerves since I have to watch somebody die soon. Not knowing if it's Toph, Katara, Aang, Zuko, Suki, or even Sokka.

"Your uncle is somewhere in there. He's close by. Nyla is getting angsty so we're going to head back." June said before leaving.

"I guess we'll camp out here tonight." Katara said, her toned of voice sounded disappointed and even scared.

We relentlessly agreed and didn't bother to set up camp. We just found ourselves a spot on Appa. I always slept on his saddle since it's the most comfortable for me to sleep on.

"Why are you sleeping by yourself?" Sokka joked before laying down next to me.

"I feel sick. I think I'm just nervous."

"You're still nervous and thinking about what Yue said? You just gotta calm down. I'll always be here for you." He whispered, smiling at me. "Besides, you're the most beautiful, strong, powerful bender I've ever met. You came a long way. I remember when I first met you your bending was good, but now you really learned how to use it and control it. We'll be fine." He added, stroking my cheek.

I kissed his soft lips and turned around, making him hold me. It's like all of my worries wash away when he holds me, but this time is different. Something is wrong and I can feel it.


I got woken up by some people talking, Sokka wasn't next to me either. I sat up from the saddle and saw 4 old people surrounding us. I got off from Appa and focused my eyes on these men. My expression sooned changed once I saw who was with them.

"Pakku!" I said.

I ran up to him and hugged him, he frightendly took a step back.

"You can talk?" He raised his eyebrows.

"It's a long story but yeah! Still mad at you for telling my family about me water bending." I joked.

"I can't believe it!" Katara said, hugging Pakku.

"Well I am your new grandfather!" He said.

Katara and Sokka were shocked.

"You and Gran Gran are married!" Katara happily said.

"So that means I can call you Granddad Pakku!" Sokka added.

"Uh no."

"Why are we surrounded by old people?" Toph interrupted.

The other members, Piandao, Bumi, and some older man who I never met, came forward.

"We are the Order of the White Lotus. A secret organization focused on beauty and philosophy, and were summoned to Ba Sing Se by Iroh, the Grand Lotus." Piandao said.

"Hey we're actually looking for him." Zuko replied.

"We'll let you in." Pakku said.

Bumi put his finger to his head and then had a "Ah-ha!" moment.

"You're missing another person....It's Momo!" He shouted.

"Yeah he's with Aang." Sokka rolled his eyes.

"Oh then they'll be alright since they have each other." Bumi gave us a crooked smile. "Alright let's go." The 4 men led us into the wall, and we started walking.

"How did you get Omashu back?" Katara questioned.

"I single-handedly liberated the city of Omashu during the Day of Black Sun. I freed himself from my cage and cast out Fire Nation buildings. I even launched the Fire Lord's gigantic statue out of the city. The Fire Nation soldiers were powerless due to the eclipse, and helplessly fled. Did you guys do anything interesting on the eclipse?" He asked.

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