Chapter 30- I love you

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I concentrated on Toph's body. I took a deep breath and took control of her blood, she was my only focus, nothing else, not even the horrible pain in my lower stomach. I slowly levitated her body in the air, I was struggling since I never done this before. And i'm so scared that I might accidentally kill her.

Toph knew what I was doing since she felt it before, and she remained calm, but I could see that she was petrified and tearing up.

"She's blood bending! Get her!"

One of them broke my focus and she fell. But luckily for both of us she fell on the air ship.

"Stop that girl!" The guard yelled. The guard who was standing on my back grabbed my arms and tied them together with some rope. I kicked and moved my body but it was useless.

More guards came onto this ship, some were fighting Toph. They were so many that they are blocking my view and I couldn't see Sokka.

I feel so disappointed in myself, like yeah I saved Toph but I can't do much anymore. I can't blood bend or do anything without my hands. Think Y/n, just anything.

Toph over threw some of the guards, so I could finally see Sokka. But she looked like she needed help.

Sokka was still laying down, and he was surrounded by 2 guards. I saw one guard pull out a sword, I knew what he was about to do.


But it was too late, within a second the sword came and impelled him in the stomach.

"No." I whispered. "No!" I yelled out, almost ruining my vocal chords again.

My eyes shot darts at the guard who stabbed him. He looked straight into my eyes and his body swayed back and forth, before falling right off of the air ship. I could blood bend people just by looking at them. I turned my head to look at the guy who was standing on me, I could barely see him but I still managed to get a hold of him. I made him get off and fall off the air ship. That's two.

I got up and untied my hands, I saw Toph fought of some more, but one of them quickly grabbed her.

The feeling of rage and sadness over came me, Sokka pulled the sword out of his stomach and spit up more blood. The 3 other guards who was on the air ship panicked and charged straight for me. But I felt something that I never felt before.

I got ahold of all three men's blood, and I found a way to prevent the blood from going to the brain. I just have to make the blood stay still so it wouldn't move, and soon enough all of them fell. I felt tired and nauseas again, but I went straight to where Sokka was at.

"Sokka I'm so sorry. I..." I couldn't finish my sentence, and I couldn't save him because the spiritual water necklace fell.

I was helpless, and he was dying.

His eyes was still open, but barely and he couldn't focus on me. Some blood poured out of his mouth and some out of his stomach.

I saw another air ship somewhat below us, and it was Suki!

"Toph jump straight down, Suki will catch you."

Toph knew what just had happened, but she didn't say anything. She completely shut down.

I held Sokka's lifeless body, and jumped down as well.

When I fell I landed on my feet's and rolled with Sokka's body in my arms. I felt some wetness in my pants, and my stomach pain intensifying. I saw some red blood leaking underneath me.

It died. And I was right.

"What happened!" Suki said.

I can't let another person die, I didn't answer her, I just kept rocking myself, with Sokka in my arms. His eyes was closed and I could still feel him breathing. So I know that he's still alive.

"Y/n I caught your necklace. I don't know what's happening and what this is for but..." She handed me the necklace. I broke down again and used the water from it, hovering it over Sokka's wound.

"He's gone." Toph said, walking away as she shut her eyes.

"Sokka I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. Please don't die on me!"

The water glowed a bright blue, I never healed anymore before in my life. I'm hoping that I can heal just as good as I can fight.

"Please Sokka! I...I love you and I'm so sorry I never said it before."

"Y/n you're bleeding a lot-"

"Shut up Suki! Please! I know it's dead and now Sokka is dead."

The blue glow went away, and it was dead silence. The open wound closed and it was now a big scar. Sokka coughed and slowly opened his eyes.

I hugged him so hard, so tightly. I never wanted him to leave me. He pulled away and looked at my pants.

"You're bleeding, what happened?" His voice cracked, and he looked extremely tired.

"I'm just glad you're alive." I smiled through my tears. "I love you so much."

His eyes widen and he smiled so huge. "I love you too."

Toph and Suki helped us both up. Sokka couldn't walk very good because one, he was raised from the dead basically, and two, he has a broken leg.

I couldn't walk much since my knee was still hurting from the men knocking it out, and my stomach was hurting so badly.

"I'll fly this thing somewhere safe, you two just sit down." Suki said. Her and Toph helped the two of us get inside the air ship and sat down in the control room where Suki was steering.

I laid my head on his shoulder. "I was so scared I was going to lose you." I whispered.

"Thank you for saving me. But can I ask why you were bleeding so much?" He whispered back.

I couldn't have the heart to tell him. "I was right Sokka. About me know."

"Oh." Was all he said. "Oh." He said again, whispering the last part. The realization came to him.

"So it's gone." He said.

"Yeah. It is." I replied.

Toph sat down next to me. She still had tears in her eyes from earlier.

"I hate you for dying." She said to Sokka.

"But thanks to Y/n I'm alive." He smiled, but soon dropped the smile when he looked at me. "What's wrong."

I chewed on my lip, trying to not cry again.

"Lots of things. I thought I lost you, it was so scary watching you die in my arms. And then I lost it. I know it's barely living in the first place but it's yours. It's ours."

He pulled me into a tight hug, I felt Toph rubbing my back.

"I know, I'm sad that it happened. But I still can't thank you enough for saving my life. I love you so much." He buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"I love you too."

i have 5 breakdowns bc of school tomorrow and like i know i'm hot but  i'm still insecure
also i don't have my schedule so 🧍🏻
i love you guys so much, and don't worry this ain't the last chapter. there's like maybe 5 more i'm gonna write shshdhhd

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