Chapter 3- The Clothes

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The cool air was blowing through my hair. I took my hair down from the original style, letting the wind run through it.

"You should let your hair down more often." Sokka said to me. I cocked an eyebrow.

"You s-should too."

He stuck his tongue at me.

"Aang, I think we should try to cover up Appa." Katara said. "Since we are flying in the Fire Nation."

"You're right. You bend water and I bend air to make a cloud."

A cloud formed around Appa, which was really smart, and cool to be in.

We landed next to a cave and all of us decided it was best to live in it for a while.

"If we're going to live here we might as well dress like the fire nation." Sokka said.

"I agree." Aang added.

We snuck around, finding a clothes pin. We exchanged glances and make a run for it, grabbing whatever clothes that comes in contact with me. Once we "borrowed" them we walked back in the cave, putting on our new clothes.

Sokka looked amazing in his. He wore a dark red shirt with a lighter red shoulder pad thingy. He had some matching pants and wore sandals. His arms and legs was defined and toned, wow he has such a good body.

"I see that you're checking me out." Sokka chuckled. I crossed my arms. "Don't worry, I'm checking you out too." He smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully and looked at everybody else's outfit.

Katara looked beautiful. She's wearing a red crop top, a long skirt that splits on two sides, and a darker color pants.

Toph was wearing something similar, except she wasn't wearing a skirt obviously.

And Aang is wearing a school uniform with a head band, covering his arrow.

We all look great in Fire Nation clothes. Before I ran away I wore something similar to this.

"Let's go explore this place." Katara said. We all agreed and went to different stores that they had. Sokka obviously went to a meat stand. When we turned our heads Aang was gone, again.

"Let's just go back to the cave. I'm sure Aang will come back again." Katara sighed.

When we got back I wanted to try and blood bend two bodies. I bribed Toph by offering her some money. Sokka gave in as well.

"Alright, one more t-time." I said.

This time I did something different. I focused on both of their bodies, getting ahold of their water in their blood. I felt both of them, which is an amazing feeling. I made them stand still.

"T-Try to move."

They both moved, getting out of my stance.

"One more time." I said.

"You said that last time." Toph groaned.

I ignored her and did the same process again, except I didn't tell them to try and break out.

I tried to move their bodies but they wouldn't budge, I can only prevent them from moving.

"M-Move again."

Toph and Sokka tried moving, but they couldn't. At least I can prevent them from moving their bodies.

I let go and wiped off the sweat off of my forehead.

"You did it! Well sorta." Sokka said.

"I can only p-prevent you two from m-moving."

"But that's still progress. Just promise us you'll only use it unless somebody is dying." He replied. I gave him a reassuring smile. "I know."

Hours later had passed and  Aang finally arrived.

"Where have you been?" Katara put her hands on her hips.

"You wouldn't believe it. I was at school!"

"School? You're not going back." Sokka crossed his arms.

"But if I do I can get information about the Fire Nation!"

Sokka debated but finally gave in. We settled for the night and went to sleep. Weirdly enough this cave was the most comfortable sleep I ever had.

The sun shined through the cave, making me wake up fully.

I saw that Aang had already went to school. Everybody was still asleep, so I decided to clean myself.

There was some water beside of the cave. I undressed and dipped myself in the cool water. I haven't felt this clean in a long time. I closed my eyes, hearing mother nature, such as birds, the wind, even turtle ducks.

"Hey- Whoa you're naked."

I turned my head and sat on my knees in the water, covering up my exposed chest. Sokka stood there closing one eye, but I saw him peaking.

"G-Get out!" I yelled, but I couldn't help but smile.

"I just wanted some water." He opened his eyes and looked directly at me, with his hands on his waist.

I felt heat rising to my face.

He started to leave, "You have a nice body!" He yelled before running back to the cave.

I got out of the water and dried off, putting my Fire Nation clothes back on. I walked back into the cave and saw Katara fixing her hair. Toph was still asleep as usual.

"W-What are we going t-to do today?" I said, crossing my legs.

"I'm going to stay here. How about you, Toph?" Katara said.

"Sleep." She mumbled.

"I might go shopping. Wanna come with me, Handsy?" Sokka said.

"Sure." I stood up and we both walked out of the cave, being far away from Katara and Toph.

"Do you want to count this as a date?" Sokka said, he's usually confident in himself but he stumbled across his words this time.

"A date? But w-we're not d-dating." I couldn't get the word dating out of my mouth. Which is sorta ironic.

"So? I just want to take you out somewhere nice." He smiled.

I smiled back at the Water Tribe boy. I feel free when i'm with him.

So do y'all wanna date in this fanfic or wait until the very last chapter like how katara and aang did? because this book could go 2 ways, so i want you guys to decide!

Also updates might be slow because i'm spending the night with my friend thursday-saturday basically. And i'm going back to FL tuesday, so the days leading up to tuesday might be slow as well. But don't worry!

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