Chapter 11- Motherly

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The next day Toph, Sokka, Aang and I went back to scam people for money. I came up with a plan to pretend to get ran over by a carriage so Sokka can sue the person.

"Are you ready?" He asked me.

"Yeah, just waiting on a carriage."

I saw one coming our way. I walked up and pretend to get hit by it. I tried to contain my laughter because I know that I fell funny.

I closed my eyes so I can tricked the person into thinking I got knocked out. The guy came out of the carriage, and there was Sokka standing next to him.

"You hit a girl! That's illegal and you need to pay for your crimes!" Sokka said with a deep accent. He was dressed as a Fire Nation Solider.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! Is she okay?"

"No she's passed out! Now pay!"

I tried so hard to keep from laughing. The guy gave Sokka some money. Once he left I slowly and quietly got up.

"How much?" I asked him.

"15." He said proudly. Toph and Aang came out from hiding.

"That was hilarious!" Toph high fived me.

"So now what?" Aang questioned.

"We can scam people more." Toph said.

"I think we made enough money." Aang replied.

"There's no such thing as too much. Let's go!"


We scammed 3 more people, in total making 100 coins.

We arrived back at camp with an angry looking Katara.

"Seriously? Again? You guys need to stop. It can get you in trouble."

"Okay Miss Goodie Tissues." Toph said sarcastically.

"'s two shoes." I whispered to her.

"I am so tired of you! You're only doing this because you think since you don't have any parents you can go around and do whatever you want!"

"That's not it at all! Stop being a mother to me!" Toph stomped her foot out of frustration.

"You secretly miss your parents. So you try and be free because you don't want to admit it."

Toph walked away without saying anything. But that wasn't it, Katara still looked extremely mad.

"Y/n, I thought you were supposed to protect her, or at least be a sister to her since you told her that. I thought you would put your foot to the ground to make her stop since you're supposedly an older sister to her." She crossed her arms.

"Why are you mad at me? We needed money and Toph's plan was a good idea."

"No you're supposed to care after her! You even said that yourself!"

"I said I was an older sister to her because Yue treated me the same way I want Toph to be treated. A couple of days before Yue died she told me if I met somebody who doesn't have family love or anything like that to step in and be there for them. So I did."

"Well you failed."

My eyes started to burn through the tears. Why would she say that? Yue is a touchy subject already, I trusted Yue with everything and she showed that she loved and cared about me, and I wanted to show Toph that.

"Y/n I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said that." Katara came closer but I stepped back.

Aang and Sokka didn't know what to do. They were frozen to their places.

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