Chapter 14- Sleep and friends with benefits

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We arrived at the Black Cliff's in the Fire Nation.  I got off of Appa and started to unpack everything. I decided to sleep next to these rocks, for some reason rocks comfort me.

"Can I sleep next to you?" Sokka asked me.

"Sure. Are you okay?"

He laid down his sleeping bag next to mine and got in it. Our faces were 7 inches apart.

"I'm fine. Aang isn't, he's freaking out because the invasion is in 4 days." He laughed.

"I'm freaking out too."

"How come?"

"In my dream Yue said I will save somebody using blood bending. I'm afraid of who that might be. What if I mess up?"

"Don't worry too much about it. Besides you might not even get to save somebody at the invasion, who knows something else might happen after."

He turned over and fell asleep. I sighed and closed my eyes, dreading the day of the invasion.


The next day was pretty boring, well expect for watching Aang punching a tree. That was pretty weird not gonna lie.

"Wanna fight each other?" Toph asked me.

"Toph for the last time I don't feel like fighting."

"You're just afraid of losing again!" She laughed.

"No, I'm trying to focus on my body and mind."

"You're no fun. I'm going to bother your boyfriend now."

I grabbed her arm so she wouldn't walk away. "Boyfriend? He's not my boyfriend."

"You two act like it. What are you then? Friends with benefits?" She tried to roll her eyes but couldn't.

"I don't think you know what that means, and why do you think that?" I let out a laugh.

"You two are either kissing each other, going on dates, or full on making out. Regular friends don't do that."

"Can you guys shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Aang yelled.

"Aang you're just tired, please try and get some sleep." Katara said. Sokka walked up beside of her.

"I can't, I have to fight the Fire Lord. Soon." Aang said.

"How about we try to help you be calm and go to sleep?" Sokka added.


Katara and Aang went to the Hot Springs water and did yoga there, I just watch since this took my mind off at ease.

"How do you feel?" Katara said while stretching.

"I feel hot. As if I'm at the Fire Lords house and he's shooting fire balls at me!" He began to panic. Sokka sat beside of me.

"Why are you watching them?"

"Just bored, and Aang is freaking out again."

"Hmm, I think I got this."


Sokka put on his fake beard and stroke it, asking Aang these questions.

"What do you feel about defeating the Fire Lord?"

"Stress." Aang rolled his eyes. "How am I supposed to be calm?"

"Scream into the Koala sheep, pretend it's a pillow."

"Uhh. Okay."

He grabbed the koala sheep and screamed into it, but when he looked up he shrugged his shoulders.

"It didn't work."


I watched him with Toph, she was doing a... massage?

"Alright this should calm ya down."

She created these rock jabs that would hit Aang's body. He was clearly in pain.

"Toph stop!" He yelled. She groaned and stopped hitting him, which i'm pretty sure she just wanted to hit somebody.

"Fine, how about an acupuncture?"

"I'm good!" He backed away from her and turned his attention towards me. "Can you help me?"

"Aang, Im trying to help myself."


"Aang, are you okay?" Katara asked Aang while creating fire into the fire pit.

"I guess." He put his head in his hands.

I hugged my knees and rocked myself back and forth. I stopped worrying about the invasion, now my attention is on what Yue said to me about saving a life. I looked at Toph, her eyes was staring into the fire.

Everybody went to sleep, including Aang, which I'm surprised he went to sleep tonight.

Momo woke me up the next morning. "Hey little guy." I said with a tired voice. He made that little "skasjsj" sound or whatever he makes. I got up and fixed my fire nation clothes, over yonder I saw Aang and Katara talking to each other.

I sat on the ground and did some meditating, I remember the first time my mom made me meditate, I wouldn't sit still.

It was hard to meditate since Sokka and Toph were yelling at each other.

"Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to meditate."

"Sokka won't man up to date you." She crossed her arms.

"Toph for the last time Y/n and I already talked about it! We're fine waiting until after the invasion." Sokka said.

"But Y/n is always sad whenever you two do couple things but isn't one! She doesn't like being friends with benefits."

I chewed on my lip. "Toph I don't think that's the right words."

The only thing we done was kiss and go on dates, we never did..other stuff.

"Well pretty boy over here better man up." Toph said before walking away. I stood up and nervously looked at Sokka.

"I'm sorry if it bothers you. We can stop." He said.

"It does bother me, but it's okay don't worry about it. The invasion is soon and then after we'll be ready to date. So just in case if one of us dies during the invasion then it wouldn't hurt as much, just like you said." He pulled me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around him, tightening my grip. We pulled away and stare at each other.


"oh my god what is Aang doing." I interrupted Sokka.

We looked at Aang, who was talking to Appa and Momo like they were actual people. Sokka and I exchanged glances.

We told Toph and Katara about our plan, we'll get the koala sheep's fur and create a nice bed for Aang. Sokka got the sheep's and the rest of us created this cloud bed. Aang looked like a zombie.

"Oh great, I'm hallucinating again." He sighed.

"No, this is real and we created you a nice soft bed!" Katara said.

"I can't sleep, I'm not ready for this invasion unless I practice."

"Aang you've been practicing since we met, you came a long way and we're so proud of you. Get some rest, you'll feel a lot better." Katara smiled at the sleepy airbender.

Sokka slept beside of me again. This time he put his arm around me and held my body close to him. I could hear his soft snores, and feel his chest moving up and down. I can't wait for the invasion.


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