Mind Breaker- Chapter 14

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~Hitoshi's POV~

I don't remember falling asleep.

I had cried for... what? Hours?

All I know was it was a long time and I had fallen asleep still crying.

I look at myself in my mirror. I had serious eyebags.

Did I even fall asleep?
I don't remember much.

"I don't wanna go to school today!" I groan as me and the 'Bakusquad' walks to the school.

"In your case, you really don't have a choice Hitoshi." Jirou says.

"I know, but it's so boring! I already know everything! I'm fluent in Spanish, French, English, Italian, and Portuguese!" I say. (A.N. I am only fluent in English. I know like, 10 words in Spanish--?🤣 I do know some Italian though because my friend is Italian and when mad starts yelling and cursing in Italian and none of the teachers can tell him off for it because they have no proof he was cussing unless he says so or one of 'em knows Italian. And they don't. Back to the story!)

"Say something in Spanish." Sero challenges.

I think for a moment before speaking.

"Don't tell anyone I told you Sero, but I saw Kirishima drag Bakugou into a janitors closet yesterday. Came out with messy clothes and hair." I say.
Sero doubles over in laughter.
"Wha--!? What'd he say!?" Kaminari exclaims.
Some other students look at us weirdly but other than that leave us alone.
"Nothing." I say.
And so, we continue walking.

Finally we get to class.

"Okay class. Today we have an announcement in the auditorium. So can everyone please go down there please? Hitoshi, stay back." Aizawa says.

Midnight appears and walks out of the Classroom with the others.

"What's going on?" I ask Aizawa as he motions me to follow him out of the class.

"Nezu has finally put everything together and had decided to announce Mind Breakers arrival at UA and the VRP." Aizawa says.

"What?" I ask.

"Villain Rehabilitation Program." Aizawa says. "In here." He leads me through a door into a kinda dimly lit room.

"Hitoshi. Glad you're here." Present Mic says.

"Didn't really have a choice." I shrug.

"Okay. Aizawa will be going onto the stage to announce everything, and then you will be called out. If you want, you may change into your Villain outfit, which is in there." Snipe shows up, then points at a bag Cementoss is holding behind me.

Why did all of the Hero teachers suddenly surround me? So I couldn't leave!? Like I would!

"Right." I say. "Where do I change?" I ask.

"In the changing room over there. Mic will be waiting outside so that you don't try and escape." Aizawa says.

"Right." I say. I walk into the room, lock the door behind me, and set the bag down on the chair in the room.

I take out my ripped skinny jeans, my purple gloves, the short sleeved shirt with the words 'Not Today Satan' on it in purple, and my jacket.

I quickly get changed.

Finally, I tie my boots and look at myself in the mirror in the room.

I reach into the bag again and take out my voice modifier mask. I smirk and strap it on.
I mess with the voice until I find the right robotic and disoriented one.

I open the door, and suddenly a black ball of fluff jumps into my arms.

With quick reflexes I catch Nico.
"Snipe went and got him." Present Mic says.
"Answering questions and shit will be easy now that Nico is here." I say, raising the cat into the air, which he protests against by hissing at me.
I laugh, and bring him back down.
"And now, we'll have Mind Breaker onto the stage!" I hear Aizawa call.

"Guess that's your cue." Present Mic says.


With Nico in my arms I walk onto the stage, mask on, and cameras flashing in my face with gasps filling the room.

This was gonna be long...



I'm not that good at them🤣

Peace Out!


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