Mind Breaker- Chapter 20

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~Hitoshi's POV~

"Um... Aizawa?" I ask once we walk into the class and he's already there waiting.

"What problem child number 4?" He asks, looking up at me.

"You uh... forgot to put the Quirk cancelling choker back on me yesterday." I say.

"I forgot?" He asks. I nod stiffly under his gaze. "I don't forget things Hitoshi. Now go to your seat. We need to start class." He says.

My eyes widen, but I walk to my seat and sit down.

"Okay. So, two of you have still not turned in your Hero Name. So, please. Do that." He says. "Second. Don't set the dorms on fire. Third, Hitoshi, see me after class. Now, onto what we're doing today." He says.


After class I stay back and wait for everyone to leave to the next class.

"Yes Aizawa?" I ask, walking up to his desk.

"Follow me." He says, standing up and walking out of the Classroom.

I walk behind and him and notice that we're going to one of the many teachers lounges.

He opens the door and I look at Present Mic and... Eri.

"Hey little listener!" Present Mic says to me, smiling.

"Hey Mic." I say.

"Hitoshi, right?" Eri asks.

Considering the trauma she went through, I doubt she'd remember me. I barely even talked to her when I was there.

"Yup. Eri?"

"Yes!" She says, smiling widely.

"So, what is it?" I ask.

"Well, since you'll be living with us from now on, we decided to just ask you." Present Mic says.

"Ask what?" I ask.

Aizawa reaches into his scarf and takes out packet of papers. "This." He says, handing it to me.

I take the papers and look at it. My eyes widen. Holy shit. These are fucking adoption papers!

"So?" Aizawa asks.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

"Y-Yeah. Yes." I choke out.

You're crying. You're crying. You're crying.

"Yay!" Eri cheers excitedly.

"Alright. You should get to your next class." Aizawa says.

"R-Right!" I say, standing up and walking out of the room.

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