Mind Breaker- Chapter 31

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~Hitoshi's POV~

"Did you boys have fun?" Hinata asks once we meet them back at the car, our arms full of bags. Pikachu painted on Denki's face, a coffee in my hand, and a carrot cake in his.

"Y-Yup!" I say, struggling to hold up all the stuff.

"Let me help you." Haruki laughs, and takes some of the bags from my arms. Hinata helping Denki.

"We saw a woman with a painting Quirk giving out face paints, and well..." Denki trails off, laughing.

We pile into the car, and start driving back home.


I look over at Lily sitting between Denki and I.

"Yes Lily?" I ask.

"What's that on your neck?" She points to the hickey Denki had left on my neck.

My face flushes and I put my hand over my neck. "U-Uh..."

"He hit his neck on a wall." Denki says quickly, face flushed as well.

"He ran his neck into a wall?"

"How!?" Haruki asks, turning and looking back at us.


She seems to notice our red faces, and chuckles.

"Oh my gods." Denki buries his head into his hands, face red with embarrassment.

"Kill me now please." I mumble, turning and looking out the window.


"Bye mom and dad!" Denki calls as we get ready to walk out of the house.

"You sure you don't need us to drive you to the train station?" Haruki asks.

"We'll be fine!" Denki smiles.

"Okay. Call us when you get to UA." Haruki says, hugging his son.

"Okay dad!" Denki slings his backpack onto his shoulder, and grabs my hand. "Let's go Hitoshi!"

We walk to the train station, and get on our train.

We take our seat.

The train is quite empty. There's only three other people here.

"Hey Hitoshi." Denki says, leaning his head on my shoulder and snuggling closer to me.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Ever wonder what life would be like if you had stayed, and told the police what had happened with your father?" He mumbles.

"Sometimes. I imagine, I would've been put into foster. None of my family would want me. Even if I had a probable reason to kill the bastard." The train rolls to a stop, and one person climbs on.
"Then I would've been adopted by a nice family and lived out my life or whatever, never meet you, and never free so many kids and men and woman from abusive relationships and lives."

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