Mind Breaker- Chapter 23

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I listened to this song on repeat while writing this Chapter simply because of the ending and the dream Hito has at the end of this Chapter✌

~Hitoshi's POV~

"What the hell were you thinking?" Aizawa asks as we walk down the street back to the dorms.

I had explained to him how I knew Medicine and what had happened. I didn't tell him how bad it was, just that I ran out.

"I don't know. I didn't really think about asking anyone." That was true, but at the same time, my arm was in excruciating pain. Even when it was stock still.

And what Medicine had said was scaring me so fucking much.

"If you do not get that healed within two months Hitoshi... you're gonna die."

A month ago, I would've said, 'okay' left, lived a good two months, and then allowed myself to die in pain.

But now that I had friends and a family, I had to get it healed.

And this isn't even about my stupid promise with Shigaraki.

Now it was just... me not wanting to get rid of my father. I got over what he said a while ago. The only problem being, if I let him go... I just... this scar. It's my past. It... defines who I am. Where I came from. What I've gone through. But now...

I don't wanna die...

"Hitoshi." I look over at Aizawa. "We're here. And go to sleep." He says. Then turns around and walks away.

I slowly walk into the dorms and take the elevator to my dorm.

I get changed into my pajamas and lay down on the bed.

Might as well try and sleep...

I slowly drift off.


I roll out of bed, hitting the floor with a 'thump.'

I sluggishly stand up and walk to my wardrobe. I slowly take out my school uniform and put it on.

I lazily do the tie, and eventually give up and just let it hang around my neck.

I grab Nico and take the elevator downstairs.

I stumble out and slowly start walking to the door.

"Woah. Woah. Hitoshi you look like shit." Kaminari says, pulling me back.

"Yeah dude. Are you okay?" Kirishima asks.

I look around, and blurrily see the class looking at me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I say, pushing Kaminari off.

Then I trip.

Nico jumps out of my arms and lands on the ground.
As do I.

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