Mind Breaker- Chapter 16

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~Hitoshi's POV~

"Do you all forget that he's a Villain!? He's evil! He has innocent people's blood on his hands! And he doesn't even seem sorry about killing people!" Tsu yells, standing up.

"Asui. This is very inappropriate behavior! As Class President, I must ask you to stop." Iida says.

"Yeah, babe. He's still our classmate and like Kaminari said, trying to get better." Tokoyami says.

"Fumikage seriously!?" Tsu exclaims. "You're gonna take the Villains side before your own girlfriend!?"

"I'm not taking sides! I'm just saying that he's trying to get better!" Tokoyami says.

"He's a Villain you guys! He snuck a knife into his room! He said he should've tortured someone! Have you guys read anything on Mind Breaker and the people he's tortured and made go insane!?"

That silences the class.

In two seconds, they do start speaking. Quietly and whispering to eachother.

Now I could easily listen in on them, but I don't want to.

I pull my hand from Kaminari's and start walking to the elevator.

"Hitoshi! Don't leave!" Kaminari calls.

"What!? Can't even speak for yourself!?" Tsu yells. "Can't even... speak up!?"

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

"Guys! He's a monster! A Villain!" Tsu yells. "He's practically worthless!"

"Filthy Child!"
"Monster! Fake!"
"Your fault!"
"Mistake of a child! You killed her!"
"I wish it was you instead of her."

"Tsu! Don't be so harsh!"

"Why!? He's a Villain! He deserves it!" She yells.

"He doesn't even care for the people he's killed! He--!"

I tune her out and run to the stairway door. I run up the stairs to the second floor.

I slam my door shut and lock it.

Nico jumps out of my arms as I sink to the ground against the door. Knees hugged to my chest and head buried in my arms.

Sobs rack my body as memories upon memories of my father beating me and burning and cutting me go into my head.

My mental barriers are breaking. Fast. And easily.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I mutter to myself as I pull at my hair and hiss in pain at my right arm.

I slowly stand up and walk into my bathroom.

I quickly pull off my jacket and shirt and take off my bandages.

I hadn't looked at it since Todoroki had burnt it, and it was getting worse and worse.

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