Mind Breaker- Chapter 21

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~Hitoshi's POV~

It had been a month since I had started school here.

I could roam freely around the school, but when it comes to leaving, I need at least one person with me.
I didn't have to wear the cursed choker anymore.
The rest of the students at UA were warming up to me.
And I hadn't slept in five whole days.

Sure, I would sleep for a few seconds, but immediately jolt awake when I move my right arm.

Yeah. Still haven't gotten that healed just yet.
And I don't think I ever will.

I'm pretty sure my sleep deprivation could be seen as I was very weak in gym, and I had serious eyebags.

"Hitoshi!" I snap up, falling out of my chair and hitting the floor. My chair hits the floor with a BANG!

I look up at Aizawa, who's arms are crossed as he glares down at me. The rest of the class looked at me as well.

"What?" I ask, standing up and pulling the chair up and sitting down.

"You were dozing off in my class. For the third time this day." He says.

"Sorry." I say. "Well? Now you're just wasting time. Go back up and continue speaking or whatever."

He glares at me, but I don't have enough energy to even look into his eyes. I'm sure that if I did, I'd break down then and there.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him walking back to the front.
I try focusing, but, as always, my mind has other ideas.

I can't stop focusing on my arm.


"Uh... excuse me?" I walked into the dimly lit room.

"You're Hitoshi, correct? Otherwise known as Mind Breaker." A womans voice says.

"Y-Yes ma'am." I say.

"Sit down." She says.

I sat down on the comfortable pillow-like thing around the small table filled with an assortment of accessories.

"I heard... that your Quirk... can..." I trailed off.

"Heal people?" The woman asked, back to me.

"Yes." I say, nodding my head.

"Not exactly." She said.

"If you can't heal me, I'll leave. I'm sorry for wasting your time." I say, standing up, getting ready to leave.

"However," She said in that same old voice. "I can help with what you need healed."

"Is this some kind of joke?" I asked.

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