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"Hi, Miss Ayla" Maddie cooed as Max gently handed her over. I smiled as Ayla started to coo as if she was replying to her aunt. "Oh, you're so gorgeous" Max lowered himself down onto the couch beside me, his fingers running along my back as I leant myself into him. "I can't believe this is my first time holding you, and you're already two months old. She's literally not that much bigger than Savannah" I lightly chuckled with a nod.


"How much did she weigh when she was born again?"

"She weighed 4lb exactly."

"And how much does she weigh now?"

"6lb 2oz. She's putting on weight as she should, but I think she's always going to be a little peanut" Maddie lightly chuckled and I glanced to Max who stroked a strand of hair behind my ear and leant to press a kiss to my temple. "How's everything going with Jack?" the smile on my face widened as I noticed the light pink tint to her cheeks.


"Is that all I'm getting? Just good" she rolled her eyes and I lightly giggled as her cheeks just seemed to redden.

"I'll go and grab us some drinks" I nodded over at Max and we shared a kiss before he disappeared into the kitchen.

"So?" I found myself starting to smirk as she glanced over at me, biting down into her lower lip.

"I don't know whether I should tell you, you were the one who blurted out that I had a crush" I rolled my eyes as Maddie lightly giggled. "I-I'm thinking about taking the relationship to the next level" her cheeks continued to burn as she glanced back down at Ayla.

"You talking about sex?" she lightly shrugged her shoulders.

"Does it hurt?" my eyebrows lightly furrowed.

"It's uncomfortable at first."

"Who-Who did you lose it to?"

"I-I did stuff before my first time but I lost it to Wilmer" Maddie nodded, glancing back down at Ayla. "Just make sure that you're 100% ready for it before you do it, Baby Girl, and make sure that you use protection."

"Were you ready?"

"I could have been more prepared" she nodded up at me with a smile. She glanced back down at Ayla as Max stepped into the room, holding a tray.

"I just grabbed us each a glass of iced tea" I smiled up at Max as he lowered the tray down onto the coffee table.

"Thanks, Max" he sent Maddie a smile before taking a seat back beside me on the couch. I ran my hand along his thigh, the smile on my face widening as he turned to me with a small smile. There was a look in his eyes though and I furrowed my eyebrows together but decided to ignore it while Maddie was sat on the couch opposite us. I turned back to Maddie and watched with a wide smile and a full heart as she doted on Ayla.


"Thank you so much for coming, Mads" I gave her a gentle squeeze and smiled into her neck.

"Thanks for having me, and thanks for the advice. I don't fancy being a mom this young so I wouldn't do it if I wasn't prepared" I gave her a smile as I pulled away from the hug.

"Just make sure you're really ready before you do it. You don't want to live with any regrets."

"I will do. Thanks, Dems."

"Take care, Baby Girl" I pressed a kiss to her cheek and waved her off. As soon as her car had disappeared out of the driveway, I shut the door and hobbled back into the living room where Max was lowering Ayla down into her bassinet. "She asleep?" Max nodded but remained silent as he leant to press a kiss to Ayla's forehead. I dropped down onto the couch and released a breath, staring off at the tv that was playing quietly through the room. As soon as Ayla was settled, Max came back to the couch and took a seat beside me. I turned myself to face him, my eyebrows furrowing together as I watched him, wondering what the hell was going on inside his head. I remained silent, running my fingertips along his shoulder as I waited for him to be ready to talk.

"You never told me your first time was with Wilmer?"

"So, that's what's going on inside your head?" he rolled his eyes as he glanced over at me causing me to chuckle. "You never asked, Max. If you'd have asked, I would have told you" he nodded, briefly glancing away. "I don't know who your first time was with either" he turned to me with a smirk. "What? You know mine, why can't I know yours?"

"I was 17. It was with my girlfriend and it really wasn't that enjoyable" I couldn't help but to giggle. "We actually broke up like the day after" I only laughed harder. "But you ended up sticking with yours for 6 years, so your first time must have been good" I rolled my eyes and turned away.

"Can we stop talking about this now, it's awkward" he lightly chuckled and leant to brush his lips against mine.

"You know all this talk about sex has made me realise how much I've missed you" he ran his hand along my waist and I couldn't help but to cringe. I was cleared to continue regular activities including sex last week but I haven't wanted to. I haven't yet felt the need to. I haven't felt horny since before Ayla was born and Max hasn't seen me naked since before I had Ayla. I'm worried about what his reaction is going to be when he does because I don't look the same as what I did pre-pregnancy.

"Not yet yeah?" he pulled himself from me and nodded as he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Okay, Baby. I love you."

"I love you too" he leant to press a kiss to my nose before he dropped back against the couch and turned his attention to the tv. He grabbed the remote and began to flick through the channels. I just stared at him for a moment, swallowing down the lump that formed in my throat before I cuddled myself into his side, smiling lightly as he wrapped his arm tightly around me.


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