Twenty Seven

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Me: We need to talk.

I hit send and then leant back against the couch, my eyes glancing down at my stomach where my hand lay. I rolled my eyes and removed it, glancing to Sirah as she stepped into the room with two mugs in hand.


"You sent the message?" I nodded, taking the mug from her and taking a sip of the warm liquid.


"How do you feel, Dems?" I shrugged, releasing a sigh as I glanced down.

"I don't really know. I'm pregnant with Max's baby. He cheated on me and I'm pissed at him. We haven't spoken in a while and now, I'm having his baby" Sirah watched me with nothing but sympathy covering her features. I rolled my eyes at the sight and leant to lower the mug down onto the coffee table, glancing at Ayla who was babbling to her toys. "I don't need your sympathy, Sirah. All I need is to not be pregnant with this baby. I need to not have something else to tie me to Max. I already have Ayla" I ran my fingers into my hair and groaned.

"You obviously aren't thinking about terminating the pregnancy because you wouldn't have text him otherwise, would you?"

"I couldn't do that, no matter how much I don't really want it" my eyes burnt with tears. Sirah shuffled herself towards me and wrapped me up in a hug. The embrace was comforting but the tears just poured faster down my cheeks. I snapped from my almost emotional breakdown as my phone buzzed from where it lay on my lap.

"Is it Max?"


Kobe🥊: Hi. I missed you at the gym today. It isn't the same being beat up by guys 🤫

I lightly giggled, Sirah pulling away from my side with furrowed eyebrows.

"What the fuck are you giggling at? Who is it?"

"Just some guy from the gym" I just shrugged.

"Just some guy? You're blushing, Dems" I rolled my eyes and shoved her lightly in the side.

"I'm not blushing" her eyebrows raised and a smirk formed onto her face which did cause my cheeks to burn. I just glanced back down at my phone. "I've only been single for 2 months and now, I'm pregnant. I can't just jump into a relationship and anyway, I doubt he likes me like that."

"Why wouldn't he like you?" I didn't reply to her as I tapped out a reply to Kobe's message.

Me: Glad you missed me 😜🙃

"What's his name?"


"Is he cute?" I just rolled my eyes and ignored her, glancing at my phone as it buzzed.

Max: I'm free now. If you want me to come over?

"It's Max" I turned my phone to her so she could see the message.

"I can leave if you want him to come over?" I shook my head, glancing down at my phone, beginning to type out my reply.

"You aren't going anywhere" I watched her nod out of the corner of my eye.

Me: Yes. I want you to come over.


"Peanut?" Ayla turned to me, a scowl on her face as if I had just interrupted her playing. "You're turning into such a sassy little baby" she giggled, dropping onto her hands and knees, beginning to crawl towards me. "When are you going to start walking, Ayla?" she babbled back her reply, using my legs to help her stand. I lifted her onto my lap and smiled as she cuddled herself into me. "You're going to be a big sister, Ayla" I sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "How am I going to deal with a newborn and a young toddler on my own?"

"You won't be on your own, Dems" I glanced to Sirah who stepped back into the living room, Batman darting passed her feet.

"Eh" Ayla squealed, her arms shooting out to Sirah.

"Hello Precious" she giggled as Sirah took her from me and cradled her against her side. "I think I heard a car pull into the driveway" I nodded, rubbing my hands on my jeans, releasing a sigh as I pushed myself up from the couch. "You want me to keep Ayla occupied?" I nodded, sending her a grateful smile as I leant to press a kiss to Ayla's cheek causing her to lightly giggle.

"Be a good girl for auntie Si, okay, Peanut?"

"Good luck" the doorbell rang at that moment causing me to lightly jump. "You'll be fine, Dems" I gave her a small smile before I left the room, beginning towards the front door, being sure to close the living room door behind me.

"We're going to be fine" I spoke softly down to my stomach as I stood by the front door. I was trying to convince myself that everything would be okay. "It doesn't matter what your daddy thinks, huh? We can get through this together" I released a breath before I yanked open the front door to reveal Max.

"What's going on? Is something wrong with Ayla? Is she...?"

"Shut up" I moved out of his way so he could step into the house. "Ayla's fine, she's in the living room with Sirah" I grabbed his arm as he went to walk off. "I-I need to talk to you first" he glanced back at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "You can see Ayla after we've finished" it's like he had to think about it for a moment before he nodded. "We can go into the kitchen" I turned and began into the kitchen, Max following along behind me. I began to pace along the floor, Max leaning back against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest.

"If you aren't going to tell me what's going on, are you at least going to let me see Ayla?"

"I..." I turned to Max who was staring at me.

"Demi, I swear to god, I don't have time for this."

"Don't start being a dick with me, Max. You were the one who cheated on me, remember? If anyone deserves to be the dick, it's me" he glanced away with a roll of his eyes.

"Why am I here, Demi? Why did you drag me here when you're not..."

"I'm pregnant, Max..."


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