Twenty Two

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I ignored Max's FaceTime request for the 10th time, to be fair it's probably more than that, I'm not really counting anymore. I never really started counting. I'm surprised he hasn't given up yet. I rolled my eyes at the message that suddenly pinged through.

Max: Baby it isn't true. I promise.

I just shook my head and rolled my eyes.

Max: It's not true. I'll explain it but I need you to answer my calls.

"You're so full of shit" I threw my phone across the room, satisfied as it hit the wall, slamming onto the table in the process causing a photo frame to drop to the floor with a shatter. I knew which photo it was and I couldn't bring myself to care. A loud cry cut me from my stare and I turned to the door to find Dallas stood in the doorway with Ayla settled on one hip and Savannah settled on the other. My face crumpled as I pushed myself up from the couch and headed towards my daughter. "Hi Peanut" she whined and nuzzled herself more into Dallas. "Baby, it's mama. What's the matter?" I stroked my fingers through the hair around her ear but she just recoiled from my touch causing my heart to ache.

"Demi, she just saw you throw your phone across the room" I sighed, staring at Ayla as the tears just quickened their pace down my cheeks.

"Why did he do it?" Dallas walked passed me, lowered Savannah and Ayla down onto the floor near the toys to help keep them both occupied. She stepped back to me and guided me back to the couch. She locked her arms around me as I broke down. She soothingly ran her fingers through my hair which helped to calm me down. My phone began to vibrate from where it lay on the table. "I wish he would just stop ringing" I pulled myself from Dallas and curled into myself, tears streaming rapidly down my cheeks as I tugged at my hair.

"I'm surprised your phone is still working to be fair" Dallas pushed herself up from the couch and returned a moment later with my phone. "You have a message from a Tara" I pulled my face from my knees and grabbed my phone off her as she lowered herself back down onto the couch. The screen on my phone was shattered but I could still see the message clearly.

Tara: Hi

Me: Who are you?

I tapped onto her profile and the moment I scrolled through; my heart dropped. This is the girl that Max was caught making out with earlier this week.

Tara: I'm the girl who was photographed with Max. He said that he had broken up with you before he came to New York, he never once wore his ring while he was over here. I didn't think you were still together and I am so sorry.

I sniffled, handing the phone to Dallas so that she could read the message.

"So, he's an asshole?"

"Not once have I ever been cheated on" Dallas locked her arms around me and cradled me against her side as I broke down into another fit of sobs.


"Dems" I pulled from Dallas with a sniffle.

"Who just said that?"

"That was Ayla, Dems" I turned to my baby to find that she was crawling towards me, a look of worry was spread across her face.

"Mama" she grabbed onto my leg once she reached me and used it to help her stand.

"Hi Peanut" I lifted her onto my lap, a small sad smile forming on my face as she cuddled herself into me. "All I need is you, right, Baby Girl?" Ayla giggled as I lightly kissed at her neck. "I love you so much, my Gorgeous Girl."


"You miss daddy, Peanut?" she nuzzled her head into my chest, her finger finding its way into her mouth. "You tired?" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, running my fingers along her back. "I'm going to get her down for a nap" Dallas nodded, sending me a small smile as I pushed myself up from the couch and began from the room. I couldn't hold back my tears as I nursed Ayla to sleep, her hand clutching at my shirt. I thought I had the perfect little family, oh how wrong I was. "We don't need him, huh, Peanut?" I sniffled, wiping at my cheeks. "I love you, my Gorgeous Baby Girl, and I will never regret you. No matter how much I hate him right now" I leant my head back against the chair and gently rocked us, not even realising that I was falling to sleep.


"Hello, Sleeping Beauties" I rolled my eyes as I stepped into the kitchen with Ayla settled on my hip. Dallas was stirring something in the pan on the stove.

"What are you making?" I adjusted Ayla on my hip slightly.

"Chicken and pasta" I sent her a grateful smile. "I-I thought I'd help you out" I gently lowered Ayla into her highchair. "How was your nap anyway?" I nodded, wondering to the cupboard so I could grab out a glass.

"I needed it."

"Your phones been ringing nonstop, by the way" I rolled my eyes, pouring myself a glass of water.

"Of course it has. Where's Savannah?"

"She's napping on the couch" I nodded, taking a sip of water before I began into the living room, smiling at the sight of Savannah fast asleep on the couch surrounded by pillows.

I grabbed my phone off the coffee table, sighing at the amount of missed calls I had off Max, along with the messages.

Max: Demi please.
Max: I can explain everything. I swear to you!!
Max: Whatever Tara said isn't true.
Max: Demi please call me back or even message me! I don't care just please. I need to talk to you!!!

Me: Just leave me alone. I need time to think!

I switched off my phone and shoved it into my pocket before I headed back into the kitchen, trying to forget about the mess my relationship was now in.


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