Forty Three

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Me: I need you home! NOW.

I sent the message, whimpering as a new contraction started. I leant back against the couch, trying to relax as I breathed through the contraction, my hand settled on my swollen belly. I'm still 3 weeks from my due date but I had an appointment with Dr Anderson just a matter of days ago and she said that I could go into labour at any moment and baby girl chose now.

Kobe🥊❤️: Is it baby time?😁💗

I rolled my eyes but my heart swelled at his obvious excitement. Kobe is so excited to meet this baby and the way he talks about her, makes me so excited to see him with her.

Me: Yes.

"And now we wait for Bebe, Angel."

I don't even know how many contractions I had while I waited for Kobe to get home but they were now less than 5 minutes apart. I glanced to him as he stepped into the living room and dropped to the floor in front of me. He stroked a strand of hair behind my ear and pressed a gentle peck to my lips.

"You messaged Max?" I shook my head. The last time Max was supposed to care for Ayla, he bailed, and the next day I found out that he bailed so that he could spend some time with his new girlfriend. I don't care that he has a girlfriend, I'm just pissed that he bailed on his daughter. I know what it's like to wait for your daddy to pick you up and he never does, I don't want that for either of my children.

"He wouldn't care."

"You don't know that, Baby" I whimpered as another contraction started and I leant forward to nuzzle myself into him. He wrapped his arm around me and began to lightly massage my lower back. "You're doing so good, Baby" he pressed a kiss to my shoulder.

"That feels really good."

"Yeah?" I nodded, gently moaning in satisfaction as he continued to dig his fingers into my lower back. "How far apart are the contractions, Babe?" his fingers ran into my hair.

"They've been 5 minutes apart for the last half an hour-ish" he nodded, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he pulled away.

"I'm going to grab the hospital bag, okay? I'll get everything into the car. Is there anything else you need me to grab?"

"Just my phone charger off the nightstand."

"Okay. I love you" my mouth twitched at the corners.

"I love you more."

"Totally not possible but okay" he pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Keep breathing, okay, Baby?"

"I know how to breathe, Ko" he lightly chuckled. Kobe disappeared from the living room and I glanced down at Batman and Ella who were staring up at me. "I'm okay, Babies. You're going to have a new little friend to play with soon" I ran my fingers into Batman's fur as he nuzzled himself into my leg. "Oh, shit" I clenched my teeth together and hissed through my pain as I caressed my stomach. I grabbed my phone and decided I may as well message Max while I wait. I don't expect a reply. I don't expect anything.

Me: I'm in labour. I'm heading to the hospital so thought I'd let you know in case you want to see your daughter be born!! As much as I hate you! I want you there for OUR daughter.

I hit send and whimpered, hunching forward as the next contraction built on top of the previous.

"Well, they were a little closer together, Baby" I caressed my belly, trying to hold back the tears that were burning at the back of my eyes. I glanced over to Kobe as he stepped into the room.

"Everything's in the car. You want to get to the hospital?"

"Yeah, I just had a contraction on top of the previous" he pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I've messaged Max" Kobe took my hands in his and helped me to stand.

"Have you?" I nodded.

"He hasn't replied though" he pressed a kiss to the top of my head as we slowly began from the living room, Kobe's arm wrapped around me as I clutched at the back of his shirt. "Hang on" I hunched forward and whimpered as the contraction built.

"You're doing so good, Baby."

"Okay, I'm good" he lightly rubbed my back and waited for a moment before he guided me slowly from the house. He helped me into the passenger seat of the car and helped me to fasten my seatbelt. I smiled as he settled his hand on my belly and pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"I'm so fucking proud of you" I turned to him, my hand settling on his cheek.

"I haven't done anything yet."

"I am still so proud of you" I leant down to brush my lips with his, pulling away with a whimper.

"Fuck" Kobe pressed another kiss to my cheek before he shut the passenger door and walked around to the driver's side. He ran his hand along my thigh and grabbed my hand to tangle our fingers together as he started the car. He drove as fast as he legally could towards the hospital. It wasn't until we pulled into the parking lot that my phone lit up.

Max: Okay.

"Okay? What the fuck does okay mean?" I hissed.

"Baby?" I turned to Kobe who stroked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Let's forget about Max right now, and let's just focus on you and baby girl, okay?" I nodded, my mouth twitching slightly. "I love you, and I'm not leaving your side, I promise you, Baby."

"Good, because I'm going to need you" he cupped my chin gently and leant to press a peck to my lips.

"You, Ayla and baby girl are my world, okay?"

"I love you" he nodded, smiling as I dropped my head onto his shoulder and nuzzled my face into his neck.

"I love you too. Let's get you inside, Baby."


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