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"Babe" Ariana locked her arms around my neck causing me to lightly giggle as I gave her a squeeze. "Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever."

"You saw me last week, Ari" she rolled her eyes as she pulled from the hug.

"It still stands" I lightly giggled. "Come on, let's go and sit down, we're sat next to each other" I glanced back at Max as Ariana locked her hand around my wrist. He gave me a smile as I reached out for his hand and tangled our fingers together. He gave my hand a squeeze before I allowed Ariana to pull us through the arena. We were seated at the front and I was all smiles until I glanced at the row behind us. Why the hell have they sat me in front of the Jonas Brothers and their wives? Max gave my hand a squeeze as he noticed what or should I say who I was staring at. They seemed to turn their gaze away but I found that Nick kept stealing glances at me. Max wrapped his arm around me and I happily leant myself into him. I could feel eyes on the back of my head but I tried so hard to ignore them as the show started.


"And Demi Lovato with Anyone" I giggled as Ariana squealed, her hand wrapping tightly around mine. My heart was pounding so rapidly against my ribcage that it was actually making me feel sick. "The winner of Record of the Year is..." I released a breath, my leg bouncing out of nerves. I glanced over at Max as he gave my hand a squeeze. "DEMI LOVATO" my mouth dropped as a chorus of screams filled the arena. What the fuck? Ariana stood beside me, jumping up and down as she squealed. Max stood and pulled my shocked ass up behind him. He locked his arms around me and brushed his lips with mine as I found myself growing emotional.

"I'm so proud of you" I giggled as I detached our lips to find that tears of pride were welling in his eyes. I was then pulled into a hug by Ariana who squealed down my ear. It was as I pulled away and turned to head towards the stage, that my eyes locked with Nick's once again. A smile sort of spread across his face as he gave me a nod and continued to clap his hands together. I turned away and continued towards the stage, my entire body shaking as I took the Grammy in my hands. My first ever Grammy. I turned to the mic and the smile on my face widened as I turned to face my peers.

"Well..." the screaming and clapping slowly silenced. "I-I don't even know what to say. I honestly never thought that this would happen so I didn't even prepare a speech" I swallowed hard as a lump formed in my throat. "I've dreamt my entire life of winning a Grammy. I can't even believe that I just won, the people in the category are all incredible and every one of you deserve this" I glanced down at the Grammy in my hand with a smile. "I should probably start off by thanking my family and my two very best friends, Matthew and Sirah, who have been there with me through every single up and down that I've been through over the past couple of years. I love you guys all so much" I glanced down and sniffled, wiping at the tears on my cheeks. "I also want to thank Scooter Braun and everyone at SB Projects for taking me on and actually supporting me in my career. You guys have given me so much in the last nearly two years that I've never had in my entire career and I am so thankful for you guys. Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to perform this song live" my eyes finally locked with Max's. "I want to thank Max. You have changed my life for the better and I love you so much. You have given me so much to live for and you have also given me our gorgeous baby girl. Thank you for supporting me through everything. I don't need to cry out for anyone anymore, because everyone's already there" my voice cracked and I glanced down. "And I finally want to thank my fans, my Lovatics. You guys are incredible and I think of you guys as my family. I love y'all, thank you" I sent the audience a wave, screams and cheers filling the arena as I turned to leave the stage.


"Baby, I'm so proud of you" Max's grip remained tight around me as I kept my face hidden in his neck. "I love you so much, Gorgeous" I pulled from the hug and we smiled at each other, my fingers playing in his hair.

"I love you too. Thank you for everything" he brushed his lips against mine causing me to widely smile.

"I need the toilet, Baby. You okay staying here?" I nodded and gave him a quick peck before I turned to Ariana who was protectively holding my Grammy award. I went to speak but I was cut off by my name being called.

"Demi" Ariana gave me a look before she glanced behind me, my heart beginning to pound against my ribcage as I turned to face the very three people who let me down 2 years ago. "We-We just wanted to come and say congratulations, if anyone deserves this, it's you" I nodded over at Joe who spoke before I glanced to Nick who was just staring at me. I'm surprised he doesn't have his wife clung to him.

"Thanks" an awkward silence fell around us.

"Is..." I glanced to Nick, our eyes locking for a brief moment before he glanced away. "Is there any chance we could talk?" I shook my head almost instantly. I didn't even feel guilty as he glanced down in disappointment.

"No offence, but I don't really want to talk to you."

"Erm...Congratulations on your baby girl, she's gorgeous" I glanced over at Kevin with a smile. I can honestly say I don't have anything against Kevin.

"Thank you. I hope Dani and the girls are good."

"They are. Thank you, Demi."

"We should probably get going, we'll leave you to celebrate" Joe's eyes glanced behind me and I smiled when I saw Max approaching. His eyes locked with mine and the smile on my face just widened.

"Hi, Baby" he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear and leant to press a kiss to my lips.

"Congratulations again, Demi" I smiled over at Joe and gave him a nod, turning back to Max as they walked away.

"How was that?"

"Awkward" Max lightly chuckled as he leant down to press a gentle peck to my lips. "Can we go home now? I'm really missing my baby" Max nodded and the smile on my face widened. I've had an amazing night but I need to go home to my little peanut.


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