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"Okay, Demi, you're all done" I gave Jill a smile as she removed the brush from my cheek.

"Thanks, Jill."

"How are you feeling?" she turned to the vanity and slowly began to clear everything away.

"I'm not going to lie, I'm a little terrified" I glanced down at my hands as I began to play with my fingers.


"I haven't walked a red carpet in years. What if I fall and embarrass myself in front of the world?" Jill lightly chuckled causing me to giggle.

"You're not going to fall, Sweetheart. You have Max there with you, I'm sure he'll keep you standing" she tried to joke but I couldn't laugh. "What else is bothering you, Dems? I've been working with you for years, I know you."

"They're going to be there."

"I assume we're talking about a band of brothers?" I nodded, refraining from biting down on my lower lip. "You don't need to speak to them, Dems."

"What if I bump into them? I can't just ignore them, can I?"

"You don't need to speak with them, Babe" I glanced behind me at Max, a smile forming on my face as I admired him from head to toe.

"You look handsome" he chuckled lightly.

"Thank you, Baby" he took a step towards me and began to lightly stroke his fingers through my hair. "You don't need to talk to them, Baby. I'm not leaving your side for a second so I'll always be there beside you, I promise."

"What if you need to pee?" Max rolled his eyes and chuckled. He leant down to press a peck to my lips.

"No messing up the lipstick" I lightly giggled into the kiss and Max chuckled as Jill playfully scolded us.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Okay, you need to go and get dressed" I released a breath and nodded, turning towards the dress that hung on the back of the closet door. "You'll be fine, Baby, okay? We're going to have a good night" I swallowed down the lump in my throat and nodded. I tried to convince myself that everything was going to be okay as I headed towards the closet.


"Baby, you look incredible" I gave my mom a smile as Max guided me down the stairs. My eyes instantly landed on Ayla who lay fast asleep in my mom's arms.

"Thanks. You sure you're okay to watch her?" I ran the back of my finger along Ayla's cheek. "I want you to message me if you need anything at all. I'll come straight home" mom rolled her eyes and lightly chuckled.

"Okay, but I'm sure we'll be fine."

"We haven't left her alone yet" I was suddenly beginning to feel emotional. "I'm going to be away from my baby for hours" I glanced back at Max as he ran his hand along my back and pressed a kiss to the back of my head.

"We'll be fine, Baby. If she needs you, I'll call you. Go out and have fun, and you're going to win" I rolled my eyes as mom smirked.

"I doubt it, but thanks" I smiled down at Ayla. "Mommy and daddy will be home soon, Peanut, okay? Please be good for nana and papa. I love you, Baby Girl" I leant down to press a kiss to her forehead, lightly wiping away the lipstick stain I left behind. "Okay, we should go before I decide that we're not going" I turned to Max who gave me a smile and nodded.

"Be a good girl, Ayla" Max pressed a delicate kiss to Ayla's forehead and the smile on my face widened. "Alright then, Babe. Let's go" I slid my hand into Max's as he began towards the front door so that we could finally head out.


"DEMI, MAX, OVER HERE" I kept my grip tight on the back of Max's tux jacket as commands where shouted at us.

"CAN WE GET A KISS, GUYS?" I subtly rolled my eyes but glanced up at Max who smiled down at me. He stroked a strand of my hair and leant down to brush his lips with mine. The kiss lasted for a brief second but it was long enough for the photographers to get their shot. It was as we pulled away that my eyes landed on a certain brother and my heart began to hammer against my ribcage. My breathing began to quicken as I began to panic, it only seemed to worsen though as his eyes locked with mine from where he stood next to his wife.

"Max" I tugged lightly on his jacket; my eyes still locked with his. We used to communicate to each other just by staring into each other's eyes. Never has staring into his eyes made me panic so much.

"You okay, Babe?" I subtly shook my head.

"They're here" I thankfully managed to pull my eyes from his and I glanced up at Max, tears welling up in my eyes. I kept my face turned away from the cameras as I tried to calm myself, I don't need to have a meltdown in front of the world. Max briefly glanced behind him and in the direction of the brothers.

"Come on, Baby" he wrapped his arm around my neck and guided me off the red carpet. I was on the verge of a panic attack as Max guided me into a hidden area. "You've got to breathe, Baby" he held me by the arms, his lips pressed against my forehead as I tried, but failed to calm my breathing. "Demi, follow my breathing, okay? Match my breathing for me, Baby" I locked my eyes with Max's as I copied his breaths, my eyes burning with the threat of tears. "That's it, Beautiful" he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear and pressed another kiss to my forehead.

"I-I didn't think they'd affect me this much."

"They were your life and they let you down. I think it's normal, Baby" I nodded and pulled away from Max with a small smile. He stared down at me, nothing but love in his eyes as he played with a strand of my hair. "You ready to get back out there?" I nodded up at him but before he could turn and walk us out, I leant up to brush my lips against his. The kiss was sweet.

"Thank you for calming me down."

"It's my job as boyfriend, Baby. I love you."

"I love you too, Handsome. Let's go. I want to show them that they don't mean anything to me anymore" he pressed a kiss to my temple before he guided me from our hiding spot and back into the open.


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