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I gently moaned as lips ran along my neck.

"Baby?" I smiled at the voice.


"Dems?" I jumped awake, glancing in the direction of the voice to find Max knelt on the floor by the bed. "Hi" my eyebrows furrowed and I became more alert, rolling over and grabbing my phone to see the date and time.

"It's only Thursday."

"I know. I was able to come home earlier."

"Hi" I lowered my phone back down onto my nightstand, glancing back over at Max who was smiling down at me.

"Hi Baby" I couldn't work out whether I was happy or not.

"Hi" he awkwardly chuckled. "We-We need to talk but it-it's early so we'll talk tomorrow" he numbly nodded.

"Can I sleep in here or-or do you want me to sleep in the guest room?" I glanced away from his gaze.

"You can sleep in here" he stripped from his jeans and climbed into his side of the bed. I rolled onto my side, my back facing him. The bed dipped slightly as he rolled over, my eyes welling up with tears as Max draped his arm around my waist.

"I'm sorry" he leant to press a kiss to my cheek.

"Yeah" I suitably wiped the fallen tears from my cheeks. He removed his arm from around me but my body ran cold. I grabbed his hand and wrapped it back around me, cuddling myself back into him. He stroked my hair off my neck and gently leant to press a kiss to the back of my neck. I fell asleep with a small smile on my face.


I woke again a couple hours later to the most beautiful sound.

"Dadada" I glanced briefly to the baby monitor, smiling to myself as I watched Ayla babble to her teddies. I glanced back at Max, thankful to find that he was still fast asleep. He was lying on his back, one arm behind his head while the other was resting on his chest. I swallowed down the lump that suddenly formed in my throat and quietly climbed from the bed. I grabbed my robe off the vanity chair and wrapped it around my body, taking one last glance at Max before I left the room.

"Morning Peanut" Ayla babbled her reply. "Did you have a good sleep, Baby Girl?" I lifted her from the crib, being sure to bring 'Ellie' with us which she clutched into her chest. "You'll never guess who's back, Ayla" I carried her over to the changing table, thankful that she laid back against it and allowed me to quickly change her dirty diaper, it helped that she was distracted by 'Ellie.' "And we're all clean" she giggled as I lifted her up and peppered kisses along her cheek. "I love you, my Peanut" I settled her on my hip and began from the room. The house was still silent so I headed downstairs and into the kitchen where Batman and Ella were curled up together. They don't always sleep on my bed, sometimes they like their own space away from me. "Shall we say morning to Batman and Ella?" I smiled down at the two dogs who began towards us with their tails wagging.

"Da" she held her hand down towards the dogs.

"Let's get you something to eat, Gorgeous" I lowered Ayla into her highchair, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. I took 'Ellie' from her, placing the stuffed elephant onto the counter beside her. "Okay, shall we have some bananas?" Ayla was staring at me, chewing down on her fingers. "And, what about some toast?" Ayla randomly squealed in reply. "Okay, Peanut" I turned myself to the counter, turning the radio on low, gently beginning to sing along to it, my hips swaying as I danced. I dropped a slice of bread into the toaster and while I waited for it to finish, I chopped up a banana. Ayla devoured the entire lot and got into a mess in the process. I had my daily coffee while she ate, finding entertainment in Ayla covering herself in banana. "Well, you will get yourself all messy, Miss Ayla" she whined as I wiped off her hands and face. "Right, shall we go and have cuddles?" I lifted her from the highchair and began into the living room with Batman and Ella following along behind. I settled myself on the couch, adjusting Ayla in my arms and I lifted my shirt so that she could breastfeed. I breastfeed Ayla once in the morning, after nap times and then before she goes to bed. She will easily take a bottle but I enjoy the bonding I get to have with her. "My precious peanut" I ran the tip of my finger down the side of her face and widely smiled as her eyes slowly started to flutter. Her hand was resting on my chest and there's nothing I love more. She fed for around 20 minutes before she dropped to sleep, her hand clutching at my shirt. I adjusted her against my chest so I could pull my shirt down, glancing over at the living room door as it was pushed open and Max stepped through.

"Morning" I gave him a nod and a small smile, glancing back down at Ayla who was gently snoring. "How long has she been out for?" he settled himself gently on the couch beside me and my heart ached at the distance he put between us.

"Like 5 minutes. She'll only be asleep for around an hour" he nodded, silence slowly falling around us.

"I-I'm going to grab a coffee."

"Help yourself. I'm going to take her upstairs because I think we need to talk" he nodded and I stood from the couch, beginning from the room so that I could get Ayla settled in her nursery. "I love you, Peanut" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, smiling down at her as she settled herself back to sleep.


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