Thirty Eight

585 31 10

There are gonna be quite a few updates today 😜


I lowered myself down onto the bed as Dr Anderson pulled the ultrasound machine towards us.

"So, are we finding out the gender today?" I hadn't really thought about that.

"Erm..." I glanced briefly to Kobe who took my hand in his.

"I'll give you a minute to think about it, alright?" I nodded, sending her a thankful smile before I lifted my shirt. "I'm just going to measure your belly, okay?" I nodded.

"The-The father of the baby, he-he doesn't believe that the baby's his" Dr Anderson nodded, sending me a small smile. "Is there any chance we-we could do a paternity test before they're born?"

"Of course. All we'll need is a blood sample from you and then a cheek swab from the potential father."

"It-It wouldn't harm the baby in any way?"

"No, Sweetheart. It's completely non-invasive" I nodded, glancing to Kobe who gave my hand a squeeze.

"Could we do it today?"

"I can get the blood sample from you, that isn't a problem, and you can give me the fathers details and we can get the swab sorted out" I nodded, releasing a breath as Kobe pressed a kiss to the back of my hand and gave it another squeeze.


"Right, are we ready to check up on baby?" I nodded, my mouth tugging into a wide smile. Dr Anderson squirted some gel onto my tummy and began to move around the wand until baby popped up on the screen.

"And there they are" my heart swelled. "They're measuring perfect, Demi" I glanced to Kobe, to see a look of wonder on his face. "Now, about the gender because I can see it perfectly?"

"Yeah, I want to know."

"You sure?" I nodded. I tightened my grip around Kobe's hand as he pressed another kiss to the back of it, my heart pounding in anticipation. "You're having another little girl, Demi" tears rapidly welled up in my eyes, slowly beginning to roll down my cheeks.


"Yep. If you look here, you can sort of see" through my tears I followed her finger. "Baby is definitely a girl."

"Those better be happy tears, Dems?"

"They're definitely happy tears" I glanced up at Kobe who was smiling down at me and in that moment I knew, I want us to be more than just friends.


Me: I'm going to do the paternity test! I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for our baby. The hospital will be in touch.

"You sent the text?" I nodded, my eyes flicking back to the ultrasound printout of my baby girl.

"I can't believe I'm having another girl."

"She's going to be one spoilt little princess."

"Just like Ayla" I lightly chuckled causing Kobe to smile. His hand slid into mine and I smiled as I tangled our fingers together. The rest of the drive back was silent, other than the radio which was playing quietly through the car. Kobe kept humming along to the radio and the sound made my smile widen. It took around 20 minutes to get home and he pulled into the driveway, removing his hand from mine as he brought the car to a stop. Before I had chance to climb from the car, my phone pinged.

Max: Cool!

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone into my pocket as I climbed out, smiling over at Kobe who helped me out. He settled his hand onto my lower back and guided me into the house.

"Mama" I smiled down at Ayla who toddled straight to me.

"Hi Peanut" she giggled as I lifted her up and onto my hip.

"Bebe, hi" she gave him a wave over my shoulder.

"Hi Ayla" she nuzzled her face into my neck. I then focused on mom who pushed herself up from the floor. The floor was covered in toys, Ayla's baby doll lying in its plastic crib. I thought, to help get Ayla used to having a baby around, I'd buy her a little toy doll. She loves it. She's always carrying it around with her and singing to it in her own little language. I have no doubt about her ability to be a big sister.

"Hi Baby. How was the appointment?" I lowered Ayla down to the floor and she toddled straight to Kobe.

"Good. You want to know baby's gender?"

"You found out?" I nodded, my hand settling on my bump as I handed her the ultrasound printout. "Another girl?"

"Yep. I'm going to have two little princesses."

"Oh, Baby. I'm so happy for you" she wrapped me up in a hug.

"I-I've also decided to do the paternity test."


"I want my baby to have their daddy around. I don't want them to feel left out because Ayla still sees him" she cupped my face in her hands and pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"That's your choice, Baby, and I think it's the right one."

"Thanks. You want to stay for dinner, we were going to order out?" mom gave me a light smile.

"I would love to, Baby, but your dad's cooking for us. We're having a date night."

"I don't need to know anymore, Mom" she lightly chuckled.

"Not like that" I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Alright, Baby. I'll see you later, okay? Let me know if you need anything."

"I will do" mom said her farewells and I waved her out the driveway. I headed back into the living room and lowered myself down onto the couch beside Kobe who was holding Ayla's baby doll. "What are you holding the baby for?" I lightly chuckled.

"Ayla asked me to hold it, well, she kind of threw it at me" I rolled my eyes and glanced to Ayla who was focused on a different toy.

"You don't need to keep holding it, you know?"

"I know" an air of seriousness fell around us.

"I don't..." I stopped myself, trying to think of how to word what I was about to say. "I want-I don't want..." I released a breath and shook my head, glancing down at my hands.


"I don't want us to be just friends anymore" his lips ever so slightly tugged at the corners.

"Are you asking me out?" I rolled my eyes and groaned as he chuckled. "Okay, just as long as you're sure."

"I'm sure."

"Let me know if you want us to slow anything down, okay? I don't want to rush you into anything" I smiled at his concern. I ran my hand along his cheek and brought my lips to meet his, smiling at the fireworks and tingles that erupted through my body.


Now we know baby is a girl 💗
Anyone have any name suggestions??🤰🏻😍

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