Twenty Four

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Max: Can I see my daughter?

I released a sigh, glancing up at the front door that Max had not long just walked out of. I quickly wiped at my cheeks and pushed myself up from the step of the stairs, beginning towards the front door which I pulled open to reveal Max.

"She's not here, obviously. But I'll get my mom to bring her home" he nodded, staring down at the floor. "You can come in, but it doesn't mean that's an invitation to talk to me. I don't want to hear a word come out of your mouth" I stepped out of the way so Max could step into the house.

"I-I really am..."

"I said that I don't want to hear it" he huffed and rolled his eyes. "You can wait in the living room. I'm going to ring my mom" I turned my back on him and headed into the kitchen while dialling my mom's number, pressing the phone against my ear.

"Hi Baby. How was the gym?"

"It wasn't too bad. It helped me to release some of my anger that is for sure" I grabbed myself a glass from the cupboard.

"You plan on going back then?" my thoughts suddenly flew to the guy that asked for me to come back.

"Yeah, I plan on going back. I forgot how much I missed just beating up a punch bag" my mom lightly chuckled. "Anyway, erm..." I turned myself around and leant back against the counter. "Max is here, and he wants to see Ayla."

"I can get her home, that isn't a problem."


"I'll talk to you when I get over there, okay? He can be occupied with Ayla and we can talk" I nodded, glancing down briefly.

"Okay. I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Honey. I'll see you soon" I hung up the phone. I turned back to the counter and grabbed the glass which I filled up with water. I took a sip, turning back around and I jumped as I almost crashed straight into a chest.

"I said to wait in the living room" he just rolled his eyes.

"I don't want to wait in the living room. I want to talk."

"Did you not listen to my whole ass speech about you not saying a word? I don't want to hear it, Max, because you are so full of shit."

"I-I want to make this right" he pointed between us.

"Make it right?" my eyebrows furrowed. "You've just told me that you don't love me anymore. How are you going to make that right?" he briefly glanced down before his eyes locked with mine and I grew slightly confused at the tears in his eyes.

"I don't want you to hate me, Demi."

"Tough shit" I pushed passed him but was pulled back by his hand wrapping tightly around my wrist. "Ow, Max."

"We need to learn to be civil for Ayla, we need to..."

"We can be civil for Ayla and I can still hate you, now, will you please let go of my wrist because it hurts" he dropped my wrist and I sighed as I lightly rubbed it. "My mom's bringing her home by the way, and I wouldn't say anything because my mom isn't really happy with you. So, just keep your mouth shut and stay in the living room where I told you to wait anyway" I began from the kitchen knowing that I needed to change. I headed upstairs, knowing I had plenty of time to slip into a fresh pair of leggings and an oversized shirt. I half expected Max to follow so I locked the bedroom door. The doorbell rang as I made it to the bottom step of the stairs and I headed straight to the door, smiling widely as Ayla almost threw herself at me, thankfully I caught her in time. "Baby, you need to stop throwing yourself at people" she cuddled herself into me and giggled like I just said something really funny. "Hi Babies" I glanced down at Batman and Ella who were dancing around my feet. "Were you a good girl for nana then, Peanut?" I ran my fingers through her hair.

"She's always a good girl for nana, aren't you, Ayla?" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Where is he?"

"Living room. You want to come in?" mom nodded so I moved out of the way so she could step into the house.

"I'm not talking to him though."

"I don't expect you too. I don't really want to talk to him but I don't have much of a choice" I adjusted Ayla on my hip. "I'll meet you in the kitchen" I headed into the living room where Max was fussing Batman and Ella.

"Da" he turned and a wide smile spread across his face. For a brief second, I had to remind myself that I hated him.

"Who is it, Peanut?" I gently handed her over to Max, my heart breaking as she cuddled herself into him. Why did he have to ruin everything?

"Hi Baby Girl" he gently whispered to her and once I knew that she was safe, I headed into the kitchen.

"You want a drink or anything?" mom turned to me with a shake of her head, her hands clasped together on the counter. I grabbed my water and took a sip, leaning back against the counter as I waited for mom to speak.

"So, what did he have to say for himself?"

"He did it because he doesn't love me anymore."

"Why?" I shrugged.

"I don't know" it fell silent around us until Max stepped into the kitchen with a whining Ayla settled against his hip. "Hi Peanut" I took her from Max and cradled her against my hip.

"I think she's tired" I nodded, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as I gently rocked her.

"Shall we try and get you down for a nap, Baby?"

"I-I'm going to go" I nodded, keeping my eyes off Max.

"Okay, just give me a message if you want to see her. You can come and collect your stuff tomorrow; I'll be out all day anyway."

"Okay" he took a step towards me and leant down to press a kiss to Ayla's cheek. "I love you, Peanut."


"Bye, Baby Girl" she lifted her hand and waved, copying Max. "Hi Dianna" she just ignored him. "I'll message you."

"When you finish up tomorrow, leave your key because I don't need you popping up whenever you feel like it. I don't need another surprise like I had today" he silently nodded, taking one last glance at my mom before he left.

"I'll leave you to get her down for a nap" mom pushed herself up from the stool and leant to press a kiss to my cheek. "I'll see you soon, okay? Message me if you need me."

"I will. Love you, Mom."

"Love you too. I'll see you soon, Peanut" Ayla waved at mom as I let her out, Ayla giggling as mom dramatically waved back.

"Let's get you down for a nap then, Peanut."


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