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Max has been gone for over a week now. It's difficult not having him at home, and Ayla misses him like crazy. A loud cry made me jump awake and I glanced over to Ayla who was sat on the floor in her little play pen, surrounded by her toys.

"What's up, Peanut?"

"Da" she grabbed one of her toys and held it out towards me.

"You want me to play?" she just kept staring at me, holding the toy out for me to take. As I went to stand, my phone began to ring. "I wonder who that is, Baby Girl?" I reached over to grab my phone, the caller ID alone making me smile. "It's daddy, Gorgeous" Ayla squealed, dropping her toy to the floor. "Hi, Handsome" I held the phone up as I answered the FaceTime request, smiling widely as he popped up on my screen.

"Hi Baby" I glanced down at Ayla who was gently whining.

"I think someone wants to see their daddy" I lifted Ayla from her playpen and cradled her against my hip, adjusting the phone so that she could see Max and he could see her.

"Hi Peanut."

"You going to say hi daddy?" I pressed a kiss to her forehead.


"Hi Angel. You being a good girl for mommy?" she dropped her head onto my shoulder and just stared at the phone.

"She's always a good girl, aren't you, Little Miss?" she giggled as I gently bounced her on my hip. "How's work?"

"It's fine" my eyebrows furrowed.

"Just fine?"

"Just fine. I miss my girls like crazy" my heart fluttered.

"We miss you too but you'll be home before we know it" he nodded, a small smile on his face.

"I-I don't know how often I'll be able to travel home, if I'm even able too" I nodded but I wasn't sure I understood why. "It's literally so crazy down here. I've never had an opportunity like it" I nodded, trying to keep the smile plastered across my face because why does he get to work and I have to stay home with Ayla? I love Ayla more than anything but other than releasing the album at the end of last year, and doing a radio tour around the US, I haven't done anything else.

"I'm happy for you."

"Thanks Baby" I glanced down at Ayla who was playing with the necklace around my neck.

"Anyway, I should probably get going. I need to get some food into little miss" my eyes danced to the clock, 13:27.

"Okay. I miss you."

"I love you" he smiled at me.

"Love you too. And I love you the most, my little Peanut" Ayla lightly giggled.


"Bye" the call cut off and I sighed as I adjusted Ayla on my hip.

"Let's get you some lunch, Baby Girl" I carried her into the kitchen and lowered her into her highchair so that I could get her fed.


"What makes you think he's acting strange?" I shrugged my shoulders as I glanced to Matthew who sat on the couch beside me, sipping on a mug of coffee.

"I don't...It's like he doesn't...I don't know, it's hard to explain."

"I'm sure it's nothing, Dems."

"I don't know."

"Demi, has Ayla crawled before?" my eyebrows furrowed as I glanced to Matthew who was staring off at Ayla. I glanced to her to find that she was crawling across the floor.

"Holy shit. Where's my phone?" Matthew lightly chuckled as he pointed to the coffee table. I leant to grab it and switched it onto my camera, pointing it at Ayla so I could record the entire thing.

"I'm going to take that reaction as a no" I lightly rolled my eyes which were welling up with tears of pride.

"My baby's crawling" I covered my mouth to stifle my sob. "Come to mommy, Ayla" her head turned at the mention of her name causing her to flop onto her side. "Oh, Peanut" she released a cry but readjusted herself so she was back on her hands and knees. "Come to mommy, Beautiful" I handed the phone to Matthew and slid off the couch so I was sat cross legged on the floor. "Come on, Baby Girl" Ayla lightly giggled as she gently crawled towards me. Tears of pride were still pouring down my cheeks. "Oh, Baby. I'm so proud of you" I took Ayla into my arms as she reached me, kissing all over her face causing her to squeal.

"Good job, Peanut" she giggled as she glanced to Matthew.

"Shall we send that video to daddy?" I took my phone from Matthew and smiled at Ayla who settled herself on my lap.

"Don't you think that's torture?"

"He knows he's going to miss stuff" I shrugged, tapping onto my messages with Max and sending him the video.

Me: Look who's on the move 🥺😩😍

"If he wanted to be here for everything, he wouldn't be working" I glanced to Matthew who watched me with his eyebrows furrowed. "What?" he shook his head and slid off the couch to sit beside me.

"You really are worried that somethings going on, aren't you?"

"I-I just have this funny feeling in my stomach that I can't explain" Matthew leant to kiss my temple. I adjusted Ayla so she was sat facing me, playing with the rings on my fingers. I brought my legs up so that she could lean back against them if she needed too.

"I love you, my little Peanut" Ayla squealed as I lifted her hands up to press a kiss too. I huffed out as she flopped against me, her arms locking around my neck. I pressed a kiss to her temple, beginning to run my fingers through her hair, lightly scratching at her scalp as she slowly dropped to sleep against me.


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